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select2.install in Select 2 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 select2.install

This is the Select2 module.


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 * @file
 * This is the Select2 module.

 * Implements hook_requirements().
function select2_requirements($phase) {
  if ($phase !== 'runtime') {
    return [];
  $requirements['select2'] = [
    'title' => 'select2',
    'value' => t('Select2 library found'),
    'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,

  // library.libraries_directory_file_finder is available since D8.9.
  if (\Drupal::hasService('library.libraries_directory_file_finder') && \Drupal::service('library.libraries_directory_file_finder')
    ->find('select2')) {
    return $requirements;

  // @todo This code can be removed when we drop D8.8 support.
  if (function_exists('libraries_get_path') && libraries_get_path('select2')) {
    return $requirements;
  if (file_exists(\Drupal::service('library.discovery')
    ->getLibraryByName('select2', 'select2.min')['js'][0]['data'])) {
    return $requirements;
  return [
    'select2' => [
      'title' => 'select2',
      'value' => t("Select2 library doesn't exists"),
      'description' => t('Make sure that the select2 lib is placed in the library folder. You can download the release of your choice from <a href=":link" target="_blank">GitHub</a>.', [
        ':link' => '',
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,


Namesort descending Description
select2_requirements Implements hook_requirements().