simplesitemap.install in Simple XML sitemap 8
Module install and update procedures.
simplesitemap.installView source
* @file
* Module install and update procedures.
* Implements hook_requirements().
function simplesitemap_requirements($phase) {
$requirements = array();
if (!extension_loaded('xmlwriter')) {
$requirements['simplesitemap_php_extensions'] = array(
'title' => t('Simple XML sitemap PHP extensions'),
'value' => t('Missing PHP xmlwriter extension'),
'description' => t("In order to be able to generate sitemaps, the Simple XML sitemap module requires the <em>xmlwriter</em> PHP extension to be enabled."),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
switch ($phase) {
case 'runtime':
$sitemap = new \Drupal\simplesitemap\Simplesitemap();
$generated_ago = $sitemap
if (!$generated_ago) {
$value = t('Not available');
$description = t("The sitemap has not been generated yet. Run cron, or <a href='@generate'>generate</a> the sitemap manually.", array(
'@generate' => $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/admin/config/search/simplesitemap',
else {
$value = t('XML sitemap is available');
$description = t("The <a href='@sitemap'>XML sitemap</a> was generated @ago ago. <a href='@generate'>Regenerate</a>.", array(
'@ago' => $generated_ago,
'@sitemap' => $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/sitemap.xml',
'@generate' => $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/admin/config/search/simplesitemap',
$requirements['simplesitemap_generated'] = array(
'title' => 'Simple XML sitemap',
'value' => $value,
'description' => $description,
'severity' => $severity,
return $requirements;
* Implements hook_schema().
function simplesitemap_schema() {
$schema['simplesitemap'] = array(
'description' => 'Holds XML sitemaps as strings for quick retrieval.',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
'description' => 'Sitemap chunk unique identifier.',
'type' => 'int',
'size' => 'small',
'not null' => TRUE,
'sitemap_string' => array(
'description' => 'XML sitemap chunk string.',
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 'big',
'not null' => TRUE,
'sitemap_created' => array(
'description' => 'Timestamp of sitemap chunk generation.',
'type' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
'not null' => TRUE,
'primary key' => array(
return $schema;
* Implements hook_install().
function simplesitemap_install() {
$base_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'];
drupal_set_message(t("You can now include content into the <a href='@sitemap_url' target='_blank'>XML sitemap</a> by visiting the corresponding entity type edit pages (e.g. <a href='@content_type_url' target='_blank'>content type</a>, <a href='@taxonomy_vocabulary_url' target='_blank'>taxonomy vocabulary</a>, <a href='@menu_url' target='_blank'>menu</a> and <a href='@user_url' target='_blank'>user</a> pages.)<br/>Custom links can be added on <a href='@config_url' target='_blank'>this configuration page</a>.", array(
'@sitemap_url' => "{$base_url}/sitemap.xml",
'@content_type_url' => "{$base_url}/admin/structure/types",
'@taxonomy_vocabulary_url' => "{$base_url}/admin/structure/taxonomy",
'@menu_url' => "{$base_url}/admin/structure/menu",
'@user_url' => "{$base_url}/admin/config/people/accounts",
'@config_url' => "{$base_url}/admin/config/search/simplesitemap/custom",
* Update: Altering the {simplesitemap} language_code table field to hold longer strings.
function simplesitemap_update_8101() {
db_change_field('simplesitemap', 'language_code', 'language_code', array(
'type' => 'varchar',
'not null' => TRUE,
'length' => 12,
* Changing config settings according to new config structure.
function simplesitemap_update_8102() {
$entity_types = \Drupal::config('simplesitemap.settings')
$entity_types = is_array($entity_types) ? $entity_types : array();
if (isset($entity_types['node'])) {
$entity_types['node_type'] = $entity_types['node'];
if (isset($entity_types['taxonomy_term'])) {
$entity_types['taxonomy_vocabulary'] = $entity_types['taxonomy_term'];
->set('entity_types', $entity_types)
* Modifying database structure to hold one multilingual sitemap.
function simplesitemap_update_8103() {
db_change_field('simplesitemap', 'language_code', 'id', array(
'type' => 'serial',
'not null' => TRUE,
), array(
'primary key' => array(
return t('Before the sitemap can be accessed, it must be regenerated manually or via cron run.');
* Modifying database structure to accommodate sitemap chunks.
function simplesitemap_update_8104() {
db_change_field('simplesitemap', 'id', 'id', array(
'type' => 'int',
'size' => 'small',
'not null' => TRUE,
->set('settings', array(
'max_links' => 2000,
return t('Before the sitemap can be accessed, it must be regenerated manually or via cron run.');
* Modifying database structure to accommodate sitemap chunk timestamps.
function simplesitemap_update_8105() {
db_add_field('simplesitemap', 'generated', array(
'description' => 'Timestamp of sitemap chunk generation.',
'type' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
'not null' => TRUE,
* Changing column name to 'sitemap_created', as 'generated' is a reserved word since MySQL 5.7.6.
function simplesitemap_update_8106() {
// Omitting the high level DB API to be able to escape the column name.
->query("alter table {simplesitemap} CHANGE `generated` sitemap_created int(11) NOT NULL");
* Setting the new cron generation setting to TRUE by default.
function simplesitemap_update_8107() {
->set('settings', array(
'cron_generate' => TRUE,
Name![]() |
Description |
simplesitemap_install | Implements hook_install(). |
simplesitemap_requirements | Implements hook_requirements(). |
simplesitemap_schema | Implements hook_schema(). |
simplesitemap_update_8101 | Update: Altering the {simplesitemap} language_code table field to hold longer strings. |
simplesitemap_update_8102 | Changing config settings according to new config structure. |
simplesitemap_update_8103 | Modifying database structure to hold one multilingual sitemap. |
simplesitemap_update_8104 | Modifying database structure to accommodate sitemap chunks. |
simplesitemap_update_8105 | Modifying database structure to accommodate sitemap chunk timestamps. |
simplesitemap_update_8106 | Changing column name to 'sitemap_created', as 'generated' is a reserved word since MySQL 5.7.6. |
simplesitemap_update_8107 | Setting the new cron generation setting to TRUE by default. |