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seckit.module in Security Kit 7

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  1. 8 seckit.module
  2. 6 seckit.module
  3. 2.x seckit.module

Allows administrators to improve security of the website.


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 * @file
 * Allows administrators to improve security of the website.

 * Define the flags/values for certain options.
define('SECKIT_X_XSS_DISABLE', 0);

// disable X-XSS-Protection HTTP header
define('SECKIT_X_XSS_0', 1);

// set X-XSS-Protection HTTP header to 0
define('SECKIT_X_XSS_1_BLOCK', 2);

// set X-XSS-Protection HTTP header to 1; mode=block
define('SECKIT_X_XSS_1', 3);

// set X-XSS-Protection HTTP header to 1

// disable X-Frame-Options HTTP header

// set X-Frame-Options HTTP header to SAMEORIGIN
define('SECKIT_X_FRAME_DENY', 2);

// set X-Frame-Options HTTP header to DENY

// set X-Frame-Options HTTP header to ALLOW-FROM
define('SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_URL', 'report-csp-violation');

 * Default limits for CSP violation reports.

// Max accepted byte count

// Max reports per IP address...

// ...per time window (in seconds)

// Max reports globally...

// ...per time window (in seconds)

 * Implements hook_permission().
function seckit_permission() {
  return array(
    'administer seckit' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer SecKit'),
      'description' => t('Configure security features of your Drupal installation.'),

 * Implements hook_menu().
function seckit_menu() {

  // Settings page
  $items['admin/config/system/seckit'] = array(
    'title' => 'Security Kit',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'description' => 'Configure various options to improve security of your website.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer seckit',
    'file' => 'includes/',

  // Menu callback for CSP reporting.
  // We nominally accept all CSP violation reports (no access callback)
  // but the page callback avoids processing invalid or unwanted requests.
  $items[SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_URL] = array(
    'page callback' => '_seckit_csp_report',
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,

  // Original path for the above; deprecated in 7.x-1.10. It is important
  // that this remains valid for now, as the CSP headers in cached pages
  // will report the path as it was at the time they were cached.
  // TODO: Remove this in some future release. There is no hurry to do this;
  // it is better that we maintain this for a few releases (because not
  // everyone will upgrade at every release), than risk that any CSP
  // violation reports hit invalid URLs. Note that pages may be cached for
  // long periods of time. It is probably reasonable to remove this after
  // minimums of one year and two intervening releases.
  $items['admin/config/system/seckit/csp-report'] = $items[SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_URL];
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_init().
function seckit_init() {

  // Do nothing for command-line requests.
  if (drupal_is_cli()) {

  // get default/set options
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  if ($options['seckit_advanced']['disable_seckit']) {

  // execute necessary functions
  if ($options['seckit_csrf']['origin']) {
  if ($options['seckit_xss']['csp']['checkbox']) {
  if ($options['seckit_xss']['x_xss']['select']) {

  // Always call this (regardless of the setting) since if it's disabled it may
  // be necessary to actively disable the Drupal core clickjacking defense.
  if ($options['seckit_clickjacking']['js_css_noscript']) {
  if ($options['seckit_ssl']['hsts']) {
  if ($options['seckit_ct']['expect_ct']) {
  if ($options['seckit_various']['from_origin']) {
  if ($options['seckit_various']['referrer_policy']) {
  if ($options['seckit_fp']['feature_policy']) {

  // load jQuery listener
  if ($_GET['q'] == 'admin/config/system/seckit') {
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'seckit');
    $listener = "{$path}/js/seckit.listener.js";

 * Implements hook_boot().
 * When multiple 'ALLOW-FROM' values are configured for X-Frame-Options,
 * we dynamically set the header so that it is correct even when pages are
 * served from the page cache.
 * In other circumstances, Drupal does not see this implementation.
 * @see seckit_module_implements_alter().
function seckit_boot() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  if ($options['seckit_clickjacking']['x_frame'] != SECKIT_X_FRAME_ALLOW_FROM) {

