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public function SearchbyPageAttachUploads2Test::setUp in Search by Page 6

Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the page requests will run on the new prefix. A temporary files directory is created with the same name as the database prefix.


...: List of modules to enable for the duration of the test. This can be either a single array or a variable number of string arguments.

Overrides SearchByPageAttachUploadsTest::setUp


tests/search_by_page.test, line 2180
Tests for the Search by Page module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,


Functionality test 2 for Search by Page Attachments with Uploads module.


public function setUp() {
  DrupalWebTestCase::setUp('search', 'search_by_page', 'sbp_attach', 'upload', 'search_files', 'sbp_test', 'dblog');

  // Note: I think SimpleTest inherits the default node access from the
  // base system. Needs to be rebuilt in order for the access stuff to work!

  // Set up so "sbp_indexed" node attachments are searchable and
  // "sbp_hidden" attachments are not. Also make it so both listed and
  // unlisted files are searchable (functionality test 1 did only listed
  // files).
  // NOTE: When posting to a page with checkboxes, it is VITAL to pass in
  // FALSE rather than 0 for the value, if you want to unset the checkbox!
    ->drupalPost('admin/settings/search_by_page/edit/' . $this->envid1, array(
    'sbp_attach_node_types[]' => 'sbp_indexed',
    'sbp_attach_only_listed' => FALSE,
    'sbp_attach_prepend_node_title' => FALSE,
    'sbp_attach_title_sep' => " bush ",
    'sbp_attach_use_description' => FALSE,
    'button_label' => t('Search pages'),
  ), 'Save configuration');
  cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache');
    ->assertEqual(search_by_page_setting_get('sbp_attach_only_listed', $this->envid1, 0), 0, 'Search only listed files is set to FALSE');
    ->assertText(t('Cron run completed'), 'Log shows cron run completed');