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INSTALL.txt in Shibboleth Authentication 6.2

Shibboleth Authetication module - Installation Instructions

Writen by Tamás Dévai:

1. Configure Shibboleth SP for your Drupal installation.

2. Place the entire folder in your /modules directory, or a /modules directory
    in a mulitsite folder, or in the /sites/all directory.

3. Enable the module at administer -> site building -> modules.

4. Visit administer -> user management -> access control, and grant users
   permissions to administer the module.

5. Visit administer -> user management -> Shibboleth settings to set up the module.
   See the help located at administer -> help -> Shibboleth authentication for details
   on how to properly configure the module for your needs.


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  1. ***********************************************************
  2. Shibboleth Authetication module - Installation Instructions
  3. Writen by Tamás Dévai:
  4. ***********************************************************
  5. 1. Configure Shibboleth SP for your Drupal installation.
  6. 2. Place the entire folder in your /modules directory, or a /modules directory
  7. in a mulitsite folder, or in the /sites/all directory.
  8. 3. Enable the module at administer -> site building -> modules.
  9. 4. Visit administer -> user management -> access control, and grant users
  10. permissions to administer the module.
  11. 5. Visit administer -> user management -> Shibboleth settings to set up the module.
  12. See the help located at administer -> help -> Shibboleth authentication for details
  13. on how to properly configure the module for your needs.