You are here in Services 7.3


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interface ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context);

class ServicesParserURLEncoded implements ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context) {
      ->getRequestBody(), $data);
    return $data;

class ServicesParserPHP implements ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context) {
    return unserialize($context

class ServicesParserXML implements ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context) {

    // get/hold the old error state
    $old_error_state = libxml_use_internal_errors(1);

    // clear all libxml errors

    // get a now SimpleXmlElement object from the XML string
    $xml_data = simplexml_load_string($context

    // if $xml_data is Null then we expect errors
    if (!$xml_data) {

      // build an error message string
      $message = '';
      $errors = libxml_get_errors();
      foreach ($errors as $error) {
        $message .= t('Line @line, Col @column: @message', array(
          '@line' => $error->line,
          '@column' => $error->column,
          '@message' => $error->message,
        )) . "\n\n";

      // clear all libxml errors and restore the old error state

      // throw an error
      services_error($message, 406);

    // whew, no errors, restore the old error state

    // unmarshal the SimpleXmlElement, and return the resulting array
    $php_array = $this
      ->unmarshalXML($xml_data, NULL);
    return (array) $php_array;

   * A recusive function that unmarshals an XML string, into a php array.
  protected function unmarshalXML($node, $array) {

    // For all child XML elements
    foreach ($node
      ->children() as $child) {
      if (count($child
        ->children()) > 0) {

        // if the child has children
        $att = 'is_array';
        if ($child
          ->attributes()->{$att}) {
          $new_array = array();

          // recursive through <item>
          foreach ($child
            ->children() as $item) {

            // Make sure that elements with no children gets a value assigned.
            $item_keys = array_keys((array) $item);
            if (count($item_keys) == 1 && current($item_keys) === 0) {
              $new_array[] = (string) $item[0];
            elseif (is_object($item) && $item
              ->count() == 0) {
              $new_array[] = (string) $item;
            else {
              $new_array[] = self::unmarshalXML($item, $array[$item
        else {

          // else, simply create an array where the key is name of the element
            ->getName()] = array();
          $new_array = $this
            ->unmarshalXML($child, $array[$child

        // add $new_array to $array
          ->getName()] = $new_array;
      else {

        // Use the is_raw attribute on value elements for select type fields to
        // pass form validation. Example:
        // <field_terms_select>
        //    <und is_array="true">
        //      <item>
        //        <tid is_raw="true">10513</tid>
        //      </item>
        //      <item>
        //        <tid is_raw="true">10523</tid>
        //      </item>
        //    </und>
        //  </field_terms_select>
        if ($child
          ->attributes()->is_raw) {
          return (string) $child;
          ->getName()] = (string) $child;

    // return the resulting array
    return $array;

class ServicesParserJSON implements ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context) {
    $requestBody = $context
    if ($requestBody) {
      $data = json_decode($requestBody, TRUE);
      if ($data === NULL) {
        return services_error(t('Invalid JSON.'), 400);
      return $data;
    return $requestBody;

class ServicesParserFile implements ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context) {
    return $context

class ServicesParserYAML implements ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context) {
    if (($library = libraries_load('spyc')) && !empty($library['loaded'])) {
      return Spyc::YAMLLoadString($context
    else {
      watchdog('REST Server', 'Spyc library not found!', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return array();

class ServicesParserMultipart implements ServicesParserInterface {
  public function parse(ServicesContextInterface $context) {

    // php://input is not available with enctype="multipart/form-data".
    // see
    return $context
