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public function Select2BoxesTests::testUnlimitedPreloading in Select2 Boxes 8

Test unlimited preloading behavior.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/Select2BoxesTests.php, line 356


Class for testing Select2Boxes.




public function testUnlimitedPreloading() {
  $page = $this
  $assert_session = $this

  // Firstly generate fake vocabulary terms.
    ->generateDummyTerms('tags', 10);

  // Go the the "Manage Form Display" form.

  // Set multiple widget for the Tags field.
    ->elementExists('xpath', '//select[@name="fields[field_tags][type]"]')

  // Check for the summary text about preloading option.
    ->pageTextContains('Preloading disabled');

  // Open the settings form for the Tags field.

  // Enable preloading via checking the checkbox field.

  // Do not specify the preload count value!
  // Submit the settings form.

  // Check for summary text updates,
  // according to the NON-specified number of preload entries.
    ->pageTextContains('Number of preloaded entries: all');

  // Submit the entity form display settings.

  // Check if the submission has been successful.
    ->pageTextContains('Your settings have been saved.');

  // Go to the node's creation form.

  // Trigger the opening dropdown via click on the search input field.

  // Find the list of results element on the page.
  $fake_select = $assert_session
    ->elementExists('css', '#select2-edit-field-tags-results');

  // Check if the number of results is equals to the 10 rows (as was
  // generated).
    ->assertCount(10, $fake_select
    ->findAll('xpath', '//li'));