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sbp_ga.module in Search by Page 6

Module file for Search by Page Google Analtics Integration.

Integrates Search by Page with Google Analytics.


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 * @file
 * Module file for Search by Page Google Analtics Integration.
 * Integrates Search by Page with Google Analytics.
 * @ingroup search_by_page

 * Figures out the search keys from the GET/REQUEST globals.
function sbp_ga_get_custom_keys() {
  static $return;
  if (!isset($return)) {

    // Extract keys as remainder of path
    // Note: support old GET format of searches for existing links.
    $path = explode('/', $_GET['q'], 3);
    $keys = empty($_REQUEST['keys']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['keys'];
    $return = count($path) == 2 ? $path[1] : $keys;
  return $return;

 * Implementation of hook_preprocess_page().
 * If we are on a search page, translate the URL for Google Analytics. We
 * have to override the current call to the _gaq_push() function that the GA
 * module already put into the footer, with a new call having a different URL.
function sbp_ga_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  $url_custom = '';
  if (variable_get('googleanalytics_site_search', FALSE) && ($keys = sbp_ga_get_custom_keys())) {
    $envs = search_by_page_list_environments();
    foreach ($envs as $envid) {
      $path = search_by_page_setting_get('page_path', $envid, 'search_pages');
      if (arg(0) == $path) {
        $url_custom = drupal_to_js(url('search/' . arg(0), array(
          'query' => 'search=' . $keys,
  if ($url_custom) {
    $newscript = '_gaq.push(["_trackPageview", ' . $url_custom . ']);';
    $oldscript = '_gaq.push(["_trackPageview"]);';
    $variables['closure'] = str_replace($oldscript, $newscript, $variables['closure']);

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Namesort descending Description
sbp_ga_get_custom_keys Figures out the search keys from the GET/REQUEST globals.
sbp_ga_preprocess_page Implementation of hook_preprocess_page().