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SimpleFbConnectPostLoginManagerTest.php in Simple FB Connect 8.3

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  1. 8.2 tests/src/Unit/SimpleFbConnectPostLoginManagerTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\simple_fb_connect\Unit;

use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\simple_fb_connect\SimpleFbConnectPostLoginManager;

 * @coversDefaultClass Drupal\simple_fb_connect\SimpleFbConnectPostLoginManager
 * @group simple_fb_connect
class SimpleFbConnectPostLoginManagerTest extends UnitTestCase {
  protected $configFactory;
  protected $requestContext;
  protected $pathValidator;
  protected $persistentDataHandler;
  protected $postLoginManager;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->configFactory = $this
      'simple_fb_connect.settings' => [
        'post_login_path' => '<front>',
    $this->requestContext = $this
    $this->pathValidator = $this
    $this->persistentDataHandler = $this
    $this->postLoginManager = new SimpleFbConnectPostLoginManager($this->configFactory, $this->requestContext, $this->pathValidator, $this->persistentDataHandler);

   * Tests getPostLoginPathFromRequest when value is set.
   * @covers ::getPostLoginPathFromRequest
   * @dataProvider getPostLoginPathFromRequestDataProvider
  public function testGetPostLoginPathFromRequest($input, $expected) {
      ->assertSame($expected, $this->postLoginManager

   * Data provider for testPostLoginPathFromRequestWithValue().
   * @return array
   *   Nested arrays of values to check
   * @see ::testGetPostLoginPathFromRequest()
  public function getPostLoginPathFromRequestDataProvider() {
    return [

   * Tests getPostLoginPath method with valid query parameter.
   * @covers ::getPostLoginPath
   * @covers ::validateInternalPath
  public function testGetPostLoginPathWithValidQueryParameter() {
    $query_path = 'node/1';
    $query_url = $this
      ->generateStubUrl(FALSE, $query_path);
      ->assertEquals($query_path, $this->postLoginManager

   * Tests getPostLoginPath method with invalid query parameter.
   * In this situation we are expected to use the path found in module settings.
   * @covers ::getPostLoginPath
   * @covers ::validateInternalPath
  public function testGetPostLoginPathWithInvalidQueryParameter() {

    // 1. Path from query parameter.
    $query_path = '';
    $query_url = FALSE;

    // 2. Path from module settings.
    $module_path = $this->configFactory
    $module_url = $this
      ->generateStubUrl(FALSE, $module_path);
      ->onConsecutiveCalls($query_url, $module_url));
      ->assertEquals($module_path, $this->postLoginManager

   * Tests getPostLoginPath method with fallback to 'user'.
   * @covers ::getPostLoginPath
   * @covers ::validateInternalPath
  public function testPostLoginPathWithInvalidModulePath() {

    // 1. Path from query parameter.
    $query_path = '';
    $query_url = $this
      ->generateStubUrl(TRUE, $query_path);

    // 2. Module settings has invalid path so pathValidator will return FALSE
    // instead of an URL object.
    $module_url = FALSE;

    // 3. Fallback to 'user'.
    $fallback_path = 'user';
    $fallback_url = $this
      ->generateStubUrl(FALSE, $fallback_path);
      ->onConsecutiveCalls($query_url, $module_url, $fallback_url));
      ->assertEquals($fallback_path, $this->postLoginManager

   * Tests the getPathToUserForm() method.
   * @covers ::getPathToUserForm
  public function testGetPathToUserForm() {
    $user = $this
      ->assertEquals('user/1/edit', $this->postLoginManager

   * Helper function to generate stub Url objects.
   * @param bool $external
   *   Value to be returned from 'isExternal' method.
   * @param string $path
   *   Value to be returned from 'toString' method.
  protected function generateStubUrl($external, $path) {
    $url = $this
    return $url;

