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CHANGELOG.txt in Signup 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 5 CHANGELOG.txt
  3. 6.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  4. 6 CHANGELOG.txt
Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0:
= #1128288 by jwilson3: Fixed Incorrect header array key in admin/content/signup.
= #1175902 by mcarbone: Fixed Reminder fields no longer appearing in 'Default
  signup information' form.
= #1190944 by jwilson3: Fixed Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$language in
= #1266026 by jwilson3: Fixed Strict warnings in Signup module.
= #1321474 by sgabe, James Andres: Fixed Signup summary 'Signups are Closed
  (limit reached)' message disappeared.
= #1224114 by dalin: Fixed Move signup from admin/content/signups to
= #1266764 by 30equals, mikestefff: Fixed php: Notice: Undefined variable: views in
= #1212396 by BTMash: Fixed Remove token dependency from
= #1297808 by plach: Fixed Reminder watchdog entry always inserted.
= #1212096 by BTMash: Fixed Use token replacements for broadcast.
= #1191324 by BTMash | magnusk: Fixed Use token tree UI to show replacement tokens.
= #1191128 by roborn | magnusk: Fixed Call to undefined function
= #1212392 by BTMash, sgabe: Fixed Anonymous username warning.
= #1358258 by dereine, arh1, benjf | kristiaanvandeneynde: Fixed Updating to
  Views 7.x-3.0-rc3 breaks Signup module.
= #1223938 by benjf, sgabe | mariagwyn: Fixed Showing custom signup_user_form()
  fields in views."
= #1426028 by sgabe: Fixed Edit signup link is not displaying.
= #1428652 by sgabe | dannymacom: Fixed Adding Views field 'Signup: Node: Signup link'
  gives error: Undefined Index.
= #1436906 by sgabe: Fixed Signup administration page is broken.
= #1457146 by sgabe | ivo_m: Fixed Get the proper date information on the
  events overview page.
= #1399178 by jordojuice, sgabe | chaloum: Fixed Ajax error when trying to use
  the sign up link in a view.
= #1513076 by sgabe | grendzy: Fixed phptemplate_HOOK is obsolete.
= #1670868 by crantok: Fixed content type token in confirmation email subject.
= #1452920 by BTMash, pezia | flightrisk: Fixed fatal error caused by undefined
  date_field_get_sql_handler function.
= #1216890 by scottrigby: Fixed 'Edit signup' button should not be displayed if
  there are no form elements to edit.

New features since 6.x-1.0:
= #1112496 by BTMash: Added Show signup in the display ui for a node type.

Other changes since 6.x-1.0:
= #1286454 by jordojuice | greggles: Remove old updates.

Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0:
= #856604 by dww: Removed duplicate entry in signup_theme().
= #1020590 by dww: Removed includes/ (missed during #582986).
= #1020758 by dww: Fixed missing table prefix for query (introduced in #856604)

6.x-1.0 (2011-01-09)
Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc6:
= #597808 by dww: Fixed bug that was causing signup limits to be ignored
  unless the signup_status module is enabled (broken in rc6 by #581652).
= #370397 by wesley_2mpact and ezra-g: All anonymous signups cancelled
  when any user is deleted.
= #676276 by keystr0k and ezra-g: Signup not closed when limit reached
= #605594 by markus_petrux and ezra-g: node_load() during signup's
  node_save() breaks node data cached by CCK
= #719188 by ezra-g: Admins should be able to sign up users regardless
  of their permissions
= #633636 by Magnus: Untranslatable strings in
= #550036 by iva2k: PHP warnings for node without date value
= #865108 by dooug: Minor typo - Views integration signup.theme ->
= #858592 by maker, greggles: Signup Administration Page Error with Postgres

Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc6:
= #582986 by dww and ezra-g: Made views a required dependency and
  ditched non-views code
= #658214 by Dave Reid: Added vertical tabs support.
= #856604 by ezra-g, jenlampton, jm.federico, coltrane: Made event
  signups visible on user registration form
= #226204 by dww: Exposed the numeric signup ID (unique site-wide) as a token.
= #656250 by Peter Bex, maverick14: Add SID field Views and Views
  token integration
= #594686 by dww: Split all default views into their own separate files.
= #592202 by dww: Added a pager and increased items per page on default views.
= #696010 by ezra-g: Alterable signup confirmation drupal_set_message()
= #856810 by ezra-g: Option to return array from theme_signup_user_form()
= #670944</a> by mlsamuelson: Provided a means to reset node_load()'s
  static node caching when calling signup_sign_up_user()
= #341920 by dww, Eirik_R and ezra-g: Removed work-arounds for DateAPI
  limitations now taht new official releases of DateAPI are out

6.x-1.0-rc6 (2009-09-23)
Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc5:
= #439294 by dww: Fixed bug where %user_signup_info was not being
  replaced with an empty string on sites that do not define any extra
  fields on the signup form.
= #539052 by dww: Fixed jQuery bug when users edited their signups that
  was causing most of the form elements to be enabled before pressing
  the 'Edit' button (all form elements should be disabled at first).
= #582626 by dww: Fixed bug in the visibility logic for the "Signup:
  Node: Signup link" views field handler which used to think that if
  signups were closed on a node that the node wasn't signup-enabled.
  This would cause the Signup link fields to only appear on nodes where
  signups were open.
= #578278 by neil.brown, dww: Fixed bug where the signup_confirm_email
  field was shown to administrators editing another user's signup.

API and schema changes since 6.x-1.0-rc5:
= #581734 by dww: Improved the Signup API by adding some much needed hooks:
  - hook_signup_data_alter() to modify a $signup object before it's saved
  - hook_signup_insert() invoked when a signup is inserted into the DB
  - hook_signup_update() invoked when a signup is updated in the DB
= #581652 by dww: Added a {signup_log}.count_towards_limit column and
  adjusted the limit logic to only operate on the effective total (the
  SUM() of {signup_log}.count_towards_limit) not the total # of signups.
  Both signup_total and signup_effective_total are loaded into $node.

Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc5:
= #578502 by dww: Moved signup-related settings from node/N/edit to a
  new "Settings" subtab at node/N/signups/settings.
= #578592 by dww: Cleaned up and fixed the "Signup summary" at the top
  of the node/N/signups/admin. The UI also makes sense now for signups
  that don't count towards the signup limit (#581652).
= #578344 by dww: Added a "Signup" group on the module administration
  page (admin/build/modules) for all the signup-related modules.

6.x-1.0-rc5 (2009-08-23)
Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc4:
= #533970 by dww: Fixed bug that caused the "signups" tab on nodes to
  generate an "Access denied" message unless the signup attendee list
  was configured to appear as a tab (introduced in RC4 via #529478).
= #534948 by dww: Fixed bugs where signup_confirm_email.module breaks
  signup_status.module due to the unorthodox way it was trying to
  hijack the signup form for the confirmation.  Now, confirmation is
  handled via a checkbox (which is only shown if needed via JavaScript)
  instead of trying to redirect to a separate confirmation form.
= #536094 by dww: Fixed a UI bug when editing existing signups. If
  there was a form validation error (e.g. a required field was left
  blank), the form now reloads already in "edit" mode with all the
  fields enabled and the submit button already converted to "Save."
= #544882 by dereine: Fixed a few places that called node_load() so that
  they can now make use of the node caching feature.

New features since 6.x-1.0-rc4:
= #549646 by dww: Exposed signup-related node and signup data to token.module.

6.x-1.0-rc4 (2009-07-27)
Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
= #370397 by ezra-g: Fixed critical data-loss bug where all anonymous
  signups would be destroyed if any authenticated user was deleted.
  This bug was introduced during the port to Drupal 6 core, due to an
  undocumented API change between Drupal core versions 5 and 6.
= #350548 by dww: Fixed logic bug in the support for Event module which
  would close signups prematurely if you edited event nodes in the future.
= #354944 by stBorchert: Fixed bug where changes to signup settings were
  lost during node previews (in Drupal 6.x only).
= #350872 by gargoyle and dww: Fixed bug where node type names were used
  unquoted as table aliases in the SQL for the admin/content/signup page.
  If you had a node type named after an SQL reserved word (e.g. 'match'),
  you'd get SQL errors.  Now, node type names are properly quoted.
= #181272 by dww: Fixed bug where the labels on the custom signup form
  fields were not properly translatable when this data was displayed in
  other places (when viewing your own signup info, etc).
= #358787 by dww: Fixed bug with exposed filters in signup's embedded views.
= #356968 by dww and elonen: Fixed bug where line endings were stripped
  from signup-generated emails since drupal_html_to_text() was being
  called even though the signup email templates only support plain text.
= #367937 by dww: Fixed bug where any user who can edit their own signup
  could record their own attendance at signup/edit/[sid].
= #389952 by dww: Fixed a bunch of bugs in the "signup node link" views field.
= #390000 by KarenS, dww: Ported signup to the Date 6.x-2.0 API for date
  format strings that was introduced at #318008.
= #375573 by dww: Fixed bug where the %user_signup_info token was not
  being used in the signup_forwarding_email message (the "Send signups
  to" field for notifications on new signups).
= #367297 by dww: Changed the default signup views so that only the user
  (and signup administrators) can view their own signups.
= #471562 by dww: Fixed broken link to the signup broadcast tab on the
  signup administration page at admin/content/signup (this bug was
  introduced in version 6.x-1.0-rc3 via #349292).
= #480278 by ezra-g: Removed a superfluous user_access() check inside
  signup_sign_up_user() that can prevent proper programmatic signups.

