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sharedemail_subuser.module in Shared Email 6

Integrate Subuser and Shared Email modules.


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// $Id$

 * @file
 *  Integrate Subuser and Shared Email modules.

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
 * Altering the subuser_create_form.
function sharedemail_subuser_form_subuser_create_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $parent = user_load($form['parent_user']['#value']);
  $form['account']['mail']['#type'] = 'hidden';
  $form['account']['mail']['#default_value'] = $parent->mail;
  $form['account']['mail_message'] = array(
    '#value' => t('This account will share the email address !email with the parent account !parent.', array(
      '!email' => '<em>' . $parent->mail . '</em>',
      '!parent' => '<em>' . $parent->name . '</em>',

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
 * Altering the user_edit_form.
function sharedemail_subuser_form_user_profile_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // If the current user is the one being edited, and it has a parent, deny mail edit access.
  if ($GLOBALS['user']->uid == $form['#uid']) {
    $form['account']['mail']['#access'] = !(bool) subuser_get_parent($form['#uid']);
  if (subuser_get_subusers($form['#uid'])) {
    $form['account']['pass']['#weight'] = 1;
    $form['account']['status']['#weight'] = 2;
    $form['account']['sharedemail_mail_sync'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Sync email to subusers'),
      '#description' => t('This email address will be used for all of it\'s subuser accounts.'),
      '#default_value' => FALSE,

 * Implementation of hook_user().
function sharedemail_subuser_user($op, &$edit, $account, $category = array()) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'update':

      // Update email addresses of subuser accounts to match parent account.
      // Only do this on parent account request. No need to update subusers
      // on 'insert' because subuser accounts would not exist yet.
      $subusers = subuser_get_subusers($account->uid);
      if (empty($subusers) || !$edit['sharedemail_mail_sync']) {
      $sql = "UPDATE {users} SET mail='%s' WHERE uid=" . implode(' OR uid=', $subusers);
      if (db_query($sql, $edit['mail']) !== FALSE) {
        drupal_set_message(t('Subuser accounts updated to email address !mail', array(
          '!mail' => '<em>' . $edit['mail'] . '</em>',

 * Implementation of hook_sharedemail_policy_info().
 * Only subusers may share email addresses. Because this policy denies parent
 * accounts the ability to share email addresses, there is nothing to gain by
 * guaranteeing that subuser accounts can only share with their 'siblings'.
function sharedemail_subuser_sharedemail_policy_info($uid, $parent_uid, $existing, $mail) {
  if ($parent_uid == NULL) {

    // If the user accounts that share this address are subusers of the current
    // account, allow the account to share the email address.
    $subusers = subuser_get_subusers($uid);
    $non_subusers = array_diff($existing, $subusers);
    if (empty($non_subusers)) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;


Namesort descending Description
sharedemail_subuser_form_subuser_create_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Altering the subuser_create_form.
sharedemail_subuser_form_user_profile_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Altering the user_edit_form.
sharedemail_subuser_sharedemail_policy_info Implementation of hook_sharedemail_policy_info().
sharedemail_subuser_user Implementation of hook_user().