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public function ShareMessageExposeToBlockTest::testShareMessageExposeToBlock in Share Message 8

Test case that check if Share Message is exposed as block.


tests/src/Functional/ShareMessageExposeToBlockTest.php, line 39


Check if Share Message is exposed as block.




public function testShareMessageExposeToBlock() {

  // First enable the bartik theme to place the Share Message block afterwards.
  $theme = 'bartik';
    ->set('default', $theme)

  // Create an article content type and an article node.
    'type' => 'article',
    'name' => 'Article',
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'field_name' => 'image_test',
    'type' => 'image',
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'field_name' => 'image_test',
    'bundle' => 'article',
    'settings' => [
      'file_extensions' => 'jpg png',
  $files[] = $this
  $uri = 'public://file.png';
    ->copy($files[0][0]->uri, $uri);
  $file = File::create([
    'uri' => $uri,
  $node = $this
    'type' => 'article',
    'title' => 'Share Message article',
    'body' => [
      'value' => 'Test context to show block on routes with node parameter.',
    'image_test' => $file,
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->assertTitle('Share Message article | Drupal');
    ->assertNoRaw('<h2>Share Message test block</h2>');

  // Create another Share Message.
  $sharemessage = [
    'label' => 'Share Message Test Label',
    'id' => 'sharemessage_test_label',
    'message_short' => 'AddThis sharemessage short description.',
    'message_long' => '[node:title]',
    'image_url' => '[node:image_test:entity:url]',
    'image_width' => '[node:image_test:width]',
    'image_height' => '[node:image_test:height]',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/services/sharemessage/add', $sharemessage, t('Save'));

  // Check for confirmation message and listing of the Share Message entity.
    ->assertText(t('Share Message @label has been added.', [
    '@label' => $sharemessage['label'],

  // Enable twitter and tweet services for AddThis.
  $edit = [
    'default_services[]' => [
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save configuration');

  // Add a block that will contain the created Share Message.
  $block = [
    'settings[label]' => 'Share Message test block',
    'settings[sharemessage]' => $sharemessage['id'],
    'region' => 'content',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/block/add/sharemessage_block/' . $theme, $block, t('Save block'));

  // Check the Share Message block is now displayed on the article node.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->assertTitle('Share Message article | Drupal');
    ->assertRaw('<h2>Share Message test block</h2>');
  $sharemessage_values = $sharemessage;
  $sharemessage_values['message_long'] = 'Share Message article';
    ->assertShareButtons($sharemessage_values, 'addthis_16x16_style', TRUE);
  $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
  $image_width = $image
  $image_height = $image
    ->assertOGTags('og:image', $file
    ->assertOGTags('og:image:width', $image_width);
    ->assertOGTags('og:image:height', $image_height);

  // Edit, create new review and check the Share Message block.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->id() . '/edit');
  $edit = [
    'revision' => TRUE,
    'title[0][value]' => 'Share Message article edit',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertTitle('Share Message article edit | Drupal');
    ->assertRaw('<h2>Share Message test block</h2>');
  $sharemessage_values['message_long'] = 'Share Message article edit';
    ->assertShareButtons($sharemessage_values, 'addthis_16x16_style', TRUE);

  // Visit the old article node's revision and check the Share message block.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->id() . '/revisions/' . $node
    ->getRevisionId() . '/view');
    ->assertTitle('Share Message article | Drupal');
    ->assertRaw('<h2>Share Message test block</h2>');
  $sharemessage_values['message_long'] = '';
    ->assertShareButtons($sharemessage_values, 'addthis_16x16_style', TRUE);

  // Verify that the block is in the submitted region of the bartik theme.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/block/list/' . $theme);

  // Go to front page and check whether Share Message is displayed.
    ->assertShareButtons($sharemessage_values, 'addthis_16x16_style', TRUE);

  // Check the twitter template placeholder.
  $twitter_template = 'var addthis_share = { templates: { twitter: "AddThis sharemessage short description." } }';

  // Check for the contextual links presence.
  $sharemessage_contextual_id = 'data-contextual-id="block:block=sharemessage:langcode=en|sharemessage:sharemessage=sharemessage_test_label:langcode=en"';

  // Logout the user and check for the Share Message block.
    ->assertShareButtons($sharemessage_values, 'addthis_16x16_style', TRUE);

  // Create an authenticated user.
  $permissions = [];
  $admin_user = $this
    ->assertShareButtons($sharemessage_values, 'addthis_16x16_style', TRUE);

  // A normal user must not see contextual links.