New features since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
= #51226 by dww: Added the ability to edit existing signups.
  - Added an "edit own signups" permission.
  - The current signup information is now displayed via a form, not a table.
    The form is disabled at first, but if the user has permission to
    edit their signup, there's an "Edit" button that they can click
    which enables all the form elements and renames itself "Save".
  - Added an "User: Edit signup link" views field handler.  A column
    of "Edit signup" links is now included in the default admin views.
= #361446 by dww: Restored the ability to have the signup user list
  embedded directly on each node, instead of forcing it into a subtab
  at node/N/signups/list (#349292).  There are now extra options for
  the "How to display the list of signed-up users" advanced setting,
  and the signup user list is now a separate entry in each node's
  content[] array so it can be ordered independently of the signup form.
= #355152 by dww: Added the ability to create "user views" that include
  signup data by exposing more JOIN and relationship info to views.
= #352328 by dww: Added the ability to create "signup views" by exposing
  {signup_log} as a valid base table for views.
= #356390 by dww: Converted the "signup_user_list" default view into a
  "signup view" instead of a "node view", since it's a view of signups.
= #352328 by dww: Added support for Views Bulk Operations (VBO).
  - Exposed some actions on signup objects (cancel, mark attendance, etc).
  - Added a setting to embed a view for admin/N/signups/admin.
  - Added a new default VBO view to embed when VBO is enabled.
= #361073 by dww: Improved the UI for canceling your own signup:
  - The cancel operation is now triggered by a text link, not a button.
  - The link goes to the confirm form used for the cancel URL (#325237).
  - The "Keep signup" link honors any destination set via the URL.
= #363337 by dww: Improved the UI for the advanced settings by trimming
  the description of views to embed if they get too long.
= #341835 by dww: Added an exposed filter for the "Signup status" to the
  default view of a user's current signups ("signup_current_signups").
= #360009 by dww: Added a checkbox setting to disable printing the
  signup information on user profile pages when Views is not enabled.
= #529250 by dww: Added a separate module that injects an e-mail address
  field on the signup form for authenticated users to verify the address
  stored in their profile. If the user changes this field while signing up
  (or editing an existing signup), they are presented with a confirmation
  form. If they approve, the e-mail address in their profile is updated.

API changes since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
= #357655 by dww: Added a signup_send_broadcast() function that can be
  shared, and renamed signup_get_email_addresses() to
  signup_get_signups() to be more accurate and more easily reused.
= #51226 by dww: API changes related to editing existing signups:
  - Canceling your own signup is now handled via the "signup_edit_form"
    instead of a separate "signup_cancel_form".
  - Removed a bunch of deprecated theme functions since the signup is
    now displayed via a form, not a table: theme_signup_current_signup(),
    theme_signup_custom_data_table(), and theme_signup_custom_data_rows().
  - Renamed theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username() to be
    theme_signup_anonymous_username() since it's now used for other things.
= #424338 by rjl, ezra-g, dww: Changed the API in signup_sign_up_user()
  to return the new signup ID (SID) for any successful signup.
= #529478 by dww: Added a hook to alter access to the signup node tabs.
= #481134 by ezra-g, dww: Made signup confirmation and cancellation
  messages optional for programmatic signups, and added helper functions
  to generate and send those messages: signup_send_confirmation_mail()
  and signup_send_forwarding_mail().

Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
= #349727 by dww: Removed ancient DB update functions from before D5.
= #363760 by dww: Ported to the new hook_views_bulk_operations_object_info()
  API (#362534), but still supporting the old hook_object_info() API for now.
= #359408 by dww: Documented all hooks invoked by Signup in signup.api.php.
= #373260 by dww: Changed access logic so that users that can administer
  signups on a given node can always view the signup attendees on that node.
= #506324 by mlsamuelson: Made messages printed to the screen after a
  successful signup more user-generic to work better for programmatic
  signups and cases where administrators sign up other users.
= #376330 by joostvdl: Added a Dutch (nl) translation.
= #439784 by seals: Added Swedish (sv) translation.

6.x-1.0-rc3 (2008-12-20)
New features since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
= #349292 by dww: Completely reorganized the signup node tabs.  All tabs
  added by this module now appear as sub-tabs under the "Signups" tab at
  node/N/signups.  If the signup form is configured as a tab, it is the
  default task under 'Signups'.  The list of current signups (for those
  with 'view all signups') is now at node/N/signups/list, and is the
  default task if the signup form is still on the node itself.  The
  "signup-broadcast" tab has been moved to node/N/signups/broadcast.
  Finally, the admin form to add another user has been split off from
  the administrative tab (what was node/N/signups) and is now a separate
  tab at node/N/signups/add.
= #348277 by dww, scottrigby and stBorchert: Added a view field handler
  to provide links to any of the tabs under node/N/signups (#349292).
= #55168 by dww: Added a way to track attendance at node/N/signups/admin,
  including Views handlers to display, sort, and filter by attendance.
= #348559 by dww: Added a new "cancel signups" permission so that a role
  could be configured to view signups and record attendance, but not be
  able to destroy signup data by canceling other people's signups.
  There is no automatic upgrade that adds this new permission, so if
  you want to give any roles the ability to cancel other users'
  signups, you must visit admin/user/permissions and manually assign
  this new permission to the appropriate roles.
= #325237 by dww: Added support for a %cancel_signup_url email
  placeholder which points to a new signup/cancel/%/% page so that any
  users (even anonymous) with the 'cancel own signups' permission can
  now securely cancel their own signups.

Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
= #347234 by dww: Fixed fatal SQL error at admin/content/signup when
  there are multiple node types using the same CCK date field.
= #343789 by KarenS: Fixed undefined value when adding nodes with feeds.
= #346810 by dww: Fixed invocation of hook_signup_cancel() so that the
  record in the {signup_log} table still exists when the hook runs.

API/Schema changes since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
= #341382 by Sid_M and dww: Added a serial "Signup ID" (sid) field as
  the primary key for the {signup_log} table.
= #347601 by dww: Changed the API for signup_cancel_signup() so that
  it either just takes the signup ID (sid) or a full object containing
  all the fields from the {signup_log} table.
= #347601 by dww: Changed the API for hook_signup_cancel() so that it
  is now invoked with a $signup object with the full information about
  the signup being canceled, and a fully loaded $node object.  See the
  new signup.api.php file for full documentation on the hook.

Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
= #337614: Signup's optional Views integration now requires Views
  version 6.x-2.2 or later.

6.x-1.0-rc2 (2008-12-01)
Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc1:
= #336255 by KarenS and dww: Fixed numerous bugs in usage of DateAPI
  that were breaking all time-based signup functionality for datestamp
  fields and causing problems for certain configurations of date or
  datetime fields depending on the timezone handling.  Using
  6.x-2.0-rc5 of DateAPI and the CCK Date field, the one configuration
  that doesn't fully work is a datestamp field that has no timezone
  handling at all.  With that configuration, you must use the latest
  Date code from the DRUPAL-6--2 branch (check the top of your copy of
  date/date.module and make sure the revision is at least
  "" (2008-11-28) or newer).
= #338850 by dww: Fixed critical SQL bug ("Not unique table/alias: 'e'")
  on the signup administration page (admin/content/signup) for sites
  that have more than one event.module node type that is signup-enabled.
= #335190 by bkat and dww: Fixed bug where if you had a node enabled
  for signups and edited it to disable signups, the node would remain
  signup enabled.  The bug was introduced in 5.x-2.6 by #328822.
= #336442 by dww: Fixed bugs with the views filters "Signup:
  Enabled/Disabled" and "Signup: Confirmation: Enabled/Disabled".
= #336461 by dww: The "Signup: Reminder: Enabled/Disabled" views
  filter was broken since it was using the wrong filter handler.
= #336450 by dww: Fixed the UI for signup's Views filters.
= #336610 by dww: Fixed bug introduced in #329668 where node types that
  have an underscore in their name had broken links in the warning
  messages about CCK date fields being misconfigured.  Those warnings
  also didn't appear at all in some cases.  The bug was caused by
  core's bizarre handling of node_type vs. node-type in URLs.
= #340377 by dww: Fixed bug where the default value in the database
  for how many days in advance to send reminder emails did not match
  what the rest of the code was written to expect.  Reminders would
  not be sent until the admin/settings/signup page was saved.

Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc1:
= #335563 by dww: Added support to control the relative ordering of
  the signup information embedded on nodes.  If the content.module
  (CCK) is enabled, "Signup information" is now exposed to the field
  management page (where there is a drag-and-drop interface to reorder
  everything) at admin/content/node-type/[node-type-name]/fields.  If
  CCK is disabled, there is a variable to manually control the weight.
  The variable is called "signup_info_node_weight_[node_type]" and can
  be defined in the $conf array in settings.php.
= #336129 by dww: Moved the signup node type settings out of the
  "Workflow" fieldset into a separate "Signup settings" fieldset.
= #341331 by dww: Improved database performance during cron runs by
  using INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN for finding nodes of a given
  type that need to be auto-closed and/or have reminder emails sent.

6.x-1.0-rc1 (2008-11-14)
Changes since 6.x-1.0-beta1:
= #330828 by dww: Split module code out into separate include files.

Contains all the features and bug fixes up to and including version
5.x-2.6.  Changes since 5.x-2.6:
= #222217 by dww: Initial port to the Druapl 6 core API.
  Related issues: #330838, #330840, #332968, #333264.
= #330820 by dww and duellj: Ported all views support to the views2 API.
  This changes how the 'View to embed for the signup user list' setting
  works, so any sites that are using a custom view for this will have to
  revisit the signup settings page and select a new value under the
  advanced settings fieldset.  signup_update_6000() removes the
  deprecated variables from the database.
= #330821 by dww: Fixed problems with the D6 CCK Date field support.
= #330824 by dww: Ported the Panels integration to the D6 Panels API.
= #330829 by dww: Split theme functions out into separate include files.
= #333185 by dww: Removed deprecated signup_build_signup_data() function.

Bugs fixed since 5.x-2.6:
= #336255 by KarenS and dww: Fixed numerous bugs in usage of DateAPI
  that were breaking all time-based signup functionality for datestamp
  fields and causing problems for certain configurations of date or
  datetime fields depending on the timezone handling.  Using 5.x-2.4
  of DateAPI and the CCK Date field, the one configuration that
  doesn't fully work is a datestamp field that has no timezone
  handling at all.  With that configuration, you must use the latest
  Date code from the DRUPAL-5--2 branch (check the top of your copy of
  date_api.module and make sure the revision is at least ""
  (2008-11-28) or newer).
= #338850 by dww: Fixed critical SQL bug ("Not unique table/alias: 'e'")
  on the signup administration page (admin/content/signup) for sites
  that have more than one event.module node type that is signup-enabled.
= #335190 by bkat and dww: Fixed bug where if you had a node enabled
  for signups and edited it to disable signups, the node would remain
  signup enabled.  The bug was introduced in 5.x-2.6 by #328822.
= 336610 by dww: Fixed bug introduced in #329668 where node types that
  have an underscore in their name had broken links in the warning
  messages about CCK date fields being misconfigured.  Those warnings
  also didn't appear at all in some cases.  The bug was caused by
  core's bizarre handling of node_type vs. node-type in URLs.
= #340377 by dww: Fixed bug where the default value in the database
  for how many days in advance to send reminder emails did not match
  what the rest of the code was written to expect.  Reminders would
  not be sent until the admin/settings/signup page was saved.

