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12 calls to EventHandler::getEntity() in Services Client 7.2

EntityDeleteHandler::execute in include/
Execute event and send event to remove endpoint.
EntitySaveHandler::execute in include/
Execute event and send event to remove endpoint.
EntitySaveHandler::getMappedObject in include/
Retrieve object that should be send to remote site.
EventHandler::enqueue in include/
Enqueue item if should be queue.
EventHandler::enqueueEntity in include/
Put current entity to queue.
EventHandler::getControlData in include/
Retrieve controll data for current entity.
EventHandler::getEntityId in include/
Retrieve entity ID.
EventHandler::getRemoteEntityId in include/
Retrieve remote entity ID.
EventHandler::isMatching in include/
Determine wheather entity is matching event conditions.
EventHandler::skipAutosync in include/
Return TRUE if this entity shouldn't be send automatically to all connections.
UserSaveHandler::beforeSync in include/
Add role mapping.
UserSaveHandler::getRemoteEntityId in include/
Override get remote id. This allows to sync users by name.