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26 uses of SECURESITE_WHITELIST in Secure Site 5

SecureSiteTest::testAccessDenied in tests/securesite.test
Check that users get an access denied warning when accessing secured portions of the site if they've already logged in and don't have access to the secure portion
SecureSiteTest::testBypassCron in tests/securesite.test
Test the cron bypass
SecureSiteTest::testFilterCheck in tests/securesite.test
Tests for _securesite_filter_check()
SecureSiteTest::testGuestDisabled in tests/securesite.test
Check that guest mode is correctly disabled when no username and password are set
SecureSiteTest::testGuestFirstClean in tests/securesite.test
Check that users get the correct page after previously logging in as a guest
SecureSiteTest::testGuestFirstUnclean in tests/securesite.test
Check that users get the correct page after previously logging in as a guest and not forcing a guest logout
SecureSiteTest::testGuestLogin in tests/securesite.test
Check that guests can login when guest mode is enabled (a username and password are set)
SecureSiteTest::testGuestSecond in tests/securesite.test
Check that guests get the correct page after previously logging in as a user
SecureSiteTest::testLoginAnonymousHTML in tests/securesite.test
Check that anonymous users get the correct headers when using the HTML login form
SecureSiteTest::testLoginAnonymousHTTP in tests/securesite.test
Check that anonymous users get the correct headers when using HTTP Auth
SecureSiteTest::testLoginHTTPDeprecated in tests/securesite.test
Check that using the deprecated HTTP Auth alternative method doesn't cause sites to be inaccessible (they should be accessible to anonymous users)
SecureSiteTest::testLoginPrivilegedHTTP in tests/securesite.test
Check that privileged users can login with HTTP Auth enabled
SecureSiteTest::testLoginUnprivilegedHTTP in tests/securesite.test
Check that unprivileged users get HTTP Auth when accessing secure pages
SecureSiteTest::testLogoutRedirect in tests/securesite.test
Check that the user doesn't get stuck on the logout page
SecureSiteTest::testLogoutUnsecure in tests/securesite.test
Check that users are able to login and logout from unsecured portions of the site after using the normal Drupal login form
SecureSiteTest::testRepeatLoginSecureFirst in tests/securesite.test
Check that login works normally after previous login and logout when first securing <front>, then not
SecureSiteTest::testRepeatLoginUnsecure in tests/securesite.test
Check that login works normally after previous login and logout using the normal HTML login form
SecureSiteTest::testRepeatLoginUnsecureFirst in tests/securesite.test
Check that login works normally after previous login and logout when first not securing <front>, then securing it
SecureSiteTest::testUserAgentDefault in tests/securesite.test
Check that the realm is correct when using the HTTP Auth method with the default SimpleTest User Agent string
SecureSiteTest::testUserAgentFirefox in tests/securesite.test
Check that the realm is correct when using the HTTP Auth method with Firefox's User Agent string
SecureSiteTest::testUserAgentIE in tests/securesite.test
Check that the realm is correct when using the HTTP Auth method with Internet Explorer's User Agent string
SecureSiteTest::testUserAgentOpera in tests/securesite.test
Check that the realm is correct when using the HTTP Auth method with Opera's User Agent string
SecureSiteTest::testUserAgentSafari in tests/securesite.test
Check that the realm is correct when using the HTTP Auth method with Safari's User Agent string
SecureSiteTest::testWhitelist in tests/securesite.test
Test whitelist
securesite_admin_settings in ./securesite.module
FAPI definition for Secure Site admin settings form
_securesite_filter_check in ./securesite.module
Check if pages should bypass Secure Site