Other changes since 5.x-2.6:
= #335563 by dww: Added a variable to specify the weight (to control
  the relative ordering) of signup information embedded on nodes.  The
  variable is called "signup_info_node_weight_[node_type]" and can be
  defined in the $conf array in settings.php.
= #336129 by dww: Moved the signup node type settings out of the
  "Workflow" fieldset into a separate "Signup settings" fieldset.
= #341331 by dww: Improved database performance during cron runs by
  using INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN for finding nodes of a given
  type that need to be auto-closed and/or have reminder emails sent.

New features since 5.x-2.5:
= #86462 by KarenS, dww, duellj, shane_jordan, and stBorchert: Added
  support to use CCK date fields to control time-based functionality
  (auto-closing signups and reminder emails).  Currently works with
  date.module versions 5.x-1.* and 5.x-2.*.  Related issues:
  #328181, #328647, #328756, #329668, #329708, #330121, and #330821.
= #321531 by stBorchert and dww: Exposed the signup form as a panel pane.
= #78707 by dww: Added a theme_signup_node_output_header() function to
  customize HTML at the top of the signup-related output on nodes.
  The default implementation adds a 'signup' anchor.
= #333257 by dww: Improved the UI at the node/N/signups administration
  page to use a column of checkboxes to cancel multiple signups at once.
= #332443 by TheOnlyHarry and dww: theme_signup_user_form() is now
  invoked with the $node object as context, so you can conditionally
  add custom signup fields depending on the node or node type.

Bugs fixed since 5.x-2.5:
= #327417 by dww: Fixed bug where reminder emails always used
  '[Untimed]' for the %time token with event 5.x-2.*.
= #327417 by dww: Fixed bugs regarding timezones and other date logic
  for auto-close and reminder emails with event 5.x-2.*.  Also cleaned
  up the same date logic for the event 5.x-1.* support.
= #329708 by dww: Fixed bug where reminder emails could be sent for
  time-based content that already started.  This would be particularly
  prominent if a site has content types that use CCK date fields which
  are signup enabled, then upgraded to the latest version.  But, the
  bug could have potentially hit sites using the Event module, too.
= #328637 by dww: Fixed bug where error messages generated while
  validating an anonymous user's email address weren't translatable.
= #290734 by dww: Fixed a bug from the previous patch where the
  %username token for anonymous users wasn't actually being replaced
  inside theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username().
= #330281 by dww: Fixed broken link to the 'Signups' tab in the help
  text for the signup settings on the node form when creating new nodes.
= Fixed the help text on the signup broadcast page to use the
  human-readable name of the content type, not the internal name.
= #332968 by dww: Renamed _signup_admin_form to signup_node_settings_form
  to be less confusing, and fixed PHP warnings from not knowing the node
  type on the global signup settings configuration page.  Also, all help
  text now consistently uses the human-readable node type name.
= #334405 by dww: Fixed minor UI bug where the "Sign up another user"
  fieldset on the node/N/signups administrative tab was expanded or
  collapsed based on the setting to control the signup fieldset when
  viewing nodes.  Now, the fieldset is always open on the admin tab.
= #330840 by dww: Fixed a PHP warning when sending a copy of a signup
  broadcast to yourself from _signup_get_email_tokens() inspecting an
  element in the $signup object that doesn't always exist.

Other changes since 5.x-2.5:
= #327726 by dww: Reorganized the directory layout of the code.
= #328647 by dww: Removed all mention of 'event' in the UI and code
  unless it refers specifically to the event.module.  User-facing text
  now uses the human-readable node type name, instead.
= #328840 by dww: Renamed the default email tokens to use less
  ambiguous names and to not refer to 'event' at all (#328647).
= #333259 by dww: Renamed 'signup_admin_node_form' to
  'signup_node_admin_summary_form' to help avoid confusion in the
  code.  This does mean that sites which implemented their own theme
  function for this form will have to modify the name of their
  override function.
= #327726: Removed dead 'contrib' code. signup_ecommerce is already
  moved to another project and is referenced on the signup project
  page.  signup_conflict hasn't been touched since 4.7.x (#326110).
  If anyone wants it, they can checkout DRUPAL-4-7 and make a new
  project for it.

Potential information disclosure bugs fixed with this release:
= #219680 by dww: Fixed bug where the email address of users who signup
  was being sent in the notification emails to event owners, which is an
  inadvertent disclosure of personal information.  Now, only a link to
  the user's profile is included.
= #310307 by dww: Added a filter for published nodes to the default
  views for the 'Signups' tab on user profile pages.

New features since 5.x-2.4:
= #243035 by dww, deviantintegral and stBorchert: Added a default view
  for the users signed up for a node ('signup_user_list'), a theme
  function for the hard-coded listing (theme_signup_user_list()), a
  setting to control what user listing appears under the signup form
  (the old hard-coded listing, an embedded view, or nothing at all),
  and some jQuery to hide/reveal these advanced settings as needed.
= #285626 by deviantintegral and dww: Added optional support for using
  token.module tokens in the various email message templates.
= #265222 by dww: Added support for an "%eventurl" token for all e-mail
  messages which contains the full URL to the node in question.
= #316276 by deviantintegral: Added an option to hide the signup form.
= #275298 by dww: Made the table of signup details at node/N/signups
  sortable by username or signup time.
= #310677 by stBorchert and dww: Added the ability for the sender of a
  broadcast message to send themselves a copy.
= #132142 by dww: Added a setting to control which site-wide date
  format string to use for rendering dates in the administrative UI
  and in the email messages.
= #273072 by dww: Added a theme function for the node/N/signups signup
  administration tab (theme_signup_node_admin_page()), and changed the
  default appearance of that page to be more visually consistent.
= #47913 by dww and stBorchert: Added significantly more themeability
  for what appears on signup-enabled nodes and for the the signup
  administration overview page.

Bug fixes since 5.x-2.4:
= #321653 by shane_jordan: Fixed bug where if a signup administrator
  canceled an anonymous signup on a given node, all of that anonymous
  user's signups were also canceled.  This bug was from the original
  implementation of anonymous signup support (#68497).
= #233512 by dww and tcocca: Added code to cancel all signups of users
  that are deleted from the site.
= #259301 by dww: Fixed bug where the code assumes you want additional
  fields in your signup form. Signup now handles an empty return value
  from theme_signup_user_form().
= #249155 by joshk: Added the $user object as another argument when
  invoking hook_signup_sign_up().
= #224162 by dww: Fixed bug where all broadcasts were sent as the site
= #247618 by selmanj and dww: Fixed bug where "... or register ..." was
  printed even on sites that have user registration disabled.
= #321463 by dww: Fixed UI bug where the 'Please login or register to
  signup' help text was printed even if regular authenticated users
  couldn't signup.
= #243051 by dww: Fixed bugs and simplified logic for deciding if the
  "Signup settings" fieldset should be added to node forms or not.
= #219678 by dww: Changed email notification to event owner to omit
  "Date/Time: [Untimed]" if the event has no time.
= #290740 by deviantintegral and dww: If 'site_mail' is undefined,
  use the 'sendmail_from' PHP ini setting as the fall-back value for
  the From address in e-mails sent by this module.
= #278739 by dww: Fixed incorrect start date on signup administration
  page (admin/content/signup) when using event 5.x-2.*.
= #213239 by dww: Fixed UI bug where event-specific features (e.g.
  reminder email) were shown on nodes that don't have a start time.
= #247573 by dww: Fixed UI bug where the form for administrators to
  signup other users (#174715) was shown even if signups were closed
  on that node.
= #293157 by dww: Fixed bug where the '!login' placeholder was not
  expanded in the help text for the e-mail field when anonymous users
  can signup. This bug was introduced in version 5.x-2.4 via #174715.
= #290734 by dww: Cleaned up, unified, and fixed handling of the
  hard-coded signup email tokens.  In particular, %username is now
  properly handled for anonymous signups by means of a new theme
  function: theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username().
= #137609 by dww and stBorchert: Added a lot more themeability for how
  the site-specific custom signup data is displayed for the signed up
  user, the signup administrator, and in the email messages.  This also
  fixes a bug (#178441) where the labels for the custom fields were not
  included in the email messages.

New theme functions (see the comments in the code for more info):
= #47913: theme_signup_current_signup()
= #47913: theme_signup_signups_closed()
= #47913: theme_signup_anonymous_user_login_text()
= #47913: theme_signup_admin_page()
= #137609: theme_signup_custom_data()
= #137609: theme_signup_custom_data_email()
= #137609: theme_signup_custom_data_table()
= #137609: theme_signup_custom_data_rows()
= #137609: theme_signup_email_token_custom_data()
= #290734: theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username()
= #243035: theme_signup_user_list()
= #273072: theme_signup_node_admin_page()
= #285626: theme_signup_token_help()
= #310677: theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy()

Other changes since 5.x-2.4:
= Removed the deprecated (4.7.x) signup_ecommerce code since it now
  lives in a new project:
= #309668 by slybud: Added a French (fr) translation.
= #289326 by starbow and dww: Added two new functions to the event
  backend API for knowing if a node type or a node has a start time.
= #322528: Simplified the description of the signup_available_signups view.

Bug fixes since 5.x-2.3:
= #193068 by bkat and dww: Fixed fatal bug during cron.php with event
  5.x-2.* installed (event_include_files() was missing from a few places).
= Fixed signup_install() not to force tables on MySQL to be MyISAM.
= #199383 by deviantintegral and dww: Fixed bug that could cause signup
  to invoke node_load() with invalid parameters on the node add form.
= #79331: Fixed inconsistent UI: don't capitalize individual words
  (for example, the UI now uses 'Current signups' and 'Cancel signups').
= #107136: Added $uid parameter to _signup_cancel hook (so it can be
  useful for something) and converted to use module_invoke_all().
= #202913 by westwesterson: Fixed ambiguous SQL query on the
  admin/content/signup page when using certain node access modules.
= #212790 by dww: Fixed an SQL 'GROUP BY' bug on the admin/content/signup
  page when PgSQL and the 5.x-1.* series of event.module are used.

New features since 5.x-2.3:
= #190553 by dww: Added a global setting to move the signup form from
  a fieldset on the node to a separate "Sign up" tab.  This feature
  was sponsored by
= #195276 by jrbeeman and dww: Enhanced per-node-type signup settings
  to allow admins to completely disable signups on certain node types.
  There are now 3 signup options on the content type settings page:
  - "Disabled": completely prevents signups, even users with
     'administer all signups' cannot signup-enable nodes of this type.
  - "Allowed (off by default)": admins get a "Signup settings"
     fieldset, but signups are disabled by default.
  - "Enabled (on by default)": Signups are enabled by default, but
     admins can disable signups on specific nodes of this type.
= #174715 by dww: Signup administrators can now signup other users.
= #145749 by schittli: Added German (de) translation.

