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README.txt in Similar By Terms 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5 README.txt
  2. 6 README.txt
  3. 7 README.txt

This Drupal module provides context for content items
by displaying a Block of other similar content.
Similarity is based on the Taxonomy Terms assigned to content.
Blocks are available based on similarity within each of the defined Vocabularies
for a site as well as a Block for similarity within all vocabularies.


Configuration is accomplished per view:

- Create a View and add a contextual filter "Similar by terms: Nid".
- Add a "Similar by terms: Similarity" sort criteria.
- (Optional) Add the "Similar by terms: Similarity" field to output. The
similarity field can be configured to output the count of matching
terms or a percentage.
- Save the View and place the block on a specific content type.


View source
  2. ------------
  3. This Drupal module provides context for content items
  4. by displaying a Block of other similar content.
  5. Similarity is based on the Taxonomy Terms assigned to content.
  6. Blocks are available based on similarity within each of the defined Vocabularies
  7. for a site as well as a Block for similarity within all vocabularies.
  9. -------------
  10. Configuration is accomplished per view:
  11. - Create a View and add a contextual filter "Similar by terms: Nid".
  12. - Add a "Similar by terms: Similarity" sort criteria.
  13. - (Optional) Add the "Similar by terms: Similarity" field to output. The
  14. similarity field can be configured to output the count of matching
  15. terms or a percentage.
  16. - Save the View and place the block on a specific content type.