protected function ShareMessageTestBase::assertNoOGTags in Share Message 8
Passes if the markup of the OG meta tags is NOT found on the loaded page.
string $property: The OG tag property, for example "og:title" (WITHOUT any kind of quotes).
string $value: The value/content of the related OG tag property.
string $message: (optional) A message to display with the assertion. Do not translate messages: use \Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup::format() to embed variables in the message text, not t(). If left blank, a default message will be displayed.
Return value
bool TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
4 calls to ShareMessageTestBase::assertNoOGTags()
- ShareMessageOGHeadersTest::testOGHeadersFormSave in tests/
src/ Functional/ Plugin/ ShareMessageOGHeadersTest.php - Test case for OGHeaders settings form saving.
- ShareMessageSettingsTest::testShareMessageSpecialCharsEncoding in tests/
src/ Functional/ ShareMessageSettingsTest.php - Test case for special characters encoding.
- ShareMessageViewModesTest::testShareMessageViewModes in tests/
src/ Functional/ ShareMessageViewModesTest.php - Checks whether view modes render expected markup.
- ShareMessageWorkflowTest::testShareMessageWorkflow in tests/
src/ Functional/ ShareMessageWorkflowTest.php - Main Share Message workflow through the admin UI.
- tests/
src/ Functional/ ShareMessageTestBase.php, line 228
protected function assertNoOGTags($property, $value, $message = '') {
return $this
->assertOGTagsHelper($property, $value, $message, TRUE);