Bug fixes since 5.x-2.2:
= #169372 and #171363: Fixed bugs with redeclaring functions caused by
  using include() instead of include_once().
= #179540 by dragonwize and dww: Restored the login/register links for
  anonymous users when viewing a signup-enabled node.
= #181627 by stBorchert and dww: Removed an inappropriate WHERE clause
  in the signup UID views argument handler that restricted the query to
  nodes where signups where open. That should be handled via a filter.
= #183417 by dww: Switched to a better method for conditionally
  including views support code. This no longer uses signup_init(),
  which wasn't necessary and made this module listed as incompatible
  with aggressive caching for no good reason.

New features since 5.x-2.2:
= #137911 by dww: Added, moved all hard-coded
  UI functionality there, and provided a default view to list the
  users's current signups (both at their profile and via a block).
  This allows more flexibility for sites using views, since the
  default views for these things can be customized without conflicting
  with the non-views UI.
= #48267 by dww: Added a default view of available signups (events
  without a reply) which is a subtab at user/%uid/signups/available
  and also provided as a block.
= #180154 by KarenS and dww: Added a views filter for if the current
  user is signed up.
= #178021 by stBorchert: Added a new "cancel own signups" permission.
  NOTE: After updating the module and running update.php, all roles
  that previously had the "sign up for content" permission will have
  "cancel own signups", too.
= #180233 by stenjo: Added a Norwegian Bokmal translation.

Bug fixes since 5.x-2.1:
= #163257 by dww: Anonymous users could cancel all anonymous signups
  once the signup limit is reached or signups are otherwise closed.
  This bug was introduced in version 5.x-2.1.
= #160862 by adrinux and dww: Fixed paging on signup administration form
  (admin/content/signup) due to missing count query.
= #142402 by cpisto: Fixed SQL bug on PgSQL when event.module is enabled.
= #147546 by stBorchert: Removed call to undefined _event_date() when
  using signup broadcast if event.module is not installed.
= #158688 by m3avrck: fixed JS to work with aggregator.
= Code-style fixes (thanks to the coder.module).

New features since 5.x-2.1:
= #154580 by killes and dww: Refactored code to support different
  event-related backend modules. Both event 5.x-1.x and event 5.x-2.x
  are supported, and adding date.module support will now be easy.

There are 2 major changes since 5.x-2.0: a long-awaited new feature,
and a critical bug fix for anonymous users:
= #32482: Adding support for signup limits per node:
  - New field on site-wide signup defaults and per-node edit form to
    set or modify the signup limit.
  - Signups auto-close when the limit is reached.
  - Users can now cancel their own signup when signups are closed, and
    if it's not an event-enabled node, or the event hasn't started
    yet, signups automatically re-open.
  - Cleanup of the node/N/signups UI.
  - Even bigger cleanup of admin/content/signups UI.
  - Views support updated to view and filter by signup limit.
= #138401: Fixed a fatal PHP error on certain pages for anonymous
  users when caching is enabled.

Initial official release of the 5.x-2.* new feature series.
Enhancements since 5.x-1.0:
= #106808: Initial views integration. At this time, all the fields
  from all signup-related database tables are exported, and there are
  a handful of filters, sorts, and arguments. There are no default
  views yet.
= #106891: Signup broadcast functionality -- sufficiently privileged
  users now have the ability to send an email directly to all the
  users who signed up for a given node on the site by using the
  "signup-broadcast" tab.
= #79332: Cleaned up the user interface for the signup administration
  overview page. It used to be misusing tabs as a way to filter what
  signup status (open, closed, or all) to view. Now there is a
  drop-down selector where the administrator can choose what signup
  status to filter the page with.
= #134609: Added an advanced setting to control if the signup form is
  collapsed or expanded by default.

The first official, stable release of the signup.module that is
compatible with the 5.x core API. This release includes all of the bug
fixes mentioned in the 4.7.x-1.1 release, so please see those release
notes for more details. In particular, 5.x-1.0 includes the same
database update from 4.7.x-1.1 that renames the permissions defined by
the signup.module. Sites upgrading to 5.x-1.0 directly from 4.7.x-1.0
should therefore be sure to run update.php.

In addition to the changes required to function properly with the 5.x
version of Drupal core, the 5.x-1.0 release includes the following changes:
= #49007: The fix for all the UI bugs and weird behavior about
  enabling and disabling signups per-node-type and per-node is
  enhanced in the 5.x-1.0 release by including singup.js to implement
  some additional UI enhancements when JavaScript is enabled. This
  depends on the jQuery support that is only included in 5.x core. On
  JS-enabled browsers, when users with signup administrator permission
  are toggling if signups are enabled or not, the other signup
  settings will be automatically hidden when signups are disabled.
= #118648 by Darren Oh: Send reminders after signups are closed.
= #128287: add hook_uninstall()
= Use 'access administration pages' not 'administer site configuration'
  permission to decide what the signup settings menu item should be called.

After many months of unfortunate neglect, the singup.module has
recently gotten a round of major attention and improvements.  Mostly,
the changes below are bug fixes, but in a few small cases, some new
functionality was added, as well. This release includes a database
update, which renames the permissions this module uses, so be sure to
run update.php on your site, and then visit your 'access control' page
(at /admin/access) to ensure the signup-related permissions are valid
for the roles defined on your site.

Major changes since 4.7.x-1.0:
= #91284: signup.module doesn't respect privacy: db_rewrite_sql() missing
= #91284: signup_conflicts.module doesn't respect privacy: db_rewrite_sql()
= Major permissions, UI and usability fixes (includes a DB update):
  - #69367: Turn the "Users can view signups" setting into a permission.
  - #69283: Rename all other permissions to be more clear, consistent, etc.
= #49007: Fix all the UI bugs and weird behavior about enabling and
  disabling signups per-node-type and per-node.
= #102949: For consistency, allow the %info token in reminder emails, too.

Other changes since 4.7.x-1.0:
= #126942: Add "Reset to defaults" on settings page.
= #104804 by hunmonk and dww: Fieldsets are now supported in the
  customized signup form. The code should now handle nested values
  regardless of depth.
= #67067: Required fields and default values on signup form. Inspired by
  a patch from pjdevries. Also cleans up the formatting of the $form
  array in this function, vastly improves the doxygen comment, and
  includes a step in the INSTALL.txt file about customizing this form.
= #125705: Make comment in signup.theme about not touching the
  definition of $form['signup_form_data']['#tree'] even more clear.
= #123648: Fixing improper use of links in watchdog() messages
= #78559: Fixing numerous bugs in signup translation:
  - Incorrect use of format_plural()
  - Badly formed t() strings with HTML and other goo inside wildly
    stale (and sometimes missing) .pot files
= #69372: Ported signup to use theme('username') for user links
= In the (evil, hard-coded) HTML for displaying signup information on
  user profile pages, we were leaving an H4 open by accident.
= l() calls check_plain() for you, so we were double-escaping output.
= #107154: Fix signup_sign_up_user() to prevent the same user from
  signing up more than once for the same node.
= #128021 by adrinux: Convert html br to xhtml and use strong instead of b

Initial official release from the stable 4.7.x-1.* series. There have
been no changes in the signup module since August 2006, so this should
be the same code as any of the signup-4.7.0.tar.gz files from
2006-08-19 and later. Additional releases of this series will only fix
bugs in the existing functionality.


