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8 calls to services_get_server_info() in Services 6.3

hook_server in ./services.servers.api.php
Acts on requests to the server defined in hook_server_info().
RESTServer::handle in servers/rest_server/includes/
Handles the call to the REST server
rest_server_server in servers/rest_server/rest_server.module
Starting point of the REST server.
services_controller_execute in ./
Performs access checks and executes a services controller. This method is called by server implementations.
services_resource_uri in ./
Formats a resource uri using the formatter registered through services_set_server_info().
xmlrpc_server_call_wrapper in servers/xmlrpc_server/xmlrpc_server.module
Pass XMLRPC server requests to the appropriate services method.
xmlrpc_server_xmlrpc in servers/xmlrpc_server/xmlrpc_server.module
Return an array of all defined services methods and callbacks.
_services_sessions_authenticate_call in ./services.module
Authenticates a call using Drupal's built in sessions