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simple_sitemap.schema.yml in Simple XML sitemap 8.3



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  1. simple_sitemap.settings:
  2. type: config_object
  3. mapping:
  4. max_links:
  5. label: 'Max links'
  6. type: integer
  7. cron_generate:
  8. label: 'Cron generation'
  9. type: boolean
  10. cron_generate_interval:
  11. label: 'Cron generation interval'
  12. type: integer
  13. generate_duration:
  14. label: 'Generation duration'
  15. type: integer
  16. remove_duplicates:
  17. label: 'Remove duplicates'
  18. type: boolean
  19. skip_untranslated:
  20. label: 'Skip untranslated'
  21. type: boolean
  22. disable_language_hreflang:
  23. label: 'Disable language hreflang'
  24. type: boolean
  25. xsl:
  26. label: 'Include a stylesheet in the sitemaps for humans'
  27. type: boolean
  28. base_url:
  29. label: 'Base URL'
  30. type: string
  31. default_variant:
  32. label: 'Default variant'
  33. type: string
  34. custom_links_include_images:
  35. label: 'Include images of custom links'
  36. type: boolean
  37. excluded_languages:
  38. label: 'Excluded languages'
  39. type: sequence
  40. sequence:
  41. type: string
  42. enabled_entity_types:
  43. label: 'Enabled entity types'
  44. type: sequence
  45. sequence:
  46. type: string
  47. entities_per_queue_item:
  48. label: 'Entities per queue item'
  49. type: integer
  50. simple_sitemap.bundle_settings.*.*.*:
  51. label: 'Entity bundle settings'
  52. type: config_object
  53. mapping:
  54. index:
  55. label: 'Index'
  56. type: boolean
  57. priority:
  58. label: 'Priority'
  59. type: string
  60. changefreq:
  61. label: 'Change frequency'
  62. type: string
  63. include_images:
  64. label: 'Include images'
  65. type: boolean
  66. simple_sitemap.custom_links.*:
  67. label: 'Custom links'
  68. type: config_object
  69. mapping:
  70. links:
  71. label: 'Custom links'
  72. type: sequence
  73. sequence:
  74. type: mapping
  75. mapping:
  76. path:
  77. label: 'Path'
  78. type: string
  79. priority:
  80. label: 'Priority'
  81. type: string
  82. changefreq:
  83. label: 'Change frequency'
  84. type: string
  85. simple_sitemap.variants.*:
  86. label: 'Sitemap variants'
  87. type: config_object
  88. mapping:
  89. variants:
  90. label: 'Sitemap variants'
  91. type: sequence
  92. sequence:
  93. type: mapping
  94. mapping:
  95. label:
  96. label: 'Variant label'
  97. type: string
  98. weight:
  99. label: 'Weight'
  100. type: integer