  // If this request's Origin is allowed, we specify that value.
  // If the origin is not allowed, we can use any other value to prevent
  // the client from framing the page.
  $allowed = $options['seckit_clickjacking']['x_frame_allow_from'];
  $origin = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] : '';
  if (!in_array($origin, $allowed, TRUE)) {
    $origin = array_pop($allowed);
  drupal_add_http_header('X-Frame-Options', "ALLOW-FROM {$origin}");

 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
 * The 'ALLOW-FROM' field of X-Frame-Options supports a single origin only.
 * Consequently, when multiple values are configured we must resort to
 * hook_boot() to dynamically set the header to the Origin of the current
 * request, if that is one of the allowed values.
 * Conversely, when we do not require hook_boot(), we unset our
 * implementation, preventing _system_update_bootstrap_status() from
 * registering it, and anything from invoking it.
 * @see seckit_admin_form_submit().
function seckit_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
  if ($hook != 'boot') {
  $options = _seckit_get_options(TRUE);
  if ($options['seckit_clickjacking']['x_frame'] != SECKIT_X_FRAME_ALLOW_FROM || count($options['seckit_clickjacking']['x_frame_allow_from']) <= 1) {

    // seckit_boot() is not needed.

    // In this case, _seckit_x_frame() will generate the header
    // (which will be cacheable), if it is required.

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'user_login'.
function seckit_form_user_login_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  _seckit_form_alter_login_form($form, $form_state);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'user_login_block'.
function seckit_form_user_login_block_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  _seckit_form_alter_login_form($form, $form_state);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'user_register'.
function seckit_form_user_register_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  _seckit_form_alter_login_form($form, $form_state);

 * Form alteration helper for user login forms.
function _seckit_form_alter_login_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  if ($options['seckit_various']['disable_autocomplete']) {
    $form['#attributes']['autocomplete'] = 'off';
    if (isset($form['pass'])) {
      $form['pass']['#attributes']['autocomplete'] = 'off';

 * Sends Content Security Policy HTTP headers.
 * Header specifies Content Security Policy (CSP) for a website,
 * which is used to allow/block content from selected sources.
 * Based on specification available at
function _seckit_csp() {

  // get default/set options
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $options = $options['seckit_xss']['csp'];
  $csp_vendor_prefix_x = $options['vendor-prefix']['x'];
  $csp_vendor_prefix_webkit = $options['vendor-prefix']['webkit'];
  $csp_report_only = $options['report-only'];
  $csp_default_src = $options['default-src'];
  $csp_script_src = $options['script-src'];
  $csp_object_src = $options['object-src'];
  $csp_img_src = $options['img-src'];
  $csp_media_src = $options['media-src'];
  $csp_style_src = $options['style-src'];
  $csp_frame_src = $options['frame-src'];
  $csp_frame_ancestors = $options['frame-ancestors'];
  $csp_child_src = $options['child-src'];
  $csp_font_src = $options['font-src'];
  $csp_connect_src = $options['connect-src'];
  $csp_report_uri = $options['report-uri'];
  $csp_policy_uri = $options['policy-uri'];
  $csp_upgrade_req = $options['upgrade-req'];

  // prepare directives
  $directives = array();

