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6 calls to ShareaholicUtilities::update_options() in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 7.3

ShareaholicUtilities::api_key_verified in ./utilities.php
Checks whether the api key has been verified using the rails endpoint. Once the key has been verified, we store that away so that we don't have to check again.
ShareaholicUtilities::get_or_create_api_key in ./utilities.php
Returns the api key or creates a new one.
ShareaholicUtilities::set_version in ./utilities.php
Sets the current version of this module in the database
ShareaholicUtilities::share_counts_api_connectivity_check in ./utilities.php
Share Counts API Connectivity check
ShareaholicUtilities::turn_on_locations in ./utilities.php
Passed an array of location names mapped to ids per app.
shareaholic_advanced_settings_form_submit in includes/shareaholic_advanced_settings_form.php