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shortcode.api.php in Shortcode 7.2

Shortcode API documentation.


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 * @file
 * Shortcode API documentation.

 * Declare Shortcodes.
 * @hook hook_shortcode_info()
 * @return array
 *   An associative array of shortcodes, whose keys are internal shortcode
 *   names, which should be unique..
 *     Each value is an associative array describing the shortcode, with the
 *     following elements (all are optional except as noted):
 *   - title: (required) An administrative summary of what the shortcode does.
 *   - description: Additional administrative information about the shortcode's
 *     behavior, if needed for clarification.
 *   - settings callback: The name of a function that returns configuration form
 *     elements for the shortcode. TODO
 *   - default settings: An associative array containing default settings for
 *     the shortcode, to be applied when the shortcode has not been configured
 *     yet.
 *   - process callback: (required) The name the function that performs the
 *     actual shortcodeing.
 *   - tips callback: The name of a function that returns end-user-facing
 *     usage guidelines for the shortcode.
 *   - todo: wysiwyg or attributes? WYSIWYG callback: The name of a function
 *     that returns a FAPI array with configuration input for the shortcode.
function hook_shortcode_info() {

  // Example of quote Shortcode.
  $shortcodes['quote'] = array(
    'title' => t('Quote'),
    'description' => t('Replace a given text formatted like a quote.'),
    'process callback' => 'shortcode_basic_tags_shortcode_quote',
    // todo: write about this.
    // 'settings callback' => '_shortcode_settings_form',
    'tips callback' => 'shortcode_basic_tags_shortcode_quote_tip',
    'attributes callback' => '_shortcode_settings_form',
    'default settings' => array(),
  return $shortcodes;

 * Alter existing Shortcode definition.
 * @hook hook_shortcode_info_alter()
 * @param array $shortcodes
 *   An associative array of shortcodes
 * @return array
 *   An associative array of shortcodes, whose keys are internal Shortcode
 *   names, which should be unique.
 *   Each value is an associative array describing the shortcode, with the
 *   following elements (all are optional except as noted):
 *   - title: (required) An administrative summary of what the shortcode does.
 *   - description: Additional administrative information about the shortcode's
 *     behavior, if needed for clarification.
 *   - settings callback: The name of a function that returns configuration form
 *     elements for the shortcode.
 *   - default settings: An associative array containing default settings for
 *     the shortcode, to be applied when the shortcode has not been configured
 *     yet.
 *   - process callback: (required) The name the function that performs the
 *     actual shortcodeing.
 *   - tips callback: The name of a function that returns end-user-facing
 *     Shortcode usage guidelines for the shortcode.
function hook_shortcode_info_alter(&$shortcodes) {

  // Example to change the process callback for quote macro.
  $shortcodes['quote']['process callback'] = 'MYMODULE_shortcode_quote';


Namesort descending Description
hook_shortcode_info Declare Shortcodes.
hook_shortcode_info_alter Alter existing Shortcode definition.