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SimpleRecaptchaWebformJavascriptTest.php in Simple Google reCAPTCHA 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\simple_recaptcha_webform\FunctionalJavascript;

 * JavaScripts tests for the Simple reCAPTCHA webform module.
 * @group simple_recaptcha_webform
class SimpleRecaptchaWebformJavascriptTest extends SimpleRecaptchaWebformJavascriptTestBase {

   * Check if reCAPTCHA validation is added to contact webform.
  public function testContactWebform() {
    $assert = $this
      ->hiddenFieldValueEquals('simple_recaptcha_type', 'v2');

    // Fill in required fields
      ->setValue('test name');

    // Give it a while as reCAPTCHA throbber likes to spin for a while..
      ->pageTextContains('Your message has been sent.');

   * Verify that libraries are loaded correctly for different reCAPTCHA versions.
  public function testRecaptchaLibraries() {

    // Configure v3 reCAPTCHA and visit some pages so they get cached.

    // reCAPTCHA badge should be present.
      ->elementExists('css', '.grecaptcha-badge');

    // reCAPTCHA badge shouldn't be there as it only appears for v3 reCAPTCHA.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.grecaptcha-badge');

    // Switch reCAPTCHA to v2.

    // reCAPTCHA badge shouldn't be there as it only appears for v3 reCAPTCHA.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.grecaptcha-badge');

    // reCAPTCHA badge shouldn't be there as it only appears for v3 reCAPTCHA.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.grecaptcha-badge');

   * Assigns a name to the reCAPTCHA iframe.
   * @see \Drupal\Tests\media\FunctionalJavascript\CKEditorIntegrationTest::assignNameToCkeditorIframe
   * assignNameToCkeditorIframe
   * @TODO duplicate - move this logic to some sort of Trait.
  protected function assignNameToCaptchaIframe() {
    $javascript = <<<JS
  var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
    for(var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++){
        var f = iframes[i]; = 'recaptcha-iframe';



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SimpleRecaptchaWebformJavascriptTest JavaScripts tests for the Simple reCAPTCHA webform module.