View source
  1. ------------------------
  2. 7.x-1.x-dev
  3. ------------------------
  4. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0:
  5. = #1128288 by jwilson3: Fixed Incorrect header array key in admin/content/signup.
  6. = #1175902 by mcarbone: Fixed Reminder fields no longer appearing in 'Default
  7. signup information' form.
  8. = #1190944 by jwilson3: Fixed Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$language in
  9. _signup_date_get_node_scheduler().
  10. = #1266026 by jwilson3: Fixed Strict warnings in Signup module.
  11. = #1321474 by sgabe, James Andres: Fixed Signup summary 'Signups are Closed
  12. (limit reached)' message disappeared.
  13. = #1224114 by dalin: Fixed Move signup from admin/content/signups to
  14. admin/people/signups.
  15. = #1266764 by 30equals, mikestefff: Fixed php: Notice: Undefined variable: views in
  16. signup_views_default_views().
  17. = #1212396 by BTMash: Fixed Remove token dependency from
  18. signup_send_confirmation_mail().
  19. = #1297808 by plach: Fixed Reminder watchdog entry always inserted.
  20. = #1212096 by BTMash: Fixed Use token replacements for broadcast.
  21. = #1191324 by BTMash | magnusk: Fixed Use token tree UI to show replacement tokens.
  22. = #1191128 by roborn | magnusk: Fixed Call to undefined function
  23. date_default_timezone_name().
  24. = #1212392 by BTMash, sgabe: Fixed Anonymous username warning.
  25. = #1358258 by dereine, arh1, benjf | kristiaanvandeneynde: Fixed Updating to
  26. Views 7.x-3.0-rc3 breaks Signup module.
  27. = #1223938 by benjf, sgabe | mariagwyn: Fixed Showing custom signup_user_form()
  28. fields in views."
  29. = #1426028 by sgabe: Fixed Edit signup link is not displaying.
  30. = #1428652 by sgabe | dannymacom: Fixed Adding Views field 'Signup: Node: Signup link'
  31. gives error: Undefined Index.
  32. = #1436906 by sgabe: Fixed Signup administration page is broken.
  33. = #1457146 by sgabe | ivo_m: Fixed Get the proper date information on the
  34. events overview page.
  35. = #1399178 by jordojuice, sgabe | chaloum: Fixed Ajax error when trying to use
  36. the sign up link in a view.
  37. = #1513076 by sgabe | grendzy: Fixed phptemplate_HOOK is obsolete.
  38. = #1670868 by crantok: Fixed content type token in confirmation email subject.
  39. = #1452920 by BTMash, pezia | flightrisk: Fixed fatal error caused by undefined
  40. date_field_get_sql_handler function.
  41. = #1216890 by scottrigby: Fixed 'Edit signup' button should not be displayed if
  42. there are no form elements to edit.
  43. New features since 6.x-1.0:
  44. = #1112496 by BTMash: Added Show signup in the display ui for a node type.
  45. Other changes since 6.x-1.0:
  46. = #1286454 by jordojuice | greggles: Remove old updates.
  47. ------------------------
  48. 6.x-1.x-dev
  49. ------------------------
  50. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0:
  51. = #856604 by dww: Removed duplicate entry in signup_theme().
  52. = #1020590 by dww: Removed includes/ (missed during #582986).
  53. = #1020758 by dww: Fixed missing table prefix for query (introduced in #856604)
  54. ------------------------
  55. 6.x-1.0 (2011-01-09)
  56. ------------------------
  57. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc6:
  58. = #597808 by dww: Fixed bug that was causing signup limits to be ignored
  59. unless the signup_status module is enabled (broken in rc6 by #581652).
  60. = #370397 by wesley_2mpact and ezra-g: All anonymous signups cancelled
  61. when any user is deleted.
  62. = #676276 by keystr0k and ezra-g: Signup not closed when limit reached
  63. = #605594 by markus_petrux and ezra-g: node_load() during signup's
  64. node_save() breaks node data cached by CCK
  65. = #719188 by ezra-g: Admins should be able to sign up users regardless
  66. of their permissions
  67. = #633636 by Magnus: Untranslatable strings in
  68. = #550036 by iva2k: PHP warnings for node without date value
  69. = #865108 by dooug: Minor typo - Views integration signup.theme ->
  71. = #858592 by maker, greggles: Signup Administration Page Error with Postgres
  72. Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc6:
  73. = #582986 by dww and ezra-g: Made views a required dependency and
  74. ditched non-views code
  75. = #658214 by Dave Reid: Added vertical tabs support.
  76. = #856604 by ezra-g, jenlampton, jm.federico, coltrane: Made event
  77. signups visible on user registration form
  78. = #226204 by dww: Exposed the numeric signup ID (unique site-wide) as a token.
  79. = #656250 by Peter Bex, maverick14: Add SID field Views and Views
  80. token integration
  81. = #594686 by dww: Split all default views into their own separate files.
  82. = #592202 by dww: Added a pager and increased items per page on default views.
  83. = #696010 by ezra-g: Alterable signup confirmation drupal_set_message()
  84. = #856810 by ezra-g: Option to return array from theme_signup_user_form()
  85. = #670944 by mlsamuelson: Provided a means to reset node_load()'s
  86. static node caching when calling signup_sign_up_user()
  87. = #341920 by dww, Eirik_R and ezra-g: Removed work-arounds for DateAPI
  88. limitations now taht new official releases of DateAPI are out
  89. ------------------------
  90. 6.x-1.0-rc6 (2009-09-23)
  91. ------------------------
  92. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc5:
  93. = #439294 by dww: Fixed bug where %user_signup_info was not being
  94. replaced with an empty string on sites that do not define any extra
  95. fields on the signup form.
  96. = #539052 by dww: Fixed jQuery bug when users edited their signups that
  97. was causing most of the form elements to be enabled before pressing
  98. the 'Edit' button (all form elements should be disabled at first).
  99. = #582626 by dww: Fixed bug in the visibility logic for the "Signup:
  100. Node: Signup link" views field handler which used to think that if
  101. signups were closed on a node that the node wasn't signup-enabled.
  102. This would cause the Signup link fields to only appear on nodes where
  103. signups were open.
  104. = #578278 by neil.brown, dww: Fixed bug where the signup_confirm_email
  105. field was shown to administrators editing another user's signup.
  106. API and schema changes since 6.x-1.0-rc5:
  107. = #581734 by dww: Improved the Signup API by adding some much needed hooks:
  108. - hook_signup_data_alter() to modify a $signup object before it's saved
  109. - hook_signup_insert() invoked when a signup is inserted into the DB
  110. - hook_signup_update() invoked when a signup is updated in the DB
  111. = #581652 by dww: Added a {signup_log}.count_towards_limit column and
  112. adjusted the limit logic to only operate on the effective total (the
  113. SUM() of {signup_log}.count_towards_limit) not the total # of signups.
  114. Both signup_total and signup_effective_total are loaded into $node.
  115. Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc5:
  116. = #578502 by dww: Moved signup-related settings from node/N/edit to a
  117. new "Settings" subtab at node/N/signups/settings.
  118. = #578592 by dww: Cleaned up and fixed the "Signup summary" at the top
  119. of the node/N/signups/admin. The UI also makes sense now for signups
  120. that don't count towards the signup limit (#581652).
  121. = #578344 by dww: Added a "Signup" group on the module administration
  122. page (admin/build/modules) for all the signup-related modules.
  123. ------------------------
  124. 6.x-1.0-rc5 (2009-08-23)
  125. ------------------------
  126. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc4:
  127. = #533970 by dww: Fixed bug that caused the "signups" tab on nodes to
  128. generate an "Access denied" message unless the signup attendee list
  129. was configured to appear as a tab (introduced in RC4 via #529478).
  130. = #534948 by dww: Fixed bugs where signup_confirm_email.module breaks
  131. signup_status.module due to the unorthodox way it was trying to
  132. hijack the signup form for the confirmation. Now, confirmation is
  133. handled via a checkbox (which is only shown if needed via JavaScript)
  134. instead of trying to redirect to a separate confirmation form.
  135. = #536094 by dww: Fixed a UI bug when editing existing signups. If
  136. there was a form validation error (e.g. a required field was left
  137. blank), the form now reloads already in "edit" mode with all the
  138. fields enabled and the submit button already converted to "Save."
  139. = #544882 by dereine: Fixed a few places that called node_load() so that
  140. they can now make use of the node caching feature.
  141. New features since 6.x-1.0-rc4:
  142. = #549646 by dww: Exposed signup-related node and signup data to token.module.
  143. ------------------------
  144. 6.x-1.0-rc4 (2009-07-27)
  145. ------------------------
  146. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
  147. = #370397 by ezra-g: Fixed critical data-loss bug where all anonymous
  148. signups would be destroyed if any authenticated user was deleted.
  149. This bug was introduced during the port to Drupal 6 core, due to an
  150. undocumented API change between Drupal core versions 5 and 6.
  151. = #350548 by dww: Fixed logic bug in the support for Event module which
  152. would close signups prematurely if you edited event nodes in the future.
  153. = #354944 by stBorchert: Fixed bug where changes to signup settings were
  154. lost during node previews (in Drupal 6.x only).
  155. = #350872 by gargoyle and dww: Fixed bug where node type names were used
  156. unquoted as table aliases in the SQL for the admin/content/signup page.
  157. If you had a node type named after an SQL reserved word (e.g. 'match'),
  158. you'd get SQL errors. Now, node type names are properly quoted.
  159. = #181272 by dww: Fixed bug where the labels on the custom signup form
  160. fields were not properly translatable when this data was displayed in
  161. other places (when viewing your own signup info, etc).
  162. = #358787 by dww: Fixed bug with exposed filters in signup's embedded views.
  163. = #356968 by dww and elonen: Fixed bug where line endings were stripped
  164. from signup-generated emails since drupal_html_to_text() was being
  165. called even though the signup email templates only support plain text.
  166. = #367937 by dww: Fixed bug where any user who can edit their own signup
  167. could record their own attendance at signup/edit/[sid].
  168. = #389952 by dww: Fixed a bunch of bugs in the "signup node link" views field.
  169. = #390000 by KarenS, dww: Ported signup to the Date 6.x-2.0 API for date
  170. format strings that was introduced at #318008.
  171. = #375573 by dww: Fixed bug where the %user_signup_info token was not
  172. being used in the signup_forwarding_email message (the "Send signups
  173. to" field for notifications on new signups).
  174. = #367297 by dww: Changed the default signup views so that only the user
  175. (and signup administrators) can view their own signups.
  176. = #471562 by dww: Fixed broken link to the signup broadcast tab on the
  177. signup administration page at admin/content/signup (this bug was
  178. introduced in version 6.x-1.0-rc3 via #349292).
  179. = #480278 by ezra-g: Removed a superfluous user_access() check inside
  180. signup_sign_up_user() that can prevent proper programmatic signups.
  181. New features since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
  182. = #51226 by dww: Added the ability to edit existing signups.
  183. - Added an "edit own signups" permission.
  184. - The current signup information is now displayed via a form, not a table.
  185. The form is disabled at first, but if the user has permission to
  186. edit their signup, there's an "Edit" button that they can click
  187. which enables all the form elements and renames itself "Save".
  188. - Added an "User: Edit signup link" views field handler. A column
  189. of "Edit signup" links is now included in the default admin views.
  190. = #361446 by dww: Restored the ability to have the signup user list
  191. embedded directly on each node, instead of forcing it into a subtab
  192. at node/N/signups/list (#349292). There are now extra options for
