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public function ShareMessageWorkflowTestCase::testShareMessageWorkflow in Share Message 7

Main sharemessage workflow through the admin UI.


tests/sharemessage.test, line 43
ShareMessage tests.




public function testShareMessageWorkflow() {

  // Step 1: Create a share message in the UI.
  $edit = array(
    'label' => 'ShareMessage Test Label',
    'name' => 'sharemessage_test_label',
    'sharemessage_title[en][0][value]' => 'ShareMessage Test Title',
    'sharemessage_long[en][0][value]' => 'ShareMessage Test Long Description',
    'sharemessage_short[en][0][value]' => 'ShareMessage Test Short Description',
    'sharemessage_image_url[und][0][value]' => '',
    'sharemessage_url[und][0][value]' => '',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save share message'));
    ->assertText(t('Message @label saved.', array(
    '@label' => $edit['label'],
  )), t('ShareMessage is successfully saved.'));

  // Step 2: Display share message and verify AddThis markup
  // and meta header elements.
  $raw_html_string = '<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_16x16_style"';
    ->assertRaw($raw_html_string, t('AddThis buttons are displayed.'));
  $meta_title = '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $edit['sharemessage_title[en][0][value]'] . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_title, t('OG:title exists and has appropriate content.'));
  $meta_description = '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $edit['sharemessage_long[en][0][value]'] . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_description, t('OG:description exists and has appropriate content.'));
  $meta_image = '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $edit['sharemessage_image_url[und][0][value]'] . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_image, t('OG:image exists and has appropriate content.'));
  $meta_url = '<meta property="og:url" content="' . $edit['sharemessage_url[und][0][value]'] . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_url, t('OG:url exists and has appropriate content.'));

  // Check if the enforce checkbox is there.
    ->assertFieldByName('enforce_usage', NULL, 'The enforce checkbox was found.');
  $edit_2 = array(
    'label' => 'ShareMessage 2 Test Label',
    'name' => 'sharemessage_test_label2',
    'sharemessage_title[en][0][value]' => 'ShareMessage 2 Test Title',
    'sharemessage_long[en][0][value]' => 'ShareMessage 2 Test Long Description',
    'sharemessage_short[en][0][value]' => 'ShareMessage 2 Test Short Description',
    'sharemessage_image_url[und][0][value]' => $edit['sharemessage_image_url[und][0][value]'],
    'sharemessage_url[und][0][value]' => $edit['sharemessage_url[und][0][value]'],
    'enforce_usage' => 1,
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit_2, t('Save share message'));
  $sharemessage = entity_load_single('sharemessage', 2);

  // Check if the option was saved as expected.
    ->assertEqual(!empty($sharemessage->settings['enforce_usage']), TRUE, 'Enforce setting was saved on the entity.');
    ->drupalGet('sharemessage-test/1', array(
    'query' => array(
      'smid' => 2,

  // Check if the og:description tag gets rendered correctly.
  $meta_description = '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $edit_2['sharemessage_long[en][0][value]'] . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_description, t('OG:description was overridden properly.'));

  // Check if the og:url tag gets rendered correctly.
  $url = url($edit['sharemessage_url[und][0][value]'], array(
    'query' => array(
      'smid' => 2,
  $meta_url = '<meta property="og:url" content="' . $url . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_url, t('OG:url has correct query string.'));

  // Disable enforcement of overrides in the global settings.
  variable_set('sharemessage_message_enforcement', FALSE);
    ->drupalGet('sharemessage-test/1', array(
    'query' => array(
      'smid' => 2,

  // Check if the og:description tag gets rendered correctly.
  $meta_description = '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $edit['sharemessage_long[en][0][value]'] . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_description, t('OG:description was not overridden.'));

  // Check if the og:url tag gets rendered correctly.
  $meta_url = '<meta property="og:url" content="' . $edit['sharemessage_url[und][0][value]'] . '" />';
    ->assertRaw($meta_url, t('OG:url does not contain query string.'));