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public static function SendinblueManager::generateHomeLogin in SendinBlue 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 includes/ \SendinblueManager::generateHomeLogin()

Generate Home layout of Log out.

Return value

string A html of home page when login.

1 call to SendinblueManager::generateHomeLogin()
sendinblue_home_page in includes/
Display Home page of module.


includes/, line 122
Manage class file.


Basic manager of module.


public static function generateHomeLogin() {
  $accesss_key = variable_get(self::ACCESS_KEY, '');
  $mailin = new SendinblueMailin(self::API_URL, $accesss_key);

  // Calculate total count of subscribers.
  $list_response = $mailin
  if ($list_response['code'] != 'success') {
    $total_subscribers = 0;
  else {
    $list_datas = $list_response['data'];
    $list_ids = array();
    foreach ($list_datas as $list_data) {
      $list_ids[] = $list_data['id'];
    $user_response = $mailin
      ->displayListUsers($list_ids, 1, 500);
    $total_subscribers = intval($user_response['data']['total_list_records']);

  // Get account details.
  $account_email = variable_get(self::ACCOUNT_EMAIL, '');
  $account_username = variable_get(self::ACCOUNT_USERNAME, '');
  $account_data = variable_get(self::ACCOUNT_DATA, array());
  $print_html = '<div id="main-content">';
  $print_html .= '<div class="panel panel-default row small-content">';
  $print_html .= '<div class="page-header">';
  $print_html .= '<strong>' . t('My Account') . '</strong>';
  $print_html .= '</div><div class="panel-body"><span class="col-md-12"><b>' . t('You are currently logged in as :') . '</b></span>';
  $print_html .= '<div class="col-md-8 row" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"><p class="col-md-12" style="margin-top: 5px;">';
  $print_html .= check_plain($account_username) . ' - ' . check_plain($account_email) . '<br />';
  $count = count($account_data);
  for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++) {
    $print_html .= check_plain($account_data[$i]['plan_type']) . ' - ' . check_plain($account_data[$i]['credits']) . ' ' . t('credits') . '<br />';
  $print_html .= '</p></div>';
  $print_html .= '<span class="col-md-12"><b>' . t('Contacts') . '</b></span><div class="col-md-8 row" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">';
  $print_html .= '<p class="col-md-7" style="margin-top: 5px;">' . t('You have') . '<span id="sendinblue_total_contacts">';
  $print_html .= check_plain($total_subscribers) . '</span> ' . t('contacts.') . '<br />';
  $print_html .= t('<a id="sendinblue_list_link" href="@sendinblue_list" target="_blank">>&nbsp;Access to the list of all my contacts</a>', array(
    '@sendinblue_list' => '',
  $print_html .= '</p></div></div></div>';
  $print_html .= '<div class="panel panel-default row small-content"><div class="page-header">';
  $print_html .= '<strong>' . t('Transactional emails') . '</strong></div>';
  $print_html .= '<div class="panel-body">';
  $form = drupal_get_form('sendinblue_send_email_form');
  $print_html .= drupal_render($form);
  $print_html .= '</div></div></div>';
  return $print_html;