check_evaluation.html.twig in Security Review 8
Default evaluation page template for checks.
Available variables:
- paragraphs: Array of paragraphs (strings) to show before the list.
- items: Array of items (strings) to show in an unordered list after the paragraphs.
13 theme calls to check_evaluation.html.twig
- AdminPermissions::evaluate in src/
Checks/ AdminPermissions.php - Returns the evaluation page of a result.
- ErrorReporting::evaluate in src/
Checks/ ErrorReporting.php - Returns the evaluation page of a result.
- ExecutablePhp::evaluate in src/
Checks/ ExecutablePhp.php - Returns the evaluation page of a result.
- FailedLogins::evaluate in src/
Checks/ FailedLogins.php - Returns the evaluation page of a result.
- Field::evaluate in src/
Checks/ Field.php - Returns the evaluation page of a result.
templates/check_evaluation.html.twigView source
- {#
- /**
- * @file
- * Default evaluation page template for checks.
- *
- * Available variables:
- * - paragraphs: Array of paragraphs (strings) to show before the list.
- * - items: Array of items (strings) to show in an unordered list after the paragraphs.
- */
- #}
- {% for paragraph in paragraphs %}
- <p>
- {{ paragraph }}
- </p>
- {% endfor %}
- {% if items is not empty %}
- <ul>
- {% for item in items %}
- <li>{{ item }}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- {% endif %}