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function ServicesResourceUsertests::testUserLoginFloodControl in Services 7.3

Test flood control during user login

Account blocking: Create user. Try to login with wrong credentials (get default error). Try to login fifth time and get account blocking error.

IP blocking: Create set of users to provide 50 failed attempts to login (less then 5 to prevent account blocking) and get IP blocking error


tests/functional/ServicesResourceUserTests.test, line 570
Call the endpoint tests when no authentication is being used.


Run test cases for the endpoint with no authentication turned on.


function testUserLoginFloodControl() {
  $account = $this

  // Logout first

  // First failed login (wrong password)
  $response = $this
    ->servicesPost($this->endpoint->path . '/user/login', array(
    'username' => $account->name,
    'password' => $this

  // Get default wrong credentials error
    ->assertTrue(strpos($response['status'], 'Wrong username or password') !== FALSE, 'User cannot login with wrong username / password.', 'UserResource: Login');
  $account_blocking_limit = variable_get('user_failed_login_user_limit', 5);

  // Go through set of default error while we're having attempts
  if ($account_blocking_limit > 2) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $account_blocking_limit - 1; $i++) {

      // Just trigger login operation to write fails to flood table
        ->servicesPost($this->endpoint->path . '/user/login', array(
        'username' => $account->name,
        'password' => $this

  // Now account will be locked after 5 failed attempts
  $response = $this
    ->servicesPost($this->endpoint->path . '/user/login', array(
    'username' => $account->name,
    'password' => $account->pass_raw,
    ->assertTrue(strpos($response['status'], 'Account is temporarily blocked.') !== FALSE, 'After ' . $account_blocking_limit . '-th failed login account is temporary blocked.', 'UserResource: Login Flood Control');

  // Test IP blocking
  $ip_blocking_limit = variable_get('user_failed_login_ip_limit', 50);
  $account2 = $this

  // Provide necessary count of test users to get 50 failed attempts without account blocking
  for ($i = 0; $i < $ip_blocking_limit - $account_blocking_limit - 1; $i++) {
    if ($i % $account_blocking_limit === 0) {
      $account2 = $this
      ->servicesPost($this->endpoint->path . '/user/login', array(
      'username' => $account2->name,
      'password' => $this
  $account2 = $this

  // Now ip will be locked after 50 failed attempts
  $response = $this
    ->servicesPost($this->endpoint->path . '/user/login', array(
    'username' => $account2->name,
    'password' => $account2->pass_raw,
    ->assertTrue(strpos($response['status'], 'This IP address is temporarily blocked.') !== FALSE, 'After ' . $ip_blocking_limit . '-th failed login ip is temporary blocked.', 'UserResource: Login Flood Control');