  // if policy-uri is declared, no other directives are permitted.
  if ($csp_policy_uri) {
    $directives = "policy-uri " . base_path() . $csp_policy_uri;
  else {
    if ($csp_default_src) {
      $directives[] = "default-src {$csp_default_src}";
    if ($csp_script_src) {
      $directives[] = "script-src {$csp_script_src}";
    if ($csp_object_src) {
      $directives[] = "object-src {$csp_object_src}";
    if ($csp_style_src) {
      $directives[] = "style-src {$csp_style_src}";
    if ($csp_img_src) {
      $directives[] = "img-src {$csp_img_src}";
    if ($csp_media_src) {
      $directives[] = "media-src {$csp_media_src}";
    if ($csp_frame_src) {
      $directives[] = "frame-src {$csp_frame_src}";
    if ($csp_frame_ancestors) {
      $directives[] = "frame-ancestors {$csp_frame_ancestors}";
    if ($csp_child_src) {
      $directives[] = "child-src {$csp_child_src}";
    if ($csp_font_src) {
      $directives[] = "font-src {$csp_font_src}";
    if ($csp_connect_src) {
      $directives[] = "connect-src {$csp_connect_src}";
    if ($csp_report_uri) {
      $directives[] = "report-uri " . url($csp_report_uri);
    if ($csp_upgrade_req) {
      $directives[] = 'upgrade-insecure-requests';

    // merge directives
    $directives = implode('; ', $directives);

  // send HTTP response header if directives were prepared
  if ($directives) {
    if ($csp_report_only) {

      // use report-only mode
      drupal_add_http_header('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only', $directives);
      if ($csp_vendor_prefix_x) {
        drupal_add_http_header('X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only', $directives);
      if ($csp_vendor_prefix_webkit) {
        drupal_add_http_header('X-WebKit-CSP-Report-Only', $directives);
    else {
      drupal_add_http_header('Content-Security-Policy', $directives);
      if ($csp_vendor_prefix_x) {
        drupal_add_http_header('X-Content-Security-Policy', $directives);
      if ($csp_vendor_prefix_webkit) {
        drupal_add_http_header('X-WebKit-CSP', $directives);

 * Log CSP violation reports to watchdog.
function _seckit_csp_report() {

  // Only allow POST data with Content-Type application/csp-report
  // or application/json (the latter to support older user agents).
  // n.b. The CSP spec (1.0, 1.1) mandates this Content-Type header/value.
  // n.b. Content-Length is optional, so we don't check it.
  if (empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) || empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
  if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST') {
  $pattern = '~^application/(csp-report|json)\\h*(;|$)~';
  if (!preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();

  // If SecKit is disabled, do not process the report.
  if ($options['seckit_advanced']['disable_seckit']) {

  // If the CSP feature is currently disabled, do not process the report.
  // This could be considered inaccurate (violation reports for a cached page
  // which was generated with CSP headers might be expected to be processed);
  // but a single on/off switch for both aspects of CSP support seemed sanest,
  // and this approach ensures that we do not process requests sent to this URL
  // before CSP headers have ever been enabled (prior to which reporting limits
  // are usually ignored to facilitate initial CSP development).
  if (!$options['seckit_xss']['csp']['checkbox']) {

  // Check for flooding.
  // Do not write to watchdog when our limits are exceeded.
  $enforce_limits = !$options['seckit_advanced']['unlimited_csp_reports'];
  if ($enforce_limits && _seckit_csp_report_flooding_detected()) {

  // Read the report data.
  if ($enforce_limits) {
    $max_size = (int) $options['seckit_advanced']['csp_limits']['max_size'];
    $reports = file_get_contents('php://input', FALSE, NULL, 0, $max_size + 1);
    if (strlen($reports) > $max_size) {
  else {
    $reports = file_get_contents('php://input');
  $reports = json_decode($reports);
  if (!is_object($reports)) {

  // Log the report data to watchdog.
  foreach ($reports as $report) {
    if (!isset($report->{'violated-directive'})) {

    // Log the violation to watchdog.
    $info = array(
      '@directive' => $report->{'violated-directive'},
      '@blocked_uri' => $report->{'blocked-uri'},
      '@data' => print_r($report, TRUE),
    watchdog('seckit', 'CSP: Directive @directive violated.<br /> Blocked URI: @blocked_uri.<br /> <pre>Data: @data</pre>', $info, WATCHDOG_WARNING);

