public function ShareMessageShariffTestCase::testShariffIntegration in Share Message 7
Tests the shariff integration.
- tests/
sharemessage.shariff.test, line 28 - ShareMessage shariff integration tests.
- ShareMessageShariffTestCase
- Tests the shariff integration.
public function testShariffIntegration() {
// Enable and configure shariff.
$default_settings = array(
'sharemessage_default_type' => 'shariff',
'sharemessage_twitter_user' => 'MDSystems_CH',
->drupalPost('admin/config/services/sharemessage/settings', $default_settings, t('Save configuration'));
$shariff_settings = array(
'shariff_services[mail]' => TRUE,
'shariff_services[whatsapp]' => TRUE,
->drupalPost('admin/config/services/shariff', $shariff_settings, t('Save configuration'));
// Create another sharemessage that will be exposed as block.
$sharemessage = array(
'label' => 'ShareMessage Test Label',
'name' => 'sharemessage_test_label',
'sharemessage_title[en][0][value]' => 'Short example title',
'sharemessage_long[en][0][value]' => 'Long example description',
'sharemessage_short[en][0][value]' => 'Short example description',
'sharemessage_image_url[und][0][value]' => '/path/to/share-image.jpg',
'block' => 1,
->drupalPost(NULL, $sharemessage, t('Save share message'));
->assertText(t('Message @label saved.', array(
'@label' => $sharemessage['label'],
// Go to block section and enable block to be visible
// on content region.
->assertRaw($sharemessage['label'], t($sharemessage['label'] . ' block exists.'));
$edit = array(
'blocks[sharemessage_' . $sharemessage['name'] . '][region]' => 'content',
->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
// Ensure that shariff is shown correctly and addthis is not loaded.
->assertRaw('data-mail-subject="Short example title"');
->assertRaw('data-mail-body="Long example description"');
// Do not assert the full URL, as this is not working on testbot, just make
// sure it is there and absolute.
// $this->assertRaw('data-url="' . $this->getAbsoluteUrl('node') . '"');
// Uncomment when is
// committed and released.
// $this->assertRaw('data-title="Short example description"');