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public static function Simplesitemap::get_sitemap_form_entity_data in Simple XML sitemap 8

Gets the entity_type_id and bundle_name of the form object if available and only if the sitemap supports this entity type through an existing plugin.


object $form_state:

string $form_id:

Return value

array containing the entity_type_id and the bundle_name of the form object or FALSE if none found or not supported by an existing plugin.

1 call to Simplesitemap::get_sitemap_form_entity_data()
simplesitemap_form_alter in ./simplesitemap.module
Implements hook_form_alter.


src/Simplesitemap.php, line 39
Contains \Drupal\simplesitemap\Simplesitemap.


Simplesitemap class.




public static function get_sitemap_form_entity_data($form_state, $form_id) {

  // Get all simplesitemap plugins.
  $manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.simplesitemap');
  $plugins = $manager

  // Go through simplesitemap plugins and check if one of them declares usage
  // of this particular form. If that's the case, get entity type id of the
  // plugin definition and assume the bundle to be of the same name as the
  // entity type id.
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    if (isset($plugin['form_id']) && $plugin['form_id'] === $form_id) {
      return array(
        'entity_type_id' => $plugin['id'],
        'bundle_name' => $plugin['id'],

  // Else get entity type id and bundle name from the form if available and only
  // if a simplesitemap plugin of the same entity type exists.
  $form_entity = self::get_form_entity($form_state);
  if ($form_entity !== FALSE) {
    $form_entity_type_id = $form_entity
    if (isset($plugins[$form_entity_type_id])) {
      if (!isset($plugins[$form_entity_type_id]['form_id']) || $plugins[$form_entity_type_id]['form_id'] === $form_id) {
        return array(
          'entity_type_id' => $form_entity_type_id,
          'bundle_name' => $form_entity

  // If both methods of getting simplesitemap entity data for this form
  // failed, return FALSE.
  return FALSE;