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function SearchByPageThemeTest::testTheme in Search by Page 7

Tests that the right theme was used to index the page.


tests/search_by_page.test, line 3197
Tests for the Search by Page module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,


Tests that the right theme is used for indexing.


function testTheme() {
  $search_path = $this->envinfo1['page_path'];

  // Search for Cat (block in the right theme) should be successful.
    ->drupalPost($search_path, array(
    'keys' => 'cat',
  ), t('Search pages'));
    ->assertText('Trees', "Found Trees on the search results page");
    ->assertText('cat', "Found cat block on the search results page");
    ->assertNoText('dog', "Did not find dog block on the search results page");

  // Search for Dog (block in the wrong theme) should not be successful.
    ->drupalPost($search_path, array(
    'keys' => 'dog',
  ), t('Search pages'));
    ->assertText('Your search yielded no results', 'Search for dog was unsuccessful');