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15 calls to ShareaholicUtilities::get_option() in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 7.3

ShareaholicAdmin::draw_modal_popup in ./admin.php
Outputs the actual html for either the terms_of_service modal or the failed_create_api_key modal depending on what is in the database
ShareaholicAdmin::update_check in ./admin.php
Sends an event when the user has updated the Drupal module
ShareaholicPublic::insert_content_meta_tags in ./public.php
Inserts the shareaholic content meta tags on the page On all pages, it will insert the standard content meta tags On full post pages, it will insert page specific content meta tags
ShareaholicPublic::insert_og_tags in ./public.php
Insert the Open Graph Tags
ShareaholicPublic::js_snippet in ./public.php
The actual text for the JS snippet because drupal doesn't seem to be able to add JS from template like Wordpress does... Using heredocs for now
ShareaholicPublicJS::get_base_settings in ./public_js.php
Get _SHR_SETTINGS config for shareaholic js
ShareaholicUtilities::delete_api_key in ./utilities.php
Deletes the api key
ShareaholicUtilities::get_or_create_api_key in ./utilities.php
Returns the api key or creates a new one.
ShareaholicUtilities::has_tos_and_apikey in ./utilities.php
Check if the installation has accepted ToS and we created an apikey
ShareaholicUtilities::log_event in ./utilities.php
This is a wrapper for the Event API
ShareaholicUtilities::reset_settings in ./utilities.php
Restore the plugin settings
ShareaholicUtilities::share_counts_api_connectivity_check in ./utilities.php
Share Counts API Connectivity check
shareaholic_admin_advanced.tpl.php in templates/shareaholic_admin_advanced.tpl.php
shareaholic_advanced_settings_form in includes/shareaholic_advanced_settings_form.php
The form object for the advanced settings
shareaholic_enable in ./shareaholic.install
Implements hook_enable(). When the module is enabled, call CM single domain worker and log the enable event