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Functions in Service links 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
sls_build_sprites plugins/service_links_sprites.module Build the CSS file and images. 1
sls_get_image_size plugins/service_links_sprites.module 2
spanish_services_service_links services/spanish_services.module Implementation of hook_service_links().
swedish_services_service_links services/swedish_services.module Implementation of hook_service_links()
themename_preprocess ./template.php If something doesn't work well try this.
themename_preprocess_node ./template.php Example 2: Creating the variable '$twitter' for the template file 'node.tpl.php' containing the services specified by their ids (i.e. twitter).
themename_preprocess_page ./template.php Example 1: Creating the variable '$service_links_rendered' for the template file 'page.tpl.php' containing all the selected services.
theme_service_links_block_format ./ Format the items shown in one of the provided block.
theme_service_links_build_link ./ Build a single link following the style rules.
theme_service_links_drag_table ./ Theming function for build a draggable service links table.
theme_service_links_fisheye_format ./ Format the items shown in the Fisheye block.
theme_service_links_node_format ./ Format the items shown in the node.
theme_sld_group_fisheye plugins/service_links_displays.module Apply the FishEye format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_group_image plugins/service_links_displays.module Apply the Image format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_group_image_and_text plugins/service_links_displays.module Apply the Image and Text format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_group_text plugins/service_links_displays.module Apply the Text format to the field Service Links Group.
theme_sld_single_image plugins/service_links_displays.module Apply the Image format to a single Service.
theme_sld_single_image_and_text plugins/service_links_displays.module Apply the Image and Text format to a single Service.
theme_sld_single_text plugins/service_links_displays.module Apply the Text format to a single Service.
theme_sls_style_image plugins/service_links_sprites.module
theme_sls_style_image_and_text plugins/service_links_sprites.module
widget_services_admin services/ Menu callback administration settings for widget options. 1
widget_services_menu services/widget_services.module Implementation of hook_menu().
widget_services_service_links services/widget_services.module Implementation of hook_service_links().
widget_services_update_6201 services/widget_services.install Remove unused variables.
ws_facebook_like_data services/widget_services.module Callback function for Facebook Like. 1
ws_facebook_share_data services/widget_services.module Callback function for Facebook Share. 1
ws_google_plus_one_data services/widget_services.module Callback function for Google Plus One. 1
ws_linkedin_share_button_data services/widget_services.module Callback function for Linkedin Share Button. 1
ws_pinterest_button_data services/widget_services.module Callback function for Pinterest Button. 1
ws_pinterest_button_tags services/widget_services.module Preset function for Pinterest Button, which fill the media tag. 1
ws_twitter_widget_data services/widget_services.module Callback function for Twitter Widget. 1
_service_links_add_js ./service_links.module Load correctly the needed javascripts. 1
_service_links_get_node_path ./service_links.module Detect if the node is used as front page and provide the path to use. 1
_service_links_get_node_title ./service_links.module Return the properly title. 1
_service_links_get_page_url ./service_links.module Return the url for not-node pages. 1
_service_links_get_tags ./service_links.module Fill an array with tags and the content to substitute. 2
_service_links_get_terms ./ Build an array of all taxonomy terms. 1
_service_links_get_vocabularies ./ Return a list of vocabularies generated by taxonomy module. 2
_service_links_load_settings ./service_links.module Load the static settings and keep clear the render function. 2
_service_links_match_path ./service_links.module Match the current path with the list or the code inserted in the configuration page. 1
_service_links_render ./service_links.module The common render function used privately. 2
_sld_only_keys plugins/service_links_displays.module Filter the id from other fields. 1


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