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function SimpleLdapUserMap::parseDrupalAttribute in Simple LDAP 7

Helper function to parse a drupal field name, as mapped to in the variable called simple_ldap_user_attribute_map.


string $drupal_attribute: The string name of the field.

Return value

array An array containing a boolean value to signify whether the field is a Field API field, and the actual field name that was matched.

3 calls to SimpleLdapUserMap::parseDrupalAttribute()
SimpleLdapUserMap::disableMappedFormFields in simple_ldap_user/SimpleLdapUserMap.class.php
Disable mapped Drupal fields in a form. Used in user profile forms when the server is readonly.
SimpleLdapUserMap::mapFromDrupalToLdap in simple_ldap_user/SimpleLdapUserMap.class.php
Map from Drupal to LDAP.
SimpleLdapUserMap::mapFromLdapToDrupal in simple_ldap_user/SimpleLdapUserMap.class.php
Map from LDAP to Drupal.


simple_ldap_user/SimpleLdapUserMap.class.php, line 279
Class defining the LDAP <-> Drupal user field mappings.


@file Class defining the LDAP <-> Drupal user field mappings.


function parseDrupalAttribute($drupal_attribute) {

  // Use a regex to capture the name only, not the leading hash or any
  // trailing field columns inside of brackets.
  preg_match('/^(#?)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/', $drupal_attribute, $matches);

  // Parse the matches we want to some variables.
  list(, $is_field, $field_name) = $matches;

  // If field name is empty, the match failed.
  if (empty($field_name)) {
    return FALSE;
  return array(
    (bool) $is_field,