 * Check for CSP violation report flooding.
 * @return (bool)
 *   TRUE if flooding is detected (report logging should be inhibited).
 *   FALSE if it is safe to proceed with logging the report.
function _seckit_csp_report_flooding_detected() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $flood_options = $options['seckit_advanced']['csp_limits']['flood'];

  // The global limit provides some DDOS protection.
  $global_limit = $flood_options['limit_global'];
  $global_window = $flood_options['window_global'];

  // flood_is_allowed() does not presently allow us to ignore the identifier,
  // meaning we would need to log two flood events per CSP report in order to
  // check both the global and per-user counts using the API function. This
  // query enables us to do this while only registering one event per report.
  // @see
  $sql = "\n    SELECT COUNT(*)\n      FROM {flood}\n     WHERE event = 'seckit_csp_report'\n       AND timestamp > :timestamp\n  ";
  $args = array(
    ':timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME - $global_window,
  $global_count = db_query($sql, $args)
  if ($global_count >= $global_limit) {
    return TRUE;

    // Flooding is in effect

  // Per-user limit.
  $user_limit = $flood_options['limit_user'];
  $user_window = $flood_options['window_user'];
  if (!flood_is_allowed('seckit_csp_report', $user_limit, $user_window)) {
    return TRUE;

    // Flooding is in effect

  // Flooding is not in effect. Log this event, and return the status.
  flood_register_event('seckit_csp_report', $user_window);
  return FALSE;

  // No flooding

 * Sends X-XSS-Protection HTTP header.
 * X-XSS-Protection controls IE8/Safari/Chrome internal XSS filter.
function _seckit_x_xss($setting) {
  switch ($setting) {
    case SECKIT_X_XSS_0:
      drupal_add_http_header('X-XSS-Protection', '0');

      // set X-XSS-Protection header to 0
    case SECKIT_X_XSS_1:
      drupal_add_http_header('X-XSS-Protection', '1');

      // set X-XSS-Protection header to 1
    case SECKIT_X_XSS_1_BLOCK:
      drupal_add_http_header('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block');

      // set X-XSS-Protection header to 1; mode=block

      // do nothing

 * Aborts HTTP request upon invalid 'Origin' HTTP request header.
 * When included in an HTTP request, the Origin header indicates the origin(s)
 * that caused the user agent to issue the request. This helps to protect
 * against CSRF attacks, as we can abort requests with an unapproved origin.
 * Applies to all HTTP request methods except GET and HEAD.
 * Requests which do not include an 'Origin' header must always be allowed,
 * as (a) not all user-agents support the header, and (b) those that do may
 * include it or omit it at their discretion.
 * Note that (a) will become progressively less of a factor over time --
 * CSRF attacks depend upon convincing a user agent to send a request, and
 * there is no particular motivation for users to prevent their web browsers
 * from sending this header; so as people upgrade to browsers which support
 * 'Origin', its effectiveness increases.
 * Implementation of Origin is based on specification draft available at
function _seckit_origin() {

  // Allow requests without an 'Origin' header, or with a 'null' origin.
  $origin = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] : '';
  if (!$origin || $origin === 'null') {

  // Allow GET and HEAD requests.
  $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
  if (in_array($method, array(
  ), TRUE)) {

  // Allow requests from localhost.
  if (in_array(ip_address(), array(
  ), TRUE)) {

    // Unless this is a test.
    if (!drupal_valid_test_ua()) {

  // Allow requests from whitelisted Origins.
  global $base_root;
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $whitelist = $options['seckit_csrf']['origin_whitelist'];
  $whitelist[] = $base_root;

  // default origin is always allowed
  if (in_array($origin, $whitelist, TRUE)) {

    // n.b. RFC 6454 allows Origins to have more than one value (each
    // separated by a single space).  All values must be on the whitelist
    // (order is not important).  We intentionally do not handle this
    // because the feature has been confirmed as a design mistake which
    // user agents do not utilise in practice.  For details, see
    // and

  // The Origin is invalid, so we deny the request.
  // Clean the POST data first, as drupal_access_denied() may render a page
  // with forms which check for their submissions.
  $_POST = array();

  // Log the blocked attack.
  $args = array(
    '@ip' => ip_address(),
    '@origin' => $origin,
  watchdog('seckit', 'Possible CSRF attack was blocked. IP address: @ip, Origin: @origin.', $args, WATCHDOG_WARNING);

  // Deliver the 403 (access denied) error page to the user.

