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public function ServicesClientWebTestCase::testAddingEvent in Services Client 7.2

Test basic event configuration actions.


tests/services_client.test, line 363
Tests for the Administration menu module.


Base class for all administration menu web test cases.


public function testAddingEvent() {

  // Login admin user.

  // Load services client page.
    ->assertText('There are no events to display.', "No events are created when module installed.");
  $event = $this
    ->assertIdentical($event->disabled, TRUE, "Newly created event is disabled by default.");

  // Add new property condition.
  $conditions['status'] = $this
    ->addEventCondition($event, 'ServicesClientPropertyCondition', array(
    'property' => 'status',
    'condition' => 'equals',
    'value' => '1',

  // Test adding new mapping.
  $reader_config = array(
    'property' => 'uid',
  $formatter_config = array(
    'property' => 'uid',
  $mapping['uid'] = $this
    ->addEventMapping($event, 'ServicesClientPropertyReader', $reader_config, 'ServicesClientPropertyFormatter', $formatter_config);

  // Check that non-saved event doesn't have any configuration.
  $event = $this
    ->loadEvent($event->name, TRUE);
    ->assertIdentical($event->config, array(), "Non saved event configured event isn't changed in permanent storage.");

  // Store new configuration to permanent storage.
    ->saveEventConfiguration($event, array(), TRUE);
    ->assertTrue(isset($event->config['condition'][$conditions['status']]), "Condition plugin was saved to event.");
    ->assertTrue(isset($event->config['mapping'][$mapping['uid']]), "Mapping row was saved to event.");

  // Test condition evalution.
  $fake_entity = (object) array(
    'status' => 0,
  $handler = $event
    ->isMatching(), FALSE, 'Single non matching condition is executed correctly');
  $fake_entity->status = 1;
    ->isMatching(), TRUE, 'Single matching condition is executed correctly');
    ->isMatching(), FALSE, "Null entity isn't matching event.");

  // Test removing event condition without token.
    ->getUrl('plugin/condition/' . $conditions['status'] . '/remove'));
    ->assertText('Invalid token', "When token isn't provided plugin can't be deleted.");
    ->assertResponse(403, "No token requested resulted in 403 - access denied.");
    ->getUrl('plugin/mapping/' . $mapping['uid'] . '/remove'));
    ->assertText('Invalid token', "When token isn't provided plugin can't be deleted.");
    ->assertResponse(403, "No token requested resulted in 403 - access denied.");

  // Test removing event condition.
    ->removeEventCondition($event, $conditions['status']);

  // Test removing event row mapping.
    ->removeEventMapping($event, $mapping['uid']);

  // Store new configuration.
    ->saveEventConfiguration($event, array(), TRUE);
    ->assertIdentical($event->config['condition'], array(), "Removing condition resulted in empty conditions config array.");
    ->assertIdentical($event->config['mapping'], array(), "Removing mapping row resulted in empty mapping config array.");

  // Test field condition plugin.
  $conditions['field_test'] = $this
    ->addEventCondition($event, 'ServicesClientFieldCondition', array(
    'field' => 'field_test',
    'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
    'property' => 'value',
    'condition' => 'equals',
    'value' => 'myval',
    ->saveEventConfiguration($event, array(), TRUE);
  $handler = $event
  $fake_entity->field_test[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = 'myval';
    ->isMatching(), TRUE, 'Field condition is executed correctly when value is matching');
  $fake_entity->field_test[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = 'otherval';
    ->isMatching(), FALSE, 'Field condition is executed correctly when value is not matching');

  // Test handler tags
    ->hasTag('test'), FALSE, 'By default no tag is assigned to handler');
    ->hasTag('test'), TRUE, 'Added tag is repsonding.');
    ->hasTag('test'), FALSE, "Removed tag isn't responding.");