  193. the "How to display the list of signed-up users" advanced setting,
  194. and the signup user list is now a separate entry in each node's
  195. content[] array so it can be ordered independently of the signup form.
  196. = #355152 by dww: Added the ability to create "user views" that include
  197. signup data by exposing more JOIN and relationship info to views.
  198. = #352328 by dww: Added the ability to create "signup views" by exposing
  199. {signup_log} as a valid base table for views.
  200. = #356390 by dww: Converted the "signup_user_list" default view into a
  201. "signup view" instead of a "node view", since it's a view of signups.
  202. = #352328 by dww: Added support for Views Bulk Operations (VBO).
  203. - Exposed some actions on signup objects (cancel, mark attendance, etc).
  204. - Added a setting to embed a view for admin/N/signups/admin.
  205. - Added a new default VBO view to embed when VBO is enabled.
  206. = #361073 by dww: Improved the UI for canceling your own signup:
  207. - The cancel operation is now triggered by a text link, not a button.
  208. - The link goes to the confirm form used for the cancel URL (#325237).
  209. - The "Keep signup" link honors any destination set via the URL.
  210. = #363337 by dww: Improved the UI for the advanced settings by trimming
  211. the description of views to embed if they get too long.
  212. = #341835 by dww: Added an exposed filter for the "Signup status" to the
  213. default view of a user's current signups ("signup_current_signups").
  214. = #360009 by dww: Added a checkbox setting to disable printing the
  215. signup information on user profile pages when Views is not enabled.
  216. = #529250 by dww: Added a separate module that injects an e-mail address
  217. field on the signup form for authenticated users to verify the address
  218. stored in their profile. If the user changes this field while signing up
  219. (or editing an existing signup), they are presented with a confirmation
  220. form. If they approve, the e-mail address in their profile is updated.
  221. API changes since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
  222. = #357655 by dww: Added a signup_send_broadcast() function that can be
  223. shared, and renamed signup_get_email_addresses() to
  224. signup_get_signups() to be more accurate and more easily reused.
  225. = #51226 by dww: API changes related to editing existing signups:
  226. - Canceling your own signup is now handled via the "signup_edit_form"
  227. instead of a separate "signup_cancel_form".
  228. - Removed a bunch of deprecated theme functions since the signup is
  229. now displayed via a form, not a table: theme_signup_current_signup(),
  230. theme_signup_custom_data_table(), and theme_signup_custom_data_rows().
  231. - Renamed theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username() to be
  232. theme_signup_anonymous_username() since it's now used for other things.
  233. = #424338 by rjl, ezra-g, dww: Changed the API in signup_sign_up_user()
  234. to return the new signup ID (SID) for any successful signup.
  235. = #529478 by dww: Added a hook to alter access to the signup node tabs.
  236. = #481134 by ezra-g, dww: Made signup confirmation and cancellation
  237. messages optional for programmatic signups, and added helper functions
  238. to generate and send those messages: signup_send_confirmation_mail()
  239. and signup_send_forwarding_mail().
  240. Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc3:
  241. = #349727 by dww: Removed ancient DB update functions from before D5.
  242. = #363760 by dww: Ported to the new hook_views_bulk_operations_object_info()
  243. API (#362534), but still supporting the old hook_object_info() API for now.
  244. = #359408 by dww: Documented all hooks invoked by Signup in signup.api.php.
  245. = #373260 by dww: Changed access logic so that users that can administer
  246. signups on a given node can always view the signup attendees on that node.
  247. = #506324 by mlsamuelson: Made messages printed to the screen after a
  248. successful signup more user-generic to work better for programmatic
  249. signups and cases where administrators sign up other users.
  250. = #376330 by joostvdl: Added a Dutch (nl) translation.
  251. = #439784 by seals: Added Swedish (sv) translation.
  252. ------------------------
  253. 6.x-1.0-rc3 (2008-12-20)
  254. ------------------------
  255. New features since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
  256. = #349292 by dww: Completely reorganized the signup node tabs. All tabs
  257. added by this module now appear as sub-tabs under the "Signups" tab at
  258. node/N/signups. If the signup form is configured as a tab, it is the
  259. default task under 'Signups'. The list of current signups (for those
  260. with 'view all signups') is now at node/N/signups/list, and is the
  261. default task if the signup form is still on the node itself. The
  262. "signup-broadcast" tab has been moved to node/N/signups/broadcast.
  263. Finally, the admin form to add another user has been split off from
  264. the administrative tab (what was node/N/signups) and is now a separate
  265. tab at node/N/signups/add.
  266. = #348277 by dww, scottrigby and stBorchert: Added a view field handler
  267. to provide links to any of the tabs under node/N/signups (#349292).
  268. = #55168 by dww: Added a way to track attendance at node/N/signups/admin,
  269. including Views handlers to display, sort, and filter by attendance.
  270. = #348559 by dww: Added a new "cancel signups" permission so that a role
  271. could be configured to view signups and record attendance, but not be
  272. able to destroy signup data by canceling other people's signups.
  273. There is no automatic upgrade that adds this new permission, so if
  274. you want to give any roles the ability to cancel other users'
  275. signups, you must visit admin/user/permissions and manually assign
  276. this new permission to the appropriate roles.
  277. = #325237 by dww: Added support for a %cancel_signup_url email
  278. placeholder which points to a new signup/cancel/%/% page so that any
  279. users (even anonymous) with the 'cancel own signups' permission can
  280. now securely cancel their own signups.
  281. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
  282. = #347234 by dww: Fixed fatal SQL error at admin/content/signup when
  283. there are multiple node types using the same CCK date field.
  284. = #343789 by KarenS: Fixed undefined value when adding nodes with feeds.
  285. = #346810 by dww: Fixed invocation of hook_signup_cancel() so that the
  286. record in the {signup_log} table still exists when the hook runs.
  287. API/Schema changes since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
  288. = #341382 by Sid_M and dww: Added a serial "Signup ID" (sid) field as
  289. the primary key for the {signup_log} table.
  290. = #347601 by dww: Changed the API for signup_cancel_signup() so that
  291. it either just takes the signup ID (sid) or a full object containing
  292. all the fields from the {signup_log} table.
  293. = #347601 by dww: Changed the API for hook_signup_cancel() so that it
  294. is now invoked with a $signup object with the full information about
  295. the signup being canceled, and a fully loaded $node object. See the
  296. new signup.api.php file for full documentation on the hook.
  297. Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc2:
  298. = #337614: Signup's optional Views integration now requires Views
  299. version 6.x-2.2 or later.
  300. ------------------------
  301. 6.x-1.0-rc2 (2008-12-01)
  302. ------------------------
  303. Bugs fixed since 6.x-1.0-rc1:
  304. = #336255 by KarenS and dww: Fixed numerous bugs in usage of DateAPI
  305. that were breaking all time-based signup functionality for datestamp
  306. fields and causing problems for certain configurations of date or
  307. datetime fields depending on the timezone handling. Using
  308. 6.x-2.0-rc5 of DateAPI and the CCK Date field, the one configuration
  309. that doesn't fully work is a datestamp field that has no timezone
  310. handling at all. With that configuration, you must use the latest
  311. Date code from the DRUPAL-6--2 branch (check the top of your copy of
  312. date/date.module and make sure the revision is at least
  313. "" (2008-11-28) or newer).
  314. = #338850 by dww: Fixed critical SQL bug ("Not unique table/alias: 'e'")
  315. on the signup administration page (admin/content/signup) for sites
  316. that have more than one event.module node type that is signup-enabled.
  317. = #335190 by bkat and dww: Fixed bug where if you had a node enabled
  318. for signups and edited it to disable signups, the node would remain
  319. signup enabled. The bug was introduced in 5.x-2.6 by #328822.
  320. = #336442 by dww: Fixed bugs with the views filters "Signup:
  321. Enabled/Disabled" and "Signup: Confirmation: Enabled/Disabled".
  322. = #336461 by dww: The "Signup: Reminder: Enabled/Disabled" views
  323. filter was broken since it was using the wrong filter handler.
  324. = #336450 by dww: Fixed the UI for signup's Views filters.
  325. = #336610 by dww: Fixed bug introduced in #329668 where node types that
  326. have an underscore in their name had broken links in the warning
  327. messages about CCK date fields being misconfigured. Those warnings
  328. also didn't appear at all in some cases. The bug was caused by
  329. core's bizarre handling of node_type vs. node-type in URLs.
  330. = #340377 by dww: Fixed bug where the default value in the database
  331. for how many days in advance to send reminder emails did not match
  332. what the rest of the code was written to expect. Reminders would
  333. not be sent until the admin/settings/signup page was saved.
  334. Other changes since 6.x-1.0-rc1:
  335. = #335563 by dww: Added support to control the relative ordering of
  336. the signup information embedded on nodes. If the content.module
  337. (CCK) is enabled, "Signup information" is now exposed to the field
  338. management page (where there is a drag-and-drop interface to reorder
  339. everything) at admin/content/node-type/[node-type-name]/fields. If
  340. CCK is disabled, there is a variable to manually control the weight.
  341. The variable is called "signup_info_node_weight_[node_type]" and can
  342. be defined in the $conf array in settings.php.
  343. = #336129 by dww: Moved the signup node type settings out of the
  344. "Workflow" fieldset into a separate "Signup settings" fieldset.
  345. = #341331 by dww: Improved database performance during cron runs by
  346. using INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN for finding nodes of a given
  347. type that need to be auto-closed and/or have reminder emails sent.
  348. ------------------------
  349. 6.x-1.0-rc1 (2008-11-14)
  350. ------------------------
  351. Changes since 6.x-1.0-beta1:
  352. = #330828 by dww: Split module code out into separate include files.
  353. -------------
  354. 6.x-1.0-beta1
  355. -------------
  356. Contains all the features and bug fixes up to and including version
  357. 5.x-2.6. Changes since 5.x-2.6:
  358. = #222217 by dww: Initial port to the Druapl 6 core API.
  359. Related issues: #330838, #330840, #332968, #333264.
  360. = #330820 by dww and duellj: Ported all views support to the views2 API.
  361. This changes how the 'View to embed for the signup user list' setting
  362. works, so any sites that are using a custom view for this will have to
  363. revisit the signup settings page and select a new value under the
  364. advanced settings fieldset. signup_update_6000() removes the
  365. deprecated variables from the database.
  366. = #330821 by dww: Fixed problems with the D6 CCK Date field support.
  367. = #330824 by dww: Ported the Panels integration to the D6 Panels API.
  368. = #330829 by dww: Split theme functions out into separate include files.
  369. = #333185 by dww: Removed deprecated signup_build_signup_data() function.
  370. -------
  371. 5.x-2.7
  372. -------
  373. Bugs fixed since 5.x-2.6:
  374. = #336255 by KarenS and dww: Fixed numerous bugs in usage of DateAPI
  375. that were breaking all time-based signup functionality for datestamp