  // Abort this request.

 * Sends X-Frame-Options HTTP header.
 * X-Frame-Options controls should browser show frames or not.
 * More information can be found at initial article about it at
 * Implementation of X-Frame-Options is based on specification draft availabe at
function _seckit_x_frame($setting) {
  switch ($setting) {
      drupal_add_http_header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');

      // set X-Frame-Options to SAMEORIGIN
      drupal_add_http_header('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY');

      // set X-Frame-Options to DENY
      $options = _seckit_get_options();
      $allowed = $options['seckit_clickjacking']['x_frame_allow_from'];
      if (count($allowed) == 1) {
        $value = array_pop($allowed);
        drupal_add_http_header('X-Frame-Options', "ALLOW-FROM {$value}");

      // If there were multiple values, then seckit_boot() took care of it.

      // Make sure Drupal core does not set the header either. See
      // drupal_deliver_html_page().
      $GLOBALS['conf']['x_frame_options'] = '';

 * Enables JavaScript + CSS + Noscript Clickjacking defense.
 * Closes inline JavaScript and allows loading of any inline HTML elements.
 * After, it starts new inline JavaScript to avoid breaking syntax.
 * We need it, because Drupal API doesn't allow to init HTML elements in desired sequence.
function _seckit_js_css_noscript() {
  drupal_add_js(_seckit_get_js_css_noscript_code(), array(
    'type' => 'inline',

 * Gets JavaScript and CSS code.
 * @return string
function _seckit_get_js_css_noscript_code() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $message = filter_xss($options['seckit_clickjacking']['noscript_message']);
  $path = base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'seckit');
  return <<<EOT
      // close script tag for SecKit protection
      <script type="text/javascript" src="{<span class="php-variable">$path</span>}/js/seckit.document_write.js"></script>
      <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="seckit-clickjacking-no-body" media="all" href="{<span class="php-variable">$path</span>}/css/seckit.no_body.css" />
      <!-- stop SecKit protection -->
      <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="seckit-clickjacking-noscript-tag" media="all" href="{<span class="php-variable">$path</span>}/css/seckit.noscript_tag.css" />
      <div id="seckit-noscript-tag">
        {<span class="php-variable">$message</span>}
      <script type="text/javascript">
      // open script tag to avoid syntax errors

 * Sends Excpect-CT HTTP response header.
 * Implementation is based on specification draft
 * available at
function _seckit_expect_ct() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  if ($options['seckit_ct']['expect_ct']) {
    $header[] = sprintf("max-age=%d", $options['seckit_ct']['max_age']);
    if ($options['seckit_ct']['enforce']) {
      $header[] = 'enforce';
    if ($options['seckit_ct']['report-uri']) {
      $header[] = 'report-uri="' . $options['seckit_ct']['report-uri'] . '"';
    $header = implode(', ', $header);
    drupal_add_http_header('Expect-CT', $header);

 * Sends From-Origin HTTP response header.
 * Implementation is based on specification draft
 * available at
function _seckit_from_origin() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $value = $options['seckit_various']['from_origin_destination'];
  drupal_add_http_header('From-Origin', $value);

 * Sends Feature-Policy HTTP response header.
 * Implementation is based on specification draft
 * available at
function _seckit_fp() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $value = $options['seckit_fp']['feature_policy_policy'];
  drupal_add_http_header('Feature-Policy', $value);

