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7 calls to ShareaholicUtilities::has_accepted_terms_of_service() in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 7.3

ShareaholicAdmin::draw_modal_popup in ./admin.php
Outputs the actual html for either the terms_of_service modal or the failed_create_api_key modal depending on what is in the database
ShareaholicAdmin::show_pending_update_notice in ./admin.php
Show the pending update notice on admin pages
ShareaholicAdmin::show_terms_of_service_notice in ./admin.php
Show the terms of service notice on admin pages except for shareaholic admin settings page
ShareaholicUtilities::has_tos_and_apikey in ./utilities.php
Check if the installation has accepted ToS and we created an apikey
shareaholic_admin_advanced.tpl.php in templates/shareaholic_admin_advanced.tpl.php
shareaholic_enable in ./shareaholic.install
Implements hook_enable(). When the module is enabled, call CM single domain worker and log the enable event
shareaholic_install in ./shareaholic.install
Implements hook_install(). When the user installs the module, log the event