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select2.module in Select 2 8

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  1. 7 select2.module

This is the Select2 module.


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 * @file
 * This is the Select2 module.

 * Implements hook_library_info_alter().
function select2_library_info_alter(&$libraries, $extension) {
  if ($extension === 'select2') {
    $libraries_path = 'libraries/select2';
    if (\Drupal::hasService('library.libraries_directory_file_finder')) {
      $libraries_path = \Drupal::service('library.libraries_directory_file_finder')
    elseif (function_exists('libraries_get_path')) {
      $libraries_path = libraries_get_path('select2');
    $libraries['select2.min']['js'] = [
      '/' . $libraries_path . '/dist/js/select2.min.js' => [
        'minified' => TRUE,
    $libraries['select2.min']['css']['component'] = [
      '/' . $libraries_path . '/dist/css/select2.min.css' => [],
    foreach (\Drupal::languageManager()
      ->getLanguages() as $language) {
      if (file_exists($libraries_path . '/dist/js/i18n/' . $language
        ->getId() . '.js')) {
        $libraries['select2.i18n.' . $language
          ->getId()] = [
          'js' => [
            '/' . $libraries_path . '/dist/js/i18n/' . $language
              ->getId() . '.js' => [
              'minified' => TRUE,
          'dependencies' => [
  $module_path = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
  if (file_exists("{$module_path}/css/select2.{$extension}.css")) {
    $libraries['select2.theme'] = [
      'css' => [
        'component' => [
          "/{$module_path}/css/select2.{$extension}.css" => [],

 * Implements hook_library_info_build().
function select2_library_info_build() {
  $libraries = [];
  foreach (\Drupal::languageManager()
    ->getLanguages() as $language) {
    if (file_exists('libraries/select2/dist/js/i18n/' . $language
      ->getId() . '.js')) {
      $libraries['select2.i18n.' . $language
        ->getId()] = [
        'js' => [
          '/libraries/select2/dist/js/i18n/' . $language
            ->getId() . '.js' => [
            'minified' => TRUE,
        'dependencies' => [
  return $libraries;