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SearchByPageUnitTest.php in Search by Page 8

Tests for the Search by Page module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,


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 * @file
 * Tests for the Search by Page module.
 * By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,
namespace Drupal\Tests\search_by_page\Unit;

use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;

 * Unit tests for Search by Page functions.
 * @group search_by_page
class SearchByPageUnitTest extends UnitTestCase {
  public static $modules = [
  public static function getInfo() {
    return [
      'name' => t('Search by Page Unit Tests'),
      'description' => t('Test individual functions in search_by_page.module'),
      'group' => t('Search by Page'),
      'dependencies' => self::$modules,

   * Tests the search_by_page_path_parts() function.
  function testPathParts() {
    $path = "abc/def?a=b&c=f";
    $res = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->assertEquals(count($res), 2, "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right count in results");
      ->assertEquals($res[0], 'abc/def', "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right base path");
      ->assertEquals($res[1], 'a=b&c=f', "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right query part");
    $path = "abc/def";
    $res = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->assertEquals(count($res), 1, "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right count in results");
      ->assertEquals($res[0], 'abc/def', "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right base path");
    $path = "abc/def&a=b&c=f";
    $res = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->assertEquals(count($res), 2, "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right count in results");
      ->assertEquals($res[0], 'abc/def', "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right base path");
      ->assertEquals($res[1], 'a=b&c=f', "\\Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')->explodePathParts() returns right query part");

   * Tests the search_by_page_excerpt() function.
  function testExcerpt() {

    // Our test class should have made the 'walking' key match walks, walker,
    // walking, and walked. They should now be highlighted with <strong> HTML
    // tags.
    $result = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->excerpt('walking', 'He walks through the forest');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($result, '<strong>walks</strong>') > 0, "Excerpt highlights walks");
    $result = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->excerpt('walking', 'He is a walker through the forest');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($result, '<strong>walker</strong>') > 0, "Excerpt highlights walker");
    $result = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->excerpt('walking', 'He is walking through the forest');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($result, '<strong>walking</strong>') > 0, "Excerpt highlights walking");
    $result = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->excerpt('walking', 'He walked through the forest');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($result, '<strong>walked</strong>') > 0, "Excerpt highlights walked");

    // Verify that an exact match after a stemmed match highlights the stemmed.
    $result = \Drupal::service('search_by_page.settings')
      ->excerpt('walking', 'He walked on the long walk in town');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($result, '<strong>walked</strong>') > 0, "Excerpt highlights walked");

   * Tests the search_by_page_strip_tags function.
  function testStripTags() {
    $env = 1;
    $test_string = '<div>This is a test. <tag1>This should be removed</tag1> <tag2>This should also be removed</tag2> This should be left. <tag1>This should not be here</tag1><tag1 some="attribute">This although with attributes, should also be removed</tag1></div>';

    // Try excluding some tags.
      ->setSetting('exclude_tags', $env, 'tag1 tag2');
    $result = search_by_page_strip_tags($test_string, $env);
      ->assertEquals($result, '<div>This is a test.   This should be left. </div>', 'search_by_page_strip_tags() is working correctly.');

    // Try not excluding any tags.
      ->setSetting('exclude_tags', $env, '');
    $result = search_by_page_strip_tags($test_string, $env);
      ->assertEquals($result, $test_string, 'search_by_page_strip_tags() with no tags to strip is working correctly.');



Namesort descending Description
SearchByPageUnitTest Unit tests for Search by Page functions.