 * Sends Referrer-Policy HTTP response header.
 * Implementation is based on specification draft
 * available at
function _seckit_referrer_policy() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $value = $options['seckit_various']['referrer_policy_policy'];
  drupal_add_http_header('Referrer-Policy', $value);

 * Sends HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header (HSTS).
 * The HSTS header prevents certain eavesdropping and MITM attacks like
 * SSLStrip. It forces the user-agent to send requests in HTTPS-only mode.
 * e.g.: http:// links are treated as https://
 * Implementation of HSTS is based on the specification draft available at
function _seckit_hsts() {
  $options = _seckit_get_options();
  $header[] = sprintf("max-age=%d", $options['seckit_ssl']['hsts_max_age']);
  if ($options['seckit_ssl']['hsts_subdomains']) {
    $header[] = 'includeSubDomains';
  if ($options['seckit_ssl']['hsts_preload']) {
    $header[] = 'preload';
  $header = implode('; ', $header);
  drupal_add_http_header('Strict-Transport-Security', $header);

 * Converts a multi-line (or otherwise delimited) string to an array of
 * strings. Sanitises each value by trimming whitespace, and filters empty
 * values from the array.
 * @param string $text
 *   String of delimited values.
 * @param string $delimiter
 *   Value delimiter. Defaults to newline for handling multi-line strings.
function _seckit_explode_value($text, $delimiter = "\n") {
  $values = explode($delimiter, $text);
  return array_values(array_filter(array_map('trim', $values)));

 * Define the default values for our settings variables.
 * @see _seckit_get_options().
function _seckit_get_options_defaults() {
  $defaults = array();

  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_xss');
  $defaults['seckit_xss'] = array(
    // Content Security Policy (CSP)
    'csp' => array(
      'checkbox' => 0,
      // CSP disabled by default
      'vendor-prefix' => array(
        'x' => 0,
        'webkit' => 0,
      'report-only' => 0,
      'default-src' => "'self'",
      'script-src' => '',
      'object-src' => '',
      'style-src' => '',
      'img-src' => '',
      'media-src' => '',
      'frame-src' => '',
      'frame-ancestors' => '',
      'child-src' => '',
      'font-src' => '',
      'connect-src' => '',
      'report-uri' => SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_URL,
      'policy-uri' => '',
      'upgrade-req' => '',
    // X-XSS-Protection header.
    'x_xss' => array(
      'select' => SECKIT_X_XSS_DISABLE,

  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_csrf');
  // Enable Origin-based protection.
  $defaults['seckit_csrf'] = array(
    'origin' => 1,
    'origin_whitelist' => '',

  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_clickjacking');
  $defaults['seckit_clickjacking'] = array(
    'x_frame_allow_from' => '',
    'js_css_noscript' => 0,
    // Do not require Javascript by default!
    'noscript_message' => t('Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website.'),

  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_ssl');
  $defaults['seckit_ssl'] = array(
    'hsts' => 0,
    'hsts_max_age' => 1000,
    'hsts_subdomains' => 0,
    'hsts_preload' => 0,

  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_ct');
  $defaults['seckit_ct'] = array(
    'expect_ct' => 0,
    'max_age' => 1000,
    'report-uri' => '',
    'enforce' => 0,

  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_fp');
  $defaults['seckit_fp'] = array(
    'feature_policy' => 0,
    'feature_policy_policy' => '',

  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_various');
  $defaults['seckit_various'] = array(
    'referrer_policy' => 0,
    'referrer_policy_policy' => '',
    'from_origin' => 0,
    'from_origin_destination' => 'same',
    'disable_autocomplete' => 0,

  // Advanced / Development options.
  // Defaults for variable_get('seckit_advanced');
  $defaults['seckit_advanced'] = array(
    'disable_seckit' => 0,
    'unlimited_csp_reports' => 0,
    'csp_limits' => array(
      'max_size' => SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_MAX_SIZE,
      'flood' => array(
        'limit_user' => SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_FLOOD_LIMIT_USER,
        'window_user' => SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_FLOOD_WINDOW_USER,
        'limit_global' => SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_FLOOD_LIMIT_GLOBAL,
        'window_global' => SECKIT_CSP_REPORT_FLOOD_WINDOW_GLOBAL,
  return $defaults;

