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11 uses of DEFAULTSHOUTSINGULAR in Shoutbox 7.2

shoutbox_action_info in ./shoutbox.module
Implements hook_action_info
shoutbox_add_form_validate in ./shoutbox.module
Makes sure uses don't submit default values.
shoutbox_delete_form in ./
Shout delete confirmation form.
shoutbox_delete_form_submit in ./
Handle the delete form submission.
shoutbox_edit_form_submit in ./
Handle the edit form submission.
shoutbox_menu in ./shoutbox.module
Implements hook_menu().
shoutbox_moderate_shout in ./shoutbox.module
Alter the moderation status of a shout.
shoutbox_permission in ./shoutbox.module
Implements hook_permission().
shoutbox_publish_form in ./
Shout publish confirmation form.
shoutbox_unpublish_form in ./
Shout unpublish confirmation form.
theme_shoutbox_post in ./
Theme function for shoutbox posts.