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function SearchByPageNodesTest::testSearchAccess in Search by Page 6

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  1. 7 tests/search_by_page.test \SearchByPageNodesTest::testSearchAccess()

Tests that access permissions are obeyed.


tests/search_by_page.test, line 550
Tests for the Search by Page module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,


Functionality tests for Search by Page Nodes.


function testSearchAccess() {

  // Log in as a non-priv user

  // Some node access tests...
  // Note: The following access tests are low-level, but they were failing at
  // one time, until I rebuilt node access permissions in startup. So, leave
  // them here -- at the least they are useful for debugging if other tests
  // start failing later!
  $node = node_load($this->privnodeid, NULL, TRUE);
    ->assertTrue($node->test_private, "Node is marked private");
    ->assertTrue($node->status, "Node is published");
  $grants = node_access_grants('view', $this->noprivuser);
    ->assertTrue(!isset($grants['sbp_test']) || !$grants['sbp_test'], "Non-priv user does not have sbp test grant");
  $grants = node_access_grants('view', $this->privuser);
    ->assertTrue($grants['sbp_test'], "Priv user does have sbp test grant");
    ->assertFalse(user_access('administer nodes', $this->noprivuser), "Non priv user does not have administer nodes permission");
    ->assertTrue(user_access('access content', $this->noprivuser), "Non priv user does have access content permission");
    ->assertFalse(node_access("view", $node, $this->noprivuser), "Node access is restricted for non-priv user");
    ->assertTrue(node_access("view", $node, $this->privuser), "Node access is not restricted for priv user");

  // Verify we cannot see the private page
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->privnodeid);
    ->assertNoText('walk', "Cannot see private page");

  // Run  a search for "walk"
  $search_path = $this->envinfo1['page_path'];
    ->drupalPost($search_path, array(
    'keys' => 'walk',
  ), t('Search pages'));

  // Should be able to see the public page, but not the private page.
    ->assertText('walk', "Walk appears in search results");
    ->assertText('streets', "Streets appears in search results");
    ->assertNoText('north', "North does not appear in search results for nonpriv user");