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README.txt in Service links 6

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  1. 5 README.txt
  2. 6.2 README.txt
  3. 7.2 README.txt
Drupal service_links module:
Co Mantainer: Fabio Mucciante aka TheCrow
Current Maintainer: Sivanandhan, P. apsivam .at. apsivam .dot. in
Original Author: Fredrik Jonsson fredrik at combonet dot se
Requires - Drupal 6
License - GPL (see LICENSE)

The service links module enables admins to add the following
links to nodes:
* Buzz - Buzz up this post on Yahoo! Buzz
* - Bookmark this post on
* Digg - Submit this post on
* Facebook - Submit this URL on Facebook
* Furl - Submit this post on Furl
* Google - Bookmark this post on Google
* IceRocket - Search IceRocket for links to this post
* LinkedIn - Add this post on LinkedIn
* - Bookmark this post on
* Newsvine - Submit this post on Newsvine
* PubSub - Search PubSub for links to this post
* Reddit - Submit this post on
* StumbleUpon - Bookmark this post on StumbleUpon
* Technorati - Search Technorati for links to this post
* Twitter - Submit this post on Twitter
* Yahoo - Bookmark this post on Yahoo

The site owner can deside:
- To show the links as text, image or both.
- What node types to display links for.
- If the links should be displays in teaser view or full page view
  or both.
- If the links should be added after the body text or in the links
  section or in a block.
- If aggregator2 nodes should use link to original article aggregated
  by aggregator2 module.
- Deside what roles get to see/use the service links.

Installation and configuration:
Copy the whole 'service_links' folder
under your 'modules' directory and then 
enable the module at 'administer >> modules'.
Go to 'administer >> access control' for allow
users to watch the links.

For configuration options go to 'administer >> settings
>> service_links'.

Add links to new services:
Open the file service_links.module in your text editor and in the
function service_links_render() you will find this comment
at the end.

// Add your own link by modifing the link below and uncomment it.
//$links[] = theme('service_links_build_link', t('delicious'), "$url&title=$title", t('Bookmark this post on'), 'delicious.png');

Include service links in your theme:
In the included template.php file there  an example how to insert
the service links in to a PHPTemplate theme. Remember to place the
template.php file in the folder of your theme or integrate it with 
the content of 'template.php' provided from your theme.

Last updated:


View source
  1. Drupal service_links module:
  2. ------------------------
  3. Co Mantainer: Fabio Mucciante aka TheCrow
  4. Current Maintainer: Sivanandhan, P. apsivam .at. apsivam .dot. in
  5. Original Author: Fredrik Jonsson fredrik at combonet dot se
  6. Requires - Drupal 6
  7. License - GPL (see LICENSE)
  8. Overview:
  9. --------
  10. The service links module enables admins to add the following
  11. links to nodes:
  12. * Buzz - Buzz up this post on Yahoo! Buzz
  13. * - Bookmark this post on
  14. * Digg - Submit this post on
  15. * Facebook - Submit this URL on Facebook
  16. * Furl - Submit this post on Furl
  17. * Google - Bookmark this post on Google
  18. * IceRocket - Search IceRocket for links to this post
  19. * LinkedIn - Add this post on LinkedIn
  20. * - Bookmark this post on
  21. * Newsvine - Submit this post on Newsvine
  22. * PubSub - Search PubSub for links to this post
  23. * Reddit - Submit this post on
  24. * StumbleUpon - Bookmark this post on StumbleUpon
  25. * Technorati - Search Technorati for links to this post
  26. * Twitter - Submit this post on Twitter
  27. * Yahoo - Bookmark this post on Yahoo
  28. The site owner can deside:
  29. - To show the links as text, image or both.
  30. - What node types to display links for.
  31. - If the links should be displays in teaser view or full page view
  32. or both.
  33. - If the links should be added after the body text or in the links
  34. section or in a block.
  35. - If aggregator2 nodes should use link to original article aggregated
  36. by aggregator2 module.
  37. - Deside what roles get to see/use the service links.
  38. Installation and configuration:
  39. ------------------------------
  40. Copy the whole 'service_links' folder
  41. under your 'modules' directory and then
  42. enable the module at 'administer >> modules'.
  43. Go to 'administer >> access control' for allow
  44. users to watch the links.
  45. For configuration options go to 'administer >> settings
  46. >> service_links'.
  47. Add links to new services:
  48. -------------------------
  49. Open the file service_links.module in your text editor and in the
  50. function service_links_render() you will find this comment
  51. at the end.
  52. // Add your own link by modifing the link below and uncomment it.
  53. //$links[] = theme('service_links_build_link', t('delicious'), "$url&title=$title", t('Bookmark this post on'), 'delicious.png');
  54. Include service links in your theme:
  55. -----------------------------------
  56. In the included template.php file there an example how to insert
  57. the service links in to a PHPTemplate theme. Remember to place the
  58. template.php file in the folder of your theme or integrate it with
  59. the content of 'template.php' provided from your theme.
  60. Last updated:
  61. ------------