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SelectElementTest.php in Select (or other) 4.x

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  1. 8 tests/src/Unit/SelectElementTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\select_or_other\Unit {
  use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
  use Drupal\select_or_other\Element\Select;
  use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
  use ReflectionMethod;

   * Tests the form element implementation.
   * @group select_or_other
   * @covers \Drupal\select_or_other\Element\Select
  class SelectElementTest extends UnitTestCase {

     * Tests the processing of a select or other element.
    public function testProcessSelectOrOther() {

      // Test ElementBase.
      // Make the protected method accessible and invoke it.
      $method = new ReflectionMethod('Drupal\\select_or_other\\Element\\ElementBase', 'addOtherOption');
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $form = [];
      $original_element = $element = [
        '#name' => 'select_or_other',
        '#no_empty_option' => FALSE,
        '#default_value' => 'default',
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#multiple' => FALSE,
        '#options' => [
          'first_option' => 'First option',
          'second_option' => "Second option",
      $base_expected_element = $expected_element = $element + [
        'select' => [
          '#default_value' => $element['#default_value'],
          '#required' => $element['#required'],
          '#multiple' => $element['#multiple'],
          '#options' => $method
            ->invoke(NULL, $element['#options']),
          '#attributes' => [
            'aria-label' => isset($element['#title']) ? $element['#title'] : $element['#name'],
          '#weight' => 10,
        'other' => [
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#attributes' => [
            'aria-label' => isset($element['#title']) ? $element['#title'] . ' Other' : $element['#name'] . ' Other',
          '#weight' => 20,
          '#attributes' => [
            'placeholder' => "Other: please specify here",

      // Test single cardinality Select.
      $element = $original_element;
      $expected_element = array_merge_recursive($base_expected_element, [
        'select' => [
          '#type' => 'select',
        'other' => [
          '#states' => [
            'visible' => [
              ':input[name="' . $element['#name'] . '[select]"]' => [
                'value' => 'select_or_other',
      $resulting_element = Select::processSelectOrOther($element, $form_state, $form);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected_element, $resulting_element);
        ->assertArrayEquals($resulting_element, $element);

      // Test multiple cardinality Select.
      $element = $original_element;
      $expected_element = array_merge_recursive($base_expected_element, [
        'select' => [
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#multiple' => TRUE,
          '#attached' => [
            'library' => [
      $element['#multiple'] = $expected_element['#multiple'] = $expected_element['select']['#multiple'] = TRUE;
      $resulting_element = Select::processSelectOrOther($element, $form_state, $form);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected_element, $resulting_element);
        ->assertArrayEquals($resulting_element, $element);

     * Make sure the empty option gets added when necessary.
    public function testAddEmptyOption() {
      $element = [
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#default_value' => 'not empty',
      $empty_option = [
        'select' => [
          '#empty_value' => '',
      $arguments = [
      $add_empty_option = new ReflectionMethod('Drupal\\select_or_other\\Element\\Select', 'addEmptyOption');
      $expected = $element;
        ->invokeArgs(NULL, $arguments);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected, $element, 'No empty option is added for required select widgets with a default value.');
      $element['#default_value'] = '';
      $expected = $element + $empty_option;
        ->invokeArgs(NULL, $arguments);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected, $element, 'Empty option is added for required select widgets without a default value.');
      $element['#default_value'] = '';
      $element['#required'] = FALSE;
      $expected = $element;
        ->invokeArgs(NULL, $arguments);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected, $element, 'No empty option is added for non-required select widgets without a default value.');
      $element['#default_value'] = 'not empty';
      $expected = $element + $empty_option;
        ->invokeArgs(NULL, $arguments);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected, $element, 'Empty option is added for non-required select widgets with a default value.');
      $expected['#no_empty_option'] = $element['#no_empty_option'] = FALSE;
        ->invokeArgs(NULL, $arguments);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected, $element);
      $element['#no_empty_option'] = TRUE;
      $expected = $element;
        ->invokeArgs(NULL, $arguments);
        ->assertArrayEquals($expected, $element);

namespace {
  if (!function_exists('t')) {
    function t($string, array $args = []) {
      return strtr($string, $args);


Namesort descending Description
SelectElementTest Tests the form element implementation.