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SendinblueApiV2.php in SendinBlue 8.2

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  1. 8 src/Tools/Api/SendinblueApiV2.php


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namespace Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Api;

use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Http\SendinblueHttpClient;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\CreateSmtpEmail;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\GetAccount;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\GetAttributes;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\GetExtendedContactDetails;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\GetExtendedList;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\GetLists;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\GetSmtpDetails;
use Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Model\GetSmtpTemplates;

 * Sendinblue REST client.
class SendinblueApiV2 implements SendInBlueApiInterface {
  const API_URL = '';

   * Sib ApiKey.
   * @var string
  public $apiKey;

   * Sib BaseURL.
   * @var string
  public $baseUrl;

   * GuzzleClient to comm with Sib.
   * @var \Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Http\SendinblueHttpClient
  public $sIBHttpClient;

   * Logger Service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactory
  protected $loggerFactory;

   * SendinblueApiV2 constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $loggerFactory
   *   LoggerChannelFactory.
   * @param \Drupal\sendinblue\Tools\Http\SendinblueHttpClient $sIBHttpClient
   *   ClientInterface.
  public function __construct(LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $loggerFactory, SendinblueHttpClient $sIBHttpClient) {
    $this->loggerFactory = $loggerFactory;
    $this->sIBHttpClient = $sIBHttpClient;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setApiKey($apiKey) {
    $this->apiKey = $apiKey;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getAccount() {
    $account = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("account", "");
    if ($account) {
      $accountData = $account['data'];
      return new GetAccount([
        'firstName' => $accountData[2]['first_name'],
        'lastName' => $accountData[2]['last_name'],
        'email' => $accountData[2]['email'],
        'companyName' => $accountData[2]['company'],
        'address' => [
          'city' => $accountData[2]['city'],
          'zipCode' => $accountData[2]['zip_code'],
          'country' => $accountData[2]['country'],
          'street' => $accountData[2]['address'],
        'plan' => [
            'type' => $accountData[0]['plan_type'],
            'credits' => $accountData[0]['credits'],
            'creditsType' => $accountData[0]['credit_type'],
            'type' => $accountData[1]['plan_type'],
            'credits' => $accountData[1]['credits'],
            'creditsType' => $accountData[1]['credit_type'],
    return null;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTemplates() {
    $response = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("campaign/detailsv2", Json::encode([
      "type" => 'template',
    $templates = [];
    if ($response['code'] === 'success' && is_array($response['data'])) {
      foreach ($response['data']['campaign_records'] as $template) {
        $templates[] = [
          'id' => $template['id'],
          'name' => $template['campaign_name'],
          'subject' => $template['subject'],
          'htmlContent' => $template['html_content'],
          'sender' => [
            'email' => $template['from_email'],
            'name' => $template['from_name'],
    return new GetSmtpTemplates([
      'templates' => $templates,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTemplate($id) {
    $templates = $this
    if ($templates) {
      foreach ($templates
        ->getTemplates() as $template) {
        if ($template
          ->getId() === $id) {
          return $template;
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getLists() {
    $lists = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("list", "");
    return new GetLists($lists['data']);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getList($id) {
    $list = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("list/" . $id, "");
    return new GetExtendedList([
      'id' => $list['data']['id'],
      'name' => $list['data']['name'],
      'totalSubscribers' => $list['data']['total_subscribers'],
      'totalBlacklisted' => $list['data']['total_blacklisted'],
      'createdAt' => $list['data']['entered'],
      'folderId' => $list['data']['list_parent'],
      'dynamicList' => $list['data']['dynamic_list'],

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function sendEmail(array $to, string $subject, string $html, string $text, array $from = [], array $replyto = [], array $cc = [], array $bcc = [], array $attachment = [], array $headers = []) {
    $replyto += [
      'email' => NULL,
      'name' => NULL,
    $to += [
      'email' => NULL,
      'name' => NULL,
    $from += [
      'email' => NULL,
      'name' => NULL,
    $emailData = [
      "text" => $text,
      "replyto" => [
        $replyto['email'] => $replyto['name'],
      "html" => $html,
      "to" => [
        $to['email'] => $to['name'],
      "attachment" => $attachment,
      "from" => [
      "subject" => $subject,
      "headers" => $headers,
    if (!empty($cc)) {
      $cc += [
        'email' => NULL,
        'name' => NULL,
      $emailData['cc'] = [
        $cc['email'] => $cc['name'],
    if (!empty($bcc)) {
      $bcc += [
        'email' => NULL,
        'name' => NULL,
      $emailData['bcc'] = [
        $bcc['email'] => $bcc['name'],
    $message = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->post("email", Json::encode($emailData));
    if ($message['code'] === 'success') {
      return new CreateSmtpEmail($message['data']['message-id']);
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getUser($email) {
    $contactInfo = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("user/" . $email, "");
    if (empty($contactInfo['data'])) {
      return NULL;
    return new GetExtendedContactDetails([
      'email' => $contactInfo['data']['email'],
      'emailBlacklisted' => $contactInfo['data']['blacklisted'],
      'smsBlacklisted' => $contactInfo['data']['blacklisted_sms'],
      'createdAt' => $contactInfo['data']['entered'],
      'modifiedAt' => $contactInfo['data']['entered'],
      'listIds' => $contactInfo['data']['listid'],

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function createUpdateUser($email, array $attributes = [], array $blacklisted = [], $listid = '', $listid_unlink = '') {
      ->post("user/createdituser", Json::encode([
      "email" => $email,
      "attributes" => $attributes,
      "blacklisted" => $blacklisted,
      "listid" => $listid,
      "listid_unlink" => $listid_unlink,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getAttributes() {
    $sibAttributes = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("attribute/", "");
    $attributes['attributes'] = [];
    foreach ($sibAttributes['data']['normal_attributes'] as $attribute) {
      $attributes['attributes'][] = [
        'name' => $attribute['name'],
        'type' => $attribute['type'],
        'category' => 'normal',
    return new GetAttributes($attributes);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getAccessTokens() {
    return $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("account/token", "")['data']['access_token'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getSmtpDetails() {
    $smtpDetails = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->get("account/smtpdetail", "");
    if ($smtpDetails) {
      $sibSmtpDetails = $smtpDetails['data']['relay_data']['data'];
      $enabled = $smtpDetails['data']['relay_data']['status'] === 'enabled';
      return new GetSmtpDetails($sibSmtpDetails['username'], $sibSmtpDetails['relay'], $sibSmtpDetails['port'], $enabled);
    return null;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function countUserlists(array $listids = []) {
    $userLists = $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->post("list/display", Json::encode([
      'listids' => $listids,
    return $userLists['data']['total_list_records'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function partnerDrupal() {
    $data = [];
    $data['key'] = $this->apiKey;
    $data['webaction'] = 'MAILIN-PARTNER';
    $data['partner'] = 'DRUPAL';
    $data['source'] = 'Drupal';
    $options = [
      'headers' => [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
      'form_params' => $data,
      'verify' => FALSE,
    return $this->sIBHttpClient
      ->doRequestDirect(SendinblueHttpClient::WEBHOOK_WS_SIB_URL, 'POST', $data, $options);



Namesort descending Description
SendinblueApiV2 Sendinblue REST client.