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public function ShareMessageSettingsTestCase::testShareMessageSettings in Share Message 7

Test case that check if default and sharemessage specific settings work correctly.


tests/sharemessage.test, line 173
ShareMessage tests.




public function testShareMessageSettings() {

  // Step 1: Setup default settings.
  $default_settings = array(
    'sharemessage_default_services[]' => array(
    'sharemessage_default_additional_services' => FALSE,
    'sharemessage_default_icon_style' => 'addthis_16x16_style',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $default_settings, t('Save configuration'));

  // Step 2: Create share message with customized settings.
  $sharemessage = array(
    'label' => 'ShareMessage Test Label',
    'name' => 'sharemessage_test_label',
    'override_default_settings' => 1,
    'settings[services][]' => array(
    'settings[additional_services]' => 1,
    'settings[icon_style]' => 'addthis_32x32_style',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $sharemessage, t('Save share message'));
    ->assertText(t('Message @label saved.', array(
    '@label' => $sharemessage['label'],

  // Step 3: Verify that settings are overridden
  // (services, additional_services and icon_style).
  $raw_html_additional_services = '<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>';
  $raw_html_icon_style = '<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ' . $sharemessage['settings[icon_style]'] . '"';

  // Check services (facebook_like button should not be displayed).
  $facebook_button = $this
    ->assertEqual(empty($facebook_button), TRUE, t('Facebook like button that is globally enabled is not displayed on the page, so that the global settings are overridden.'));

  // Additional services should be displayed.
    ->assertRaw($raw_html_additional_services, t('Additional services button is displayed, so that the global settings are overridden.'));

  // Check icon style.
    ->assertRaw($raw_html_icon_style, t('Icon style is changed to "' . $sharemessage['settings[icon_style]'] . '" so that the global settings are overridden.'));

  // Step 4: Uncheck "Override default settings" checkbox.
    ->drupalGet('admin/config/services/sharemessage/manage/' . $sharemessage['name']);
  $edit = array(
    'override_default_settings' => FALSE,
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save share message'));
    ->assertText(t('Message @label saved.', array(
    '@label' => $sharemessage['label'],

  // Step 5: Check that addThis widget is displayed with default settings.
  $facebook_button = $this

  // Check services (facebook_like button should be displayed).
    ->assertTrue(!empty($facebook_button), t('Facebook like button is displayed as it is globally configured.'));

  // Additional services button should not be displayed.
    ->assertNoRaw($raw_html_additional_services, t('Additional services buttion is not displayed as it is globally configured.'));

  // Check icon style (should be addthis_16x16_style).
  $raw_html_default_icon_style = '<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ' . $default_settings['sharemessage_default_icon_style'] . '"';
    ->assertRaw($raw_html_default_icon_style, t('Default icon style is used.'));