  376. fields and causing problems for certain configurations of date or
  377. datetime fields depending on the timezone handling. Using 5.x-2.4
  378. of DateAPI and the CCK Date field, the one configuration that
  379. doesn't fully work is a datestamp field that has no timezone
  380. handling at all. With that configuration, you must use the latest
  381. Date code from the DRUPAL-5--2 branch (check the top of your copy of
  382. date_api.module and make sure the revision is at least ""
  383. (2008-11-28) or newer).
  384. = #338850 by dww: Fixed critical SQL bug ("Not unique table/alias: 'e'")
  385. on the signup administration page (admin/content/signup) for sites
  386. that have more than one event.module node type that is signup-enabled.
  387. = #335190 by bkat and dww: Fixed bug where if you had a node enabled
  388. for signups and edited it to disable signups, the node would remain
  389. signup enabled. The bug was introduced in 5.x-2.6 by #328822.
  390. = 336610 by dww: Fixed bug introduced in #329668 where node types that
  391. have an underscore in their name had broken links in the warning
  392. messages about CCK date fields being misconfigured. Those warnings
  393. also didn't appear at all in some cases. The bug was caused by
  394. core's bizarre handling of node_type vs. node-type in URLs.
  395. = #340377 by dww: Fixed bug where the default value in the database
  396. for how many days in advance to send reminder emails did not match
  397. what the rest of the code was written to expect. Reminders would
  398. not be sent until the admin/settings/signup page was saved.
  399. Other changes since 5.x-2.6:
  400. = #335563 by dww: Added a variable to specify the weight (to control
  401. the relative ordering) of signup information embedded on nodes. The
  402. variable is called "signup_info_node_weight_[node_type]" and can be
  403. defined in the $conf array in settings.php.
  404. = #336129 by dww: Moved the signup node type settings out of the
  405. "Workflow" fieldset into a separate "Signup settings" fieldset.
  406. = #341331 by dww: Improved database performance during cron runs by
  407. using INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN for finding nodes of a given
  408. type that need to be auto-closed and/or have reminder emails sent.
  409. -------
  410. 5.x-2.6
  411. -------
  412. New features since 5.x-2.5:
  413. = #86462 by KarenS, dww, duellj, shane_jordan, and stBorchert: Added
  414. support to use CCK date fields to control time-based functionality
  415. (auto-closing signups and reminder emails). Currently works with
  416. date.module versions 5.x-1.* and 5.x-2.*. Related issues:
  417. #328181, #328647, #328756, #329668, #329708, #330121, and #330821.
  418. = #321531 by stBorchert and dww: Exposed the signup form as a panel pane.
  419. = #78707 by dww: Added a theme_signup_node_output_header() function to
  420. customize HTML at the top of the signup-related output on nodes.
  421. The default implementation adds a 'signup' anchor.
  422. = #333257 by dww: Improved the UI at the node/N/signups administration
  423. page to use a column of checkboxes to cancel multiple signups at once.
  424. = #332443 by TheOnlyHarry and dww: theme_signup_user_form() is now
  425. invoked with the $node object as context, so you can conditionally
  426. add custom signup fields depending on the node or node type.
  427. Bugs fixed since 5.x-2.5:
  428. = #327417 by dww: Fixed bug where reminder emails always used
  429. '[Untimed]' for the %time token with event 5.x-2.*.
  430. = #327417 by dww: Fixed bugs regarding timezones and other date logic
  431. for auto-close and reminder emails with event 5.x-2.*. Also cleaned
  432. up the same date logic for the event 5.x-1.* support.
  433. = #329708 by dww: Fixed bug where reminder emails could be sent for
  434. time-based content that already started. This would be particularly
  435. prominent if a site has content types that use CCK date fields which
  436. are signup enabled, then upgraded to the latest version. But, the
  437. bug could have potentially hit sites using the Event module, too.
  438. = #328637 by dww: Fixed bug where error messages generated while
  439. validating an anonymous user's email address weren't translatable.
  440. = #290734 by dww: Fixed a bug from the previous patch where the
  441. %username token for anonymous users wasn't actually being replaced
  442. inside theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username().
  443. = #330281 by dww: Fixed broken link to the 'Signups' tab in the help
  444. text for the signup settings on the node form when creating new nodes.
  445. = Fixed the help text on the signup broadcast page to use the
  446. human-readable name of the content type, not the internal name.
  447. = #332968 by dww: Renamed _signup_admin_form to signup_node_settings_form
  448. to be less confusing, and fixed PHP warnings from not knowing the node
  449. type on the global signup settings configuration page. Also, all help
  450. text now consistently uses the human-readable node type name.
  451. = #334405 by dww: Fixed minor UI bug where the "Sign up another user"
  452. fieldset on the node/N/signups administrative tab was expanded or
  453. collapsed based on the setting to control the signup fieldset when
  454. viewing nodes. Now, the fieldset is always open on the admin tab.
  455. = #330840 by dww: Fixed a PHP warning when sending a copy of a signup
  456. broadcast to yourself from _signup_get_email_tokens() inspecting an
  457. element in the $signup object that doesn't always exist.
  458. Other changes since 5.x-2.5:
  459. = #327726 by dww: Reorganized the directory layout of the code.
  460. = #328647 by dww: Removed all mention of 'event' in the UI and code
  461. unless it refers specifically to the event.module. User-facing text
  462. now uses the human-readable node type name, instead.
  463. = #328840 by dww: Renamed the default email tokens to use less
  464. ambiguous names and to not refer to 'event' at all (#328647).
  465. = #333259 by dww: Renamed 'signup_admin_node_form' to
  466. 'signup_node_admin_summary_form' to help avoid confusion in the
  467. code. This does mean that sites which implemented their own theme
  468. function for this form will have to modify the name of their
  469. override function.
  470. = #327726: Removed dead 'contrib' code. signup_ecommerce is already
  471. moved to another project and is referenced on the signup project
  472. page. signup_conflict hasn't been touched since 4.7.x (#326110).
  473. If anyone wants it, they can checkout DRUPAL-4-7 and make a new
  474. project for it.
  475. -----------
  476. 5.x-2.5
  477. -----------
  478. Potential information disclosure bugs fixed with this release:
  479. = #219680 by dww: Fixed bug where the email address of users who signup
  480. was being sent in the notification emails to event owners, which is an
  481. inadvertent disclosure of personal information. Now, only a link to
  482. the user's profile is included.
  483. = #310307 by dww: Added a filter for published nodes to the default
  484. views for the 'Signups' tab on user profile pages.
  485. New features since 5.x-2.4:
  486. = #243035 by dww, deviantintegral and stBorchert: Added a default view
  487. for the users signed up for a node ('signup_user_list'), a theme
  488. function for the hard-coded listing (theme_signup_user_list()), a
  489. setting to control what user listing appears under the signup form
  490. (the old hard-coded listing, an embedded view, or nothing at all),
  491. and some jQuery to hide/reveal these advanced settings as needed.
  492. = #285626 by deviantintegral and dww: Added optional support for using
  493. token.module tokens in the various email message templates.
  494. = #265222 by dww: Added support for an "%eventurl" token for all e-mail
  495. messages which contains the full URL to the node in question.
  496. = #316276 by deviantintegral: Added an option to hide the signup form.
  497. = #275298 by dww: Made the table of signup details at node/N/signups
  498. sortable by username or signup time.
  499. = #310677 by stBorchert and dww: Added the ability for the sender of a
  500. broadcast message to send themselves a copy.
  501. = #132142 by dww: Added a setting to control which site-wide date
  502. format string to use for rendering dates in the administrative UI
  503. and in the email messages.
  504. = #273072 by dww: Added a theme function for the node/N/signups signup
  505. administration tab (theme_signup_node_admin_page()), and changed the
  506. default appearance of that page to be more visually consistent.
  507. = #47913 by dww and stBorchert: Added significantly more themeability
  508. for what appears on signup-enabled nodes and for the the signup
  509. administration overview page.
  510. Bug fixes since 5.x-2.4:
  511. = #321653 by shane_jordan: Fixed bug where if a signup administrator
  512. canceled an anonymous signup on a given node, all of that anonymous
  513. user's signups were also canceled. This bug was from the original
  514. implementation of anonymous signup support (#68497).
  515. = #233512 by dww and tcocca: Added code to cancel all signups of users
  516. that are deleted from the site.
  517. = #259301 by dww: Fixed bug where the code assumes you want additional
  518. fields in your signup form. Signup now handles an empty return value
  519. from theme_signup_user_form().
  520. = #249155 by joshk: Added the $user object as another argument when
  521. invoking hook_signup_sign_up().
  522. = #224162 by dww: Fixed bug where all broadcasts were sent as the site
  523. owner.
  524. = #247618 by selmanj and dww: Fixed bug where "... or register ..." was
  525. printed even on sites that have user registration disabled.
  526. = #321463 by dww: Fixed UI bug where the 'Please login or register to
  527. signup' help text was printed even if regular authenticated users
  528. couldn't signup.
  529. = #243051 by dww: Fixed bugs and simplified logic for deciding if the
  530. "Signup settings" fieldset should be added to node forms or not.
  531. = #219678 by dww: Changed email notification to event owner to omit
  532. "Date/Time: [Untimed]" if the event has no time.
  533. = #290740 by deviantintegral and dww: If 'site_mail' is undefined,
  534. use the 'sendmail_from' PHP ini setting as the fall-back value for
  535. the From address in e-mails sent by this module.
  536. = #278739 by dww: Fixed incorrect start date on signup administration
  537. page (admin/content/signup) when using event 5.x-2.*.
  538. = #213239 by dww: Fixed UI bug where event-specific features (e.g.
  539. reminder email) were shown on nodes that don't have a start time.
  540. = #247573 by dww: Fixed UI bug where the form for administrators to
  541. signup other users (#174715) was shown even if signups were closed
  542. on that node.
  543. = #293157 by dww: Fixed bug where the '!login' placeholder was not
  544. expanded in the help text for the e-mail field when anonymous users
  545. can signup. This bug was introduced in version 5.x-2.4 via #174715.
  546. = #290734 by dww: Cleaned up, unified, and fixed handling of the
  547. hard-coded signup email tokens. In particular, %username is now
  548. properly handled for anonymous signups by means of a new theme
  549. function: theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username().
  550. = #137609 by dww and stBorchert: Added a lot more themeability for how
  551. the site-specific custom signup data is displayed for the signed up
  552. user, the signup administrator, and in the email messages. This also
  553. fixes a bug (#178441) where the labels for the custom fields were not
  554. included in the email messages.
  555. New theme functions (see the comments in the code for more info):
  556. = #47913: theme_signup_current_signup()
  557. = #47913: theme_signup_signups_closed()
  558. = #47913: theme_signup_anonymous_user_login_text()
  559. = #47913: theme_signup_admin_page()
  560. = #137609: theme_signup_custom_data()
  561. = #137609: theme_signup_custom_data_email()
  562. = #137609: theme_signup_custom_data_table()
  563. = #137609: theme_signup_custom_data_rows()
