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12 calls to service_links_show() in Service links 7.2

service_links_block_view in ./service_links.module
Implements hook_block_view().
service_links_node_view in ./service_links.module
Implements hook_node_view().
themename_preprocess in ./template.php
If something doesn't work well try this.
themename_preprocess_node in ./template.php
Example 2: Creating the variable '$twitter' for the template file 'node.tpl.php' containing the services specified by their ids (i.e. twitter).
themename_preprocess_page in ./template.php
Example 1: Creating the variable '$service_links_rendered' for the template file 'page.tpl.php' containing all the selected services.
theme_sld_group_fisheye in plugins/service_links_displays.module
Apply the FishEye format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_group_image in plugins/service_links_displays.module
Apply the Image format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_group_image_and_text in plugins/service_links_displays.module
Apply the Image and Text format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_group_text in plugins/service_links_displays.module
Apply the Text format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_single_image in plugins/service_links_displays.module
Apply the Image format to a single Service.
theme_sld_single_image_and_text in plugins/service_links_displays.module
Apply the Image and Text format to a single Service.
theme_sld_single_text in plugins/service_links_displays.module
Apply the Text format to a single Service.