public function TokenParser::__construct in Service Container 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 modules/providers/service_container_annotation_discovery/lib/Doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/TokenParser.php \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\TokenParser::__construct()
string $contents:
- modules/
providers/ service_container_annotation_discovery/ lib/ Doctrine/ annotations/ lib/ Doctrine/ Common/ Annotations/ TokenParser.php, line 54
- TokenParser
- Parses a file for namespaces/use/class declarations.
public function __construct($contents) {
$this->tokens = token_get_all($contents);
// The PHP parser sets internal compiler globals for certain things. Annoyingly, the last docblock comment it
// saw gets stored in doc_comment. When it comes to compile the next thing to be include()d this stored
// doc_comment becomes owned by the first thing the compiler sees in the file that it considers might have a
// docblock. If the first thing in the file is a class without a doc block this would cause calls to
// getDocBlock() on said class to return our long lost doc_comment. Argh.
// To workaround, cause the parser to parse an empty docblock. Sure getDocBlock() will return this, but at least
// it's harmless to us.
token_get_all("<?php\n/**\n *\n */");
$this->numTokens = count($this->tokens);