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simple-gmap-output.tpl.php in Simple Google Maps 7


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 * @file
 * Displays the Simple Google Maps formatter.
 * Available variables:
 * - $include_map: TRUE if an embedded dynamic map should be displayed.
 * - $include_static_map: TRUE if an embedded static map should be displayed.
 * - $width: Width of embedded map.
 * - $height: Height of embedded map.
 * - $include_link: TRUE if a link to a map should be displayed.
 * - $link_text: Text of link to display.
 * - $url_suffix: Suffix of URLs to send to Google Maps for embedded and linked
 *   maps. Contains the URL-encoded address.
 * - $zoom: Zoom level for embedded and linked maps.
 * - $address_text: Address text to display (empty if it should not be
 *   displayed).
 * - $map_type: Type of map to use (Google code, such as 'm' or 't').
 * - $langcode: Two-letter language code to use.
 * - $static_map_type: Type of map to use for static map (Google code, such as
 *  'roadmap' or 'satellite').
 * - $apikey: Google Maps API key (used for static maps only).
 * @ingroup themeable
if ($include_map) {
  $new_map_type = 0;
  if ($map_type == 'k') {
    $new_map_type = 1;
<iframe width="<?php

  print $width;
  ?>" height="<?php

  print $height;
  ?>" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";pb=!1m4!2m1!1s<?php

  print $url_suffix;

  print $new_map_type;

  print $zoom;

  print $langcode;

if ($include_static_map) {
  $static_w = (int) $width;
  $static_h = (int) $height;
  $static_s = (int) $static_scale;
<div class="simple-gmap-static-map">
  <img src="<?php

  print $static_w;

  print $static_h;

  print $static_s;

  print $zoom;

  print $langcode;

  print $static_map_type;

  print $url_suffix;

  print $apikey;
  ?>" />

if ($include_link) {
<p class="simple-gmap-link"><a href="<?php

  print $url_suffix;

  print $langcode;

  print $zoom;

  print $map_type;
  ?>" target="_blank"><?php

  print $link_text;

if (!empty($address_text)) {
<p class="simple-gmap-address"><?php

  print $address_text;