 * Return the current SecKit settings.
 * @param boolean $reset
 *   If TRUE then re-generate (and re-cache) the options.
 * @param boolean $alter
 *   Whether to invoke hook_seckit_options_alter().
 *   (Used internally to prevent altered values being used
 *   in the admin settings form.)
function _seckit_get_options($reset = FALSE, $alter = TRUE) {
  $options =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if ($reset) {
    $options = array();
  elseif ($options) {
    return $options;

  // Merge the defaults into their associated saved variables, as necessary.
  // Each (scalar) value will be used only if its key does not exist in the
  // saved value (if any) for that variable.
  // This means that we can introduce new settings with default values,
  // without affecting the saved values from earlier versions (which do
  // not yet contain the new keys).
  $defaults = _seckit_get_options_defaults();
  foreach (array_keys($defaults) as $option) {
    $options[$option] = array_replace_recursive($defaults[$option], variable_get($option, array()));

  // Ensure there are non-empty values for the CSP default-src and report-uri
  // directives.
  $csp_defaults = $defaults['seckit_xss']['csp'];
  if (!$options['seckit_xss']['csp']['default-src']) {
    $options['seckit_xss']['csp']['default-src'] = $csp_defaults['default-src'];
  if (!$options['seckit_xss']['csp']['report-uri']) {
    $options['seckit_xss']['csp']['report-uri'] = $csp_defaults['report-uri'];

  // Convert ['seckit_clickjacking']['x_frame_allow_from'] to an array.
  $x_frame_allow_from =& $options['seckit_clickjacking']['x_frame_allow_from'];
  $x_frame_allow_from = _seckit_explode_value($x_frame_allow_from);

  // Convert $options['seckit_csrf']['origin_whitelist'] to an array.
  $whitelist =& $options['seckit_csrf']['origin_whitelist'];
  $whitelist = _seckit_explode_value($whitelist, ',');

  // Process alterations and return.
  if ($alter) {
    drupal_alter('seckit_options', $options);
  return $options;


Namesort descending Description
seckit_boot Implements hook_boot().
seckit_form_user_login_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'user_login'.
seckit_form_user_login_block_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'user_login_block'.
seckit_form_user_register_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'user_register'.
seckit_init Implements hook_init().
seckit_menu Implements hook_menu().
seckit_module_implements_alter Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
seckit_permission Implements hook_permission().
_seckit_csp Sends Content Security Policy HTTP headers.
_seckit_csp_report Log CSP violation reports to watchdog.
_seckit_csp_report_flooding_detected Check for CSP violation report flooding.
_seckit_expect_ct Sends Excpect-CT HTTP response header.
_seckit_explode_value Converts a multi-line (or otherwise delimited) string to an array of strings. Sanitises each value by trimming whitespace, and filters empty values from the array.
_seckit_form_alter_login_form Form alteration helper for user login forms.
_seckit_fp Sends Feature-Policy HTTP response header.
_seckit_from_origin Sends From-Origin HTTP response header.
_seckit_get_js_css_noscript_code Gets JavaScript and CSS code.
_seckit_get_options Return the current SecKit settings.
_seckit_get_options_defaults Define the default values for our settings variables.
_seckit_hsts Sends HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header (HSTS).
_seckit_js_css_noscript Enables JavaScript + CSS + Noscript Clickjacking defense.
_seckit_origin Aborts HTTP request upon invalid 'Origin' HTTP request header.
_seckit_referrer_policy Sends Referrer-Policy HTTP response header.
_seckit_x_frame Sends X-Frame-Options HTTP header.
_seckit_x_xss Sends X-XSS-Protection HTTP header.
