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CHANGELOG.txt in Shadowbox 6

Shadowbox 6.x-1.x-dev, 2008-06-06
- Added options for controlling which media types to open in Shadowbox.
- Added validation that assets actually exist (loading image, background image and flv player).
- Rerouted form_set_error calls after previous change of form element names.
- Added ability to select light CSS skin.
- Added ability to exclude pages. Defaults to admin*, img_assist*, node/add/*, node/*/edit.
- Created header building function: shadowbox_header.

Shadowbox 6.x-1.x-dev, 2008-06-05
- Moved drupal_add_* code from hook_nodeapi to hook_init.
- Added CSS file with min-width to fix disappearing controls.
- Added requirements check for 3rd party software.
- Removed unnecessary hook_install.
- Streamlined hook_uninstall (by Morbus).
- Changed asset URL to no leading or trailing slashes and relative to base_path.
- Changed erroneous use of url in favour of base_path.

Shadowbox 6.x-1.x-dev, 2008-05-12
- Improved Doxygen comments as per #1354.
- Improved cleaning of variable table on uninstall.
- Improved naming of variables _explode_to_int().
- Inverted return value and calls to _validate_keys_string().
- Changed dependency from 'code only' to 'full' Shadowbox distribution.
- Now using compressed files from shadowbox/build/*.

Shadowbox HEAD, 2008-04-24
- Added all Shadowbox options as global settings (except on* callbacks):
- Added help documentation.
- Added usage examples to online help and INSTALL.txt.
- Added input validation.
- Added global killswitch.

Shadowbox HEAD, 2008-04-16 (initial commit)
- Created initial module.
- Added options for animate, animSequence, overlayColor.


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  1. Shadowbox 6.x-1.x-dev, 2008-06-06
  2. ---------------------------------
  3. - Added options for controlling which media types to open in Shadowbox.
  4. - Added validation that assets actually exist (loading image, background image and flv player).
  5. - Rerouted form_set_error calls after previous change of form element names.
  6. - Added ability to select light CSS skin.
  7. - Added ability to exclude pages. Defaults to admin*, img_assist*, node/add/*, node/*/edit.
  8. - Created header building function: shadowbox_header.
  9. Shadowbox 6.x-1.x-dev, 2008-06-05
  10. ---------------------------------
  11. - Moved drupal_add_* code from hook_nodeapi to hook_init.
  12. - Added CSS file with min-width to fix disappearing controls.
  13. - Added requirements check for 3rd party software.
  14. - Removed unnecessary hook_install.
  15. - Streamlined hook_uninstall (by Morbus).
  16. - Changed asset URL to no leading or trailing slashes and relative to base_path.
  17. - Changed erroneous use of url in favour of base_path.
  18. Shadowbox 6.x-1.x-dev, 2008-05-12
  19. ---------------------------------
  20. - Improved Doxygen comments as per #1354.
  21. - Improved cleaning of variable table on uninstall.
  22. - Improved naming of variables _explode_to_int().
  23. - Inverted return value and calls to _validate_keys_string().
  24. - Changed dependency from 'code only' to 'full' Shadowbox distribution.
  25. - Now using compressed files from shadowbox/build/*.
  26. Shadowbox HEAD, 2008-04-24
  27. --------------------------
  28. - Added all Shadowbox options as global settings (except on* callbacks):
  29. - Added help documentation.
  30. - Added usage examples to online help and INSTALL.txt.
  31. - Added input validation.
  32. - Added global killswitch.
  33. Shadowbox HEAD, 2008-04-16 (initial commit)
  34. --------------------------
  35. - Created initial module.
  36. - Added options for animate, animSequence, overlayColor.