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public static function SearchByPageAttachCCKTest::getInfo in Search by Page 6

Overrides SearchByPageAttachUploadsTest::getInfo

3 methods override SearchByPageAttachCCKTest::getInfo()
SearchbyPageAttachCCK2Test::getInfo in tests/search_by_page.test
SearchbyPageAttachNotReadable::getInfo in tests/search_by_page.test
SearchbyPageAttachReindexTest::getInfo in tests/search_by_page.test


tests/search_by_page.test, line 2249
Tests for the Search by Page module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,


Functionality test 1 for Search by Page Attachments with CCK module.


public static function getInfo() {
  return array(
    'name' => t('Search by Page Attach CCK Test 1'),
    'description' => t('Test functionality of sbp_attach.module with CCK FileField module. Note that this test assumes you have uploaded the Search Files API, CCK, and FileFields modules, and it also assumes that the default configuration of the Search Files API module "text helper" will work.'),
    'group' => t('Search by Page'),
    'dependencies' => array(