  564. = #137609: theme_signup_email_token_custom_data()
  565. = #290734: theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username()
  566. = #243035: theme_signup_user_list()
  567. = #273072: theme_signup_node_admin_page()
  568. = #285626: theme_signup_token_help()
  569. = #310677: theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy()
  570. Other changes since 5.x-2.4:
  571. = Removed the deprecated (4.7.x) signup_ecommerce code since it now
  572. lives in a new project:
  573. = #309668 by slybud: Added a French (fr) translation.
  574. = #289326 by starbow and dww: Added two new functions to the event
  575. backend API for knowing if a node type or a node has a start time.
  576. = #322528: Simplified the description of the signup_available_signups view.
  577. -----------
  578. 5.x-2.4
  579. -----------
  580. Bug fixes since 5.x-2.3:
  581. = #193068 by bkat and dww: Fixed fatal bug during cron.php with event
  582. 5.x-2.* installed (event_include_files() was missing from a few places).
  583. = Fixed signup_install() not to force tables on MySQL to be MyISAM.
  584. = #199383 by deviantintegral and dww: Fixed bug that could cause signup
  585. to invoke node_load() with invalid parameters on the node add form.
  586. = #79331: Fixed inconsistent UI: don't capitalize individual words
  587. (for example, the UI now uses 'Current signups' and 'Cancel signups').
  588. = #107136: Added $uid parameter to _signup_cancel hook (so it can be
  589. useful for something) and converted to use module_invoke_all().
  590. = #202913 by westwesterson: Fixed ambiguous SQL query on the
  591. admin/content/signup page when using certain node access modules.
  592. = #212790 by dww: Fixed an SQL 'GROUP BY' bug on the admin/content/signup
  593. page when PgSQL and the 5.x-1.* series of event.module are used.
  594. New features since 5.x-2.3:
  595. = #190553 by dww: Added a global setting to move the signup form from
  596. a fieldset on the node to a separate "Sign up" tab. This feature
  597. was sponsored by
  598. = #195276 by jrbeeman and dww: Enhanced per-node-type signup settings
  599. to allow admins to completely disable signups on certain node types.
  600. There are now 3 signup options on the content type settings page:
  601. - "Disabled": completely prevents signups, even users with
  602. 'administer all signups' cannot signup-enable nodes of this type.
  603. - "Allowed (off by default)": admins get a "Signup settings"
  604. fieldset, but signups are disabled by default.
  605. - "Enabled (on by default)": Signups are enabled by default, but
  606. admins can disable signups on specific nodes of this type.
  607. = #174715 by dww: Signup administrators can now signup other users.
  608. = #145749 by schittli: Added German (de) translation.
  609. -----------
  610. 5.x-2.3
  611. -----------
  612. Bug fixes since 5.x-2.2:
  613. = #169372 and #171363: Fixed bugs with redeclaring functions caused by
  614. using include() instead of include_once().
  615. = #179540 by dragonwize and dww: Restored the login/register links for
  616. anonymous users when viewing a signup-enabled node.
  617. = #181627 by stBorchert and dww: Removed an inappropriate WHERE clause
  618. in the signup UID views argument handler that restricted the query to
  619. nodes where signups where open. That should be handled via a filter.
  620. = #183417 by dww: Switched to a better method for conditionally
  621. including views support code. This no longer uses signup_init(),
  622. which wasn't necessary and made this module listed as incompatible
  623. with aggressive caching for no good reason.
  624. New features since 5.x-2.2:
  625. = #137911 by dww: Added, moved all hard-coded
  626. UI functionality there, and provided a default view to list the
  627. users's current signups (both at their profile and via a block).
  628. This allows more flexibility for sites using views, since the
  629. default views for these things can be customized without conflicting
  630. with the non-views UI.
  631. = #48267 by dww: Added a default view of available signups (events
  632. without a reply) which is a subtab at user/%uid/signups/available
  633. and also provided as a block.
  634. = #180154 by KarenS and dww: Added a views filter for if the current
  635. user is signed up.
  636. = #178021 by stBorchert: Added a new "cancel own signups" permission.
  637. NOTE: After updating the module and running update.php, all roles
  638. that previously had the "sign up for content" permission will have
  639. "cancel own signups", too.
  640. = #180233 by stenjo: Added a Norwegian Bokmal translation.
  641. -----------
  642. 5.x-2.2
  643. -----------
  644. Bug fixes since 5.x-2.1:
  645. = #163257 by dww: Anonymous users could cancel all anonymous signups
  646. once the signup limit is reached or signups are otherwise closed.
  647. This bug was introduced in version 5.x-2.1.
  648. = #160862 by adrinux and dww: Fixed paging on signup administration form
  649. (admin/content/signup) due to missing count query.
  650. = #142402 by cpisto: Fixed SQL bug on PgSQL when event.module is enabled.
  651. = #147546 by stBorchert: Removed call to undefined _event_date() when
  652. using signup broadcast if event.module is not installed.
  653. = #158688 by m3avrck: fixed JS to work with aggregator.
  654. = Code-style fixes (thanks to the coder.module).
  655. New features since 5.x-2.1:
  656. = #154580 by killes and dww: Refactored code to support different
  657. event-related backend modules. Both event 5.x-1.x and event 5.x-2.x
  658. are supported, and adding date.module support will now be easy.
  659. -------
  660. 5.x-2.1
  661. -------
  662. There are 2 major changes since 5.x-2.0: a long-awaited new feature,
  663. and a critical bug fix for anonymous users:
  664. = #32482: Adding support for signup limits per node:
  665. - New field on site-wide signup defaults and per-node edit form to
  666. set or modify the signup limit.
  667. - Signups auto-close when the limit is reached.
  668. - Users can now cancel their own signup when signups are closed, and
  669. if it's not an event-enabled node, or the event hasn't started
  670. yet, signups automatically re-open.
  671. - Cleanup of the node/N/signups UI.
  672. - Even bigger cleanup of admin/content/signups UI.
  673. - Views support updated to view and filter by signup limit.
  674. = #138401: Fixed a fatal PHP error on certain pages for anonymous
  675. users when caching is enabled.
  676. -------
  677. 5.x-2.0
  678. -------
  679. Initial official release of the 5.x-2.* new feature series.
  680. Enhancements since 5.x-1.0:
  681. = #106808: Initial views integration. At this time, all the fields
  682. from all signup-related database tables are exported, and there are
  683. a handful of filters, sorts, and arguments. There are no default
  684. views yet.
  685. = #106891: Signup broadcast functionality -- sufficiently privileged
  686. users now have the ability to send an email directly to all the
  687. users who signed up for a given node on the site by using the
  688. "signup-broadcast" tab.
  689. = #79332: Cleaned up the user interface for the signup administration
  690. overview page. It used to be misusing tabs as a way to filter what
  691. signup status (open, closed, or all) to view. Now there is a
  692. drop-down selector where the administrator can choose what signup
  693. status to filter the page with.
  694. = #134609: Added an advanced setting to control if the signup form is
  695. collapsed or expanded by default.
  696. -------
  697. 5.x-1.0
  698. -------
  699. The first official, stable release of the signup.module that is
  700. compatible with the 5.x core API. This release includes all of the bug
  701. fixes mentioned in the 4.7.x-1.1 release, so please see those release
  702. notes for more details. In particular, 5.x-1.0 includes the same
  703. database update from 4.7.x-1.1 that renames the permissions defined by
  704. the signup.module. Sites upgrading to 5.x-1.0 directly from 4.7.x-1.0
  705. should therefore be sure to run update.php.
  706. In addition to the changes required to function properly with the 5.x
  707. version of Drupal core, the 5.x-1.0 release includes the following changes:
  708. = #49007: The fix for all the UI bugs and weird behavior about
  709. enabling and disabling signups per-node-type and per-node is
  710. enhanced in the 5.x-1.0 release by including singup.js to implement
  711. some additional UI enhancements when JavaScript is enabled. This
  712. depends on the jQuery support that is only included in 5.x core. On
  713. JS-enabled browsers, when users with signup administrator permission
  714. are toggling if signups are enabled or not, the other signup
  715. settings will be automatically hidden when signups are disabled.
  716. = #118648 by Darren Oh: Send reminders after signups are closed.
  717. = #128287: add hook_uninstall()
  718. = Use 'access administration pages' not 'administer site configuration'
  719. permission to decide what the signup settings menu item should be called.
  720. ---------
  721. 4.7.x-1.1
  722. ---------
  723. After many months of unfortunate neglect, the singup.module has
  724. recently gotten a round of major attention and improvements. Mostly,
  725. the changes below are bug fixes, but in a few small cases, some new
  726. functionality was added, as well. This release includes a database
  727. update, which renames the permissions this module uses, so be sure to
  728. run update.php on your site, and then visit your 'access control' page
  729. (at /admin/access) to ensure the signup-related permissions are valid
  730. for the roles defined on your site.
  731. Major changes since 4.7.x-1.0:
  732. = #91284: signup.module doesn't respect privacy: db_rewrite_sql() missing
  733. = #91284: signup_conflicts.module doesn't respect privacy: db_rewrite_sql()
  734. missing
  735. = Major permissions, UI and usability fixes (includes a DB update):
  736. - #69367: Turn the "Users can view signups" setting into a permission.
  737. - #69283: Rename all other permissions to be more clear, consistent, etc.
  738. = #49007: Fix all the UI bugs and weird behavior about enabling and
  739. disabling signups per-node-type and per-node.
  740. = #102949: For consistency, allow the %info token in reminder emails, too.
  741. Other changes since 4.7.x-1.0:
  742. = #126942: Add "Reset to defaults" on settings page.
  743. = #104804 by hunmonk and dww: Fieldsets are now supported in the
  744. customized signup form. The code should now handle nested values
  745. regardless of depth.
  746. = #67067: Required fields and default values on signup form. Inspired by
  747. a patch from pjdevries. Also cleans up the formatting of the $form
  748. array in this function, vastly improves the doxygen comment, and
  749. includes a step in the INSTALL.txt file about customizing this form.
  750. = #125705: Make comment in signup.theme about not touching the
  751. definition of $form['signup_form_data']['#tree'] even more clear.
  752. = #123648: Fixing improper use of links in watchdog() messages
  753. = #78559: Fixing numerous bugs in signup translation:
  754. - Incorrect use of format_plural()
  755. - Badly formed t() strings with HTML and other goo inside wildly
  756. stale (and sometimes missing) .pot files
  757. = #69372: Ported signup to use theme('username') for user links
  758. = In the (evil, hard-coded) HTML for displaying signup information on
  759. user profile pages, we were leaving an H4 open by accident.
  760. = l() calls check_plain() for you, so we were double-escaping output.
  761. = #107154: Fix signup_sign_up_user() to prevent the same user from
  762. signing up more than once for the same node.
  763. = #128021 by adrinux: Convert html br to xhtml and use strong instead of b
  764. ---------
  765. 4.7.x-1.0
  766. ---------
  767. Initial official release from the stable 4.7.x-1.* series. There have
  768. been no changes in the signup module since August 2006, so this should
  769. be the same code as any of the signup-4.7.0.tar.gz files from
  770. 2006-08-19 and later. Additional releases of this series will only fix
  771. bugs in the existing functionality.