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simple-gmap-output.html.twig in Simple Google Maps 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 3.0.x templates/simple-gmap-output.html.twig

Displays the Simple Google Maps formatter.

Available variables:

  • include_map: TRUE if an embedded map should be displayed.
  • include_static_map: TRUE if an embedded static map should be displayed.
  • width: Width of map.
  • height: Height of map.
  • static_scale: For use with retinal displays. Can double the width and height of static map ( possible values 1 or 2 )
  • include_link: TRUE if a link to a map should be displayed.
  • link_text: Text of link to display.
  • url_suffix: Suffix of URLs to send to Google Maps for embedded and linked maps. Contains the URL-encoded address.
  • zoom: Zoom level for embedded and linked maps.
  • address_text: Address text to display (empty if it should not be displayed).
  • map_type: Type of map to use (Google code, such as 'm' or 't').
  • langcode: Two-letter language code to use.
  • static_map_type: Type of map to use for static map (Google code, such as 'roadmap' or 'satellite')
  • apikey: Google Maps API key (used for static maps only).
  • title: A title attribute for the iframe


View source
  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Displays the Simple Google Maps formatter.
  5. *
  6. * Available variables:
  7. * - include_map: TRUE if an embedded map should be displayed.
  8. * - include_static_map: TRUE if an embedded static map should be displayed.
  9. * - width: Width of map.
  10. * - height: Height of map.
  11. * - static_scale: For use with retinal displays. Can double the width and
  12. * height of static map ( possible values 1 or 2 )
  13. * - include_link: TRUE if a link to a map should be displayed.
  14. * - link_text: Text of link to display.
  15. * - url_suffix: Suffix of URLs to send to Google Maps for embedded and linked
  16. * maps. Contains the URL-encoded address.
  17. * - zoom: Zoom level for embedded and linked maps.
  18. * - address_text: Address text to display (empty if it should not be
  19. * displayed).
  20. * - map_type: Type of map to use (Google code, such as 'm' or 't').
  21. * - langcode: Two-letter language code to use.
  22. * - static_map_type: Type of map to use for static map (Google code, such as
  23. * 'roadmap' or 'satellite')
  24. * - apikey: Google Maps API key (used for static maps only).
  25. * - title: A title attribute for the iframe
  26. *
  27. * @ingroup themeable
  28. */
  29. #}
  30. {% if include_map %}
  31. <iframe width="{{ width }}" height="{{ height }}" title="{{ iframe_title }}" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="{{ langcode }}&amp;q={{ url_suffix }}&amp;t={{ map_type }}&amp;z={{ zoom }}&amp;output=embed"></iframe>
  32. {% endif %}
  33. {% if include_static_map %}
  34. <div class="simple-gmap-static-map">
  35. <img src="{{ width }}x{{ height }}&amp;scale={{ static_scale }}&amp;zoom={{ zoom }}&amp;language={{ langcode }}&amp;maptype={{ static_map_type }}&amp;markers=color:red|{{ url_suffix }}&amp;sensor=false&amp;key={{ apikey }}" />
  36. </div>
  37. {% endif %}
  38. {% if include_link %}
  39. <p class="simple-gmap-link"><a href="{{ url_suffix }}&amp;hl={{ langcode }}&amp;t={{ map_type }}&amp;z={{ zoom }}" target="_blank">{{ link_text }}</a></p>
  40. {% endif %}
  41. {% if address_text is not empty %}
  42. <p class="simple-gmap-address">{{ address_text }}</p>
  43. {% endif %}