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search-by-page-form.tpl.php in Search by Page 6

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  1. 7 search-by-page-form.tpl.php

Default theme implementation for Search by Page search form.

Available variables:

  • $search_form: The complete search form ready for print.
  • $search: Array of keyed search elements. Can be used to print each form element separately. This contains optional elements that may be added by other modules, and the following default elements:

    • $search['keys']: Text input field for search keywords.
    • $search['submit']: Form submit button.
    • $search['hidden']: Hidden form elements. Used to validate forms when submitted.
  • $environment: The ID number of the search environment.
  • $is_block: TRUE if the form is in the block, FALSE if in the page body.


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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for Search by Page search form.
 * Available variables:
 * - $search_form: The complete search form ready for print.
 * - $search: Array of keyed search elements. Can be used to print each form
 *   element separately. This contains optional elements that may be added by
 *   other modules, and the following default elements:
 *   - $search['keys']: Text input field for search keywords.
 *   - $search['submit']: Form submit button.
 *   - $search['hidden']: Hidden form elements. Used to validate forms when
 *     submitted.
 * - $environment: The ID number of the search environment.
 * - $is_block: TRUE if the form is in the block, FALSE if in the page body.
 * @see template_preprocess_search_by_page_form()
<div id="search" class="container-inline">

print $search_form;