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ServicesSpycLibraryTests.test in Services 7.3


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 * Run test cases to check whether Spyc library can be downloaded.
class ServicesSpycLibraryTests extends DrupalUnitTestCase {

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Spyc Library',
      'description' => 'Test if we can download Spyc library.',
      'group' => 'Services',

   * Testing whether link in make file is valid.
  public function testMakeFileLinkValid() {
    $makefile_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'services') . '/services.make.example';
    $makefile_content = file_get_contents($makefile_path);

    // libraries[spyc][download][url] = ""
    $matches = array();
    preg_match('/libraries\\[spyc\\]\\[download\\]\\[url\\] = (.*)/', $makefile_content, $matches);
    $spyc_library_url = $matches[1];
    $spyc_library_content = file_get_contents($spyc_library_url);
    $search_keywords = array(
    $spyc_library_valid = TRUE;
    foreach ($search_keywords as $keyword) {
      $spyc_library_valid = $spyc_library_valid && strpos($spyc_library_content, $keyword) !== FALSE;
      ->assertTrue($spyc_library_valid, 'Spyc library can be downloaded from make file.');



Namesort descending Description
ServicesSpycLibraryTests Run test cases to check whether Spyc library can be downloaded.