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seckit.settings.yml in Security Kit 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 2.x config/install/seckit.settings.yml


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  1. seckit_xss:
  2. csp:
  3. checkbox: FALSE
  4. vendor-prefix:
  5. x: FALSE
  6. webkit: FALSE
  7. report-only: FALSE
  8. default-src: ''
  9. script-src: ''
  10. object-src: ''
  11. img-src: ''
  12. media-src: ''
  13. frame-src: ''
  14. frame-ancestors: ''
  15. child-src: ''
  16. font-src: ''
  17. connect-src: ''
  18. report-uri: '/report-csp-violation'
  19. upgrade-req: FALSE
  20. policy-uri: ''
  21. x_xss:
  22. seckit_x_xss_option_disable: Disabled
  23. seckit_x_xss_option_0: '0'
  24. seckit_x_xss_option_1: '1;'
  25. seckit_x_xss_option_1_block: '1; mode=block'
  26. select: 0
  27. seckit_csrf:
  28. origin: FALSE
  29. origin_whitelist: ''
  30. seckit_clickjacking:
  31. js_css_noscript: FALSE
  32. noscript_message: 'Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website.'
  33. x_frame: '1'
  34. x_frame_allow_from: ''
  35. seckit_ssl:
  36. hsts: FALSE
  37. hsts_subdomains: FALSE
  38. hsts_max_age: 1000
  39. hsts_preload: FALSE
  40. seckit_ct:
  41. expect_ct: FALSE
  42. max_age: 86400
  43. report_uri: ''
  44. enforce: FALSE
  45. seckit_fp:
  46. feature_policy: FALSE
  47. feature_policy_policy: ''
  48. seckit_various:
  49. from_origin: FALSE
  50. from_origin_destination: same
  51. referrer_policy: FALSE
  52. referrer_policy_policy: 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
  53. disable